Hi folks --
I'm getting an "Invalid record number" from an MvSKIP tag in a compiled
module. This code has been working fine in various customers' sites for a
long time, but it's possible that this combination of circumstances hasn't
occurred before ...
I wrote the tag with no ROWS attribute, just <MvSKIP NAME="thedatabase">
. Is there a requirement in compiled Miva that the ROWS attribute be
present in MvSKIPs? I always thought you could leave it out, and the tag
would default to skipping forward one row. Is there any other type of
problem that could cause an "invalid record number" error?
Thanks --
Kent Multer | /| P.O.Box 701895, Dallas TX 75370
Magic Metal Productions | / | (214) 570 8264 voice/fax
| | kent@TheMagicM.com
* Web developer/designer http://TheMagicM.com
* E-commerce and Miva
* Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:
<A HREF ="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0966103211/magicmetalproducA">http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0966103211/magicmetalproducA</A>