I am using Affiliate Manager. When I inserted:
into the SFNT screen it worked the first time but after retesting it stopped
displaying. I tried different logins on different browsers but still
Does this have something to do with the session ID?
Does it have something to do with the initial settings for these checkboxes:
Retention period (hours):
Associate with Customer id?
"permanent" (ignore retention period)?
I've tried every combination of these checkboxes but with no luck.
The original code I had seemed to work fine too, prior to installing
Affliate Manager:
%DOFUNC(g.OUIX_affiliate_found|g.OUIX_file|Affilia tes_Find_Code(AffiliateSession.d.affil_code))%
%ASSIGN(g.Affiliate_SiteName|Affiliates.d.site_nam e)%
<font color=red>Thank you for supporting %VAR(g.Affiliate_SiteName)%
with 25% of your order!</font>
Is there a way to incorporate that conditional into the code?
Thanks for your insight.
Naively yours,