> Sorry- I seem to be perpetually behind because I get the digest.
> I asked before but got no answer- which folder should the robot.txt file
> into?
Yes, I answered that.
> We used to have the indents Chuck was talking about. My store is small so
> it's really obvious- we have disppeared from Google. Only the dynamic
> are left. Anything that used to link to the store map with the indent- is
> gone. (And there was no active mirror or other domain redirecting (that I
> know of) - so it MUST have to do with SFL and storemap.)
> What I am hearing, I think, is disallowing the dynamic links is the only
> real solution- because the map got us much higher rankings -- I guess the
> links are too far removed from index.
> But I don't want everyone entering the store thru the store map, unless
> far more configurable than CBS exists, and I don't want to get rid of
> doorways (I can't design with tokens).
> If anyone wants to quote me offline to fix this in a way that will still
> allow both, please do. Can't afford much but am over my head this time.
> Am seriously considering quitting Miva altogether. Other merchant
> don't seem to have all these problems. All the completely irrelevant sites
> that have taken our place in the rankings are certainly not paying oodles
> cash to SEO specialists every time Google changes it's algorythms.
> Has anyone else noticed that their PAID Google rankings have changed? I
> can't imagine how it would be related or why they would do that- but we
> to be 1 or 2 in those and now those are disappearing or ranking lower too-
> with NO change on my part. Unbelievable. Could this be a plan to push us
> into Froogle?
> Linda Katz
> www.israeliproducts.com