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Upgrade to 1.23 - MMUI.MV

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    Upgrade to 1.23 - MMUI.MV

    I am not a Jeff, but let me chime in. Since the controls the look and
    feel of your entire catalog, and since that file controls most of the functions
    that the customer sees, without updating it you will not have any of the new
    features in 1.23. If you look in the changelog.txt file in the Merchant
    directory, there is a complete list of changes.

    Further, if you upgraded, it changed your datafiles to reflect the newer
    version. You may now experience "expected to find version whatever and found
    version 1.23" type of errors. Be sure to test thoroughly before taking it back


    Kevin White

    At 11:58 AM 5/12/99 -0400, Terry Strohecker wrote:
    > Hello, (Jeff)
    > I am just successfully upgraded to 1.23 but I am using my old MMUI.MV file
    > because I have made many modifications.
    > Can you please tell me if there are any reasons why I must use the new
    > MMUI.MV file from 1.23 or any new benefits I would gain.  If you could be
    > specific I would really appreciate it.
    > Thanks,
    > Terry

    Upgrade to 1.23 - MMUI.MV

    Dear Kevin / Terry,

    Let's see I am a Jeff (Although not the famous and incredible Jeff Huber) and I
    would agree with Kevin.

    There are some changes that affect the ways things work overall.

    Sometimes depending on the upgrade you can look at the version numbers in the
    modules and can tell whether or not modules have been upgraded for the latest

    Since not all functions are upgraded, the easiest thing to do is when you make
    a change to a module save that particular function as a separate file. Then when
    new changes come out, you can compare each individual function that you changed
    with the new one.

    This way you can tell if there were any changes or not. If not just cut and
    paste. If there were changes then you need to figure out what the new changes do
    and modify your modifications accordingly.

    See Ya,

    Jeffrey R. Collins
    [email protected]

    "Kevin White, A+Plus Hobbies" wrote:

    > I am not a Jeff, but let me chime in. Since the controls the look and
    > feel of your entire catalog, and since that file controls most of the functions
    > that the customer sees, without updating it you will not have any of the new
    > features in 1.23. If you look in the changelog.txt file in the Merchant
    > directory, there is a complete list of changes.
    > Further, if you upgraded, it changed your datafiles to reflect the newer
    > version. You may now experience "expected to find version whatever and found
    > version 1.23" type of errors. Be sure to test thoroughly before taking it back
    > live.
    > regards,
    > Kevin White
    > At 11:58 AM 5/12/99 -0400, Terry Strohecker wrote:
    > >
    > > Hello, (Jeff)
    > >
    > > I am just successfully upgraded to 1.23 but I am using my old MMUI.MV file
    > > because I have made many modifications.
    > >
    > > Can you please tell me if there are any reasons why I must use the new
    > > MMUI.MV file from 1.23 or any new benefits I would gain. If you could be
    > > specific I would really appreciate it.
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > Terry


      Upgrade to 1.23 - MMUI.MV

      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

      I am using an from 1.18 with absolutely no problems or changes
      nescessary. I'd say you're pretty safe using your old one with the new


      Terry Strohecker wrote:

      > Hello, (Jeff) I am just successfully upgraded to 1.23 but I am using
      > my old MMUI.MV file because I have made many modifications. Can you
      > please tell me if there are any reasons why I must use the new MMUI.MV
      > file from 1.23 or any new benefits I would gain. If you could be
      > specific I would really appreciate it. Thanks,Terry

      Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
      <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
      I am using an from 1.18 with absolutely no problems or changes
      nescessary.  I'd say you're pretty safe using your old one with the
      new 1.23.



      Terry Strohecker wrote:
      <blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
      <font size=-1>Hello, (Jeff)</font> <font size=-1>I
      am just successfully upgraded to 1.23 but I am using my old MMUI.MV file
      because I have made many modifications.</font> <font size=-1>Can you
      please tell me if there are any reasons why I must use the new MMUI.MV
      file from 1.23 or any new benefits I would gain.  If you could be
      specific I would really appreciate it.</font> <font size=-1>Thanks,</font><font size=-1>Terry</font></blockquote>




        Maximum shipping weight

        I am not sure I understand your problem.

        You are trying to limit the size of your orders???
        And I would assume your income.

        I am sure that a maximum shipping weight
        feature was not included in the module because
        it is normally possible to ship one order in
        two or more containers.

        [email protected]

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Elden Fenison <[email protected]>
        To: <[email protected]>
        Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 4:10 PM
        Subject: [mru] Maximum shipping weight

        > Question,
        > Is there any way to specify a maximum shipping weight for a specific
        > shipping method? UPS won't ship things over a certain weight, but I'm not
        > using the ups online shipping calculator module, I need to use the
        > base+weight module instead.
        > Any ideas on this short of a custom module?
        > Elden Fenison
        > <A HREF =""></A>


          Maximum shipping weight

          Well, it's my understanding that there are things that UPS won't ship.
          Don't they have a weight/size restriction? For instance, someone orders a
          6-foot stone statue that weighs 300 pounds. UPS won't ship it, and Miva
          Merchant should know that at the time of the order, and disallow that
          shipping method. (at least you would think it should)

          I don't know what the specific UPS restrictions are, but I'm pretty sure
          they exist.

          >From: "Santa Fe Mall" <[email protected]>
          >I am not sure I understand your problem.
          >You are trying to limit the size of your orders???
          >And I would assume your income.
          >I am sure that a maximum shipping weight
          >feature was not included in the module because
          >it is normally possible to ship one order in
          >two or more containers.
          >[email protected]
          >----- Original Message -----
          >From: Elden Fenison <[email protected]>
          >To: <[email protected]>
          >Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 4:10 PM
          >Subject: [mru] Maximum shipping weight
          >> Question,
          >> Is there any way to specify a maximum shipping weight for a specific
          >> shipping method? UPS won't ship things over a certain weight, but I'm not
          >> using the ups online shipping calculator module, I need to use the
          >> base+weight module instead.
          >> Any ideas on this short of a custom module?
          >> Elden Fenison
          >> <A HREF =""></A>


            Maximum shipping weight

            This is a multipart message in MIME format

            Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
            Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

            To All,

            >I don't know what the specific UPS restrictions are, but I'm pretty sure
            >they exist.

            Yes they exist and you can get the information at: <A HREF =""></A>

            >>I am sure that a maximum shipping weight
            >>feature was not included in the module because
            >>it is normally possible to ship one order in
            >>two or more containers.

            Miva Merchant just collects the information and passes it on to the UPS Calculator Program.
            I have not had time to try and put in sizes bigger than can be accepted to see what the result will be.
            I do know that if you try to use Zip + 4 it will not give you a price, not sure if the same thing happens if you exceed weight/size imits.

            >>----- Original Message -----
            >>From: Elden Fenison <[email protected]>
            >>To: <[email protected]>
            >>Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 4:10 PM
            >>Subject: [mru] Maximum shipping weight
            >>> Question,
            >>> Is there any way to specify a maximum shipping weight for a specific
            >>> shipping method? UPS won't ship things over a certain weight, but I'm not
            >>> using the ups online shipping calculator module, I need to use the
            >>> base+weight module instead.
            >>> Any ideas on this short of a custom module?
            >>> Elden Fenison
            >>> <A HREF =""></A>

            Content-Type: application/octet-stream
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              Maximum shipping weight

              --> Well, it's my understanding that there are things that UPS won't ship.
              --> Don't they have a weight/size restriction?

              Yes they do and if you are using the UPS module, they calculate the
              shipping cost based on the information you send them -- the ZIP codes
              of point of origin and destination and weight. If the product is overweight
              I do not believe they will not calculate it.

              -- For instance, someone orders a
              --> 6-foot stone statue that weighs 300 pounds. UPS won't ship it, and Miva
              --> Merchant should know that at the time of the order, and disallow that
              --> shipping method. (at least you would think it should)

              The Merchant user has been given a number of shipping module options.
              This enables him to select the best possible shipping method for his

              ---> I don't know what the specific UPS restrictions are, but I'm pretty
              ---> they exist.
              > >From: "Santa Fe Mall" <[email protected]>
              > >I am not sure I understand your problem.
              > >
              > >You are trying to limit the size of your orders???
              > >And I would assume your income.
              > >
              > >I am sure that a maximum shipping weight
              > >feature was not included in the module because
              > >it is normally possible to ship one order in
              > >two or more containers.
              > >
              > >[email protected]
              > >
              > >----- Original Message -----
              > >From: Elden Fenison <[email protected]>
              > >To: <[email protected]>
              > >Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 4:10 PM
              > >Subject: [mru] Maximum shipping weight
              > >
              > >
              > >> Question,
              > >>
              > >> Is there any way to specify a maximum shipping weight for a specific
              > >> shipping method? UPS won't ship things over a certain weight, but I'm
              > >> using the ups online shipping calculator module, I need to use the
              > >> base+weight module instead.
              > >>
              > >> Any ideas on this short of a custom module?
              > >>
              > >>
              > >> Elden Fenison
              > >> <A HREF =""></A>
              > >>


                Regarding 3.0

                ----- Original Message -----
                From: "Media Services Int'l, Inc." <[email protected]>

                > I'm posting for informative and "warning" reasons.
                > 1. 3.0 does add many new features - and some great ones at that!
                You'll find
                > a list at Miva's site.
                > 2. 3.0 does call for module upgrades - so those running active
                stores now
                > might want to wait until those upgraded modules are available from
                > developers you purchased them from.
                > 3. No upgrade is fool proof. Take a deep breath and backup. I've
                > simple upgrade instructions here...
                > <A HREF =/" But, need I say again../"> But, need I say again..</A>.
                MAKE A
                > BACKUP!!!!!!!!!!!
                > 4. If you are in the middle of a holiday rush of orders on your
                store, you
                > might consider waiting a few weeks... just in case.

                All very good considerations...remember, only "upgrade" IF, there is a
                feature in the new version which is NOT available via plug-in or a bit
                of code tweaking. Personally, I'd budget at least 4 to 8 hours to
                upgrade a "basic" store with a few plug-in modules.

                BTW: Does anyone else wonder about the timing of releasing a major
                upgrade for a commerce package during the busiest e-retialing period
                of the year? Its like a fire department buying brand new equipment on
                July 3rd.


                  Paymentech processing module for Merchant?

                  I have a client using Mercantec and Paymentech who is looking (at my
                  suggestion) to switch to Miva Merchant for the sake of flexibility and
                  I saw this question raised once before on the list but there are no
                  responses in the archive;

                  Is there a Merchant module for using the Paymentech processing service?




                    Regarding 3.0

                    Considering the Merchant store I manage is a "Christmas" store, I wouldn't
                    even consider going live with 3.0 until after the holidays. This group has
                    taught me the value of MivaMia (even with that my transistion to Merchant
                    2.22 wasn't totally smooth) and if I happen to find a few extra hours I'd
                    love to play with the new version. Would like to know what the upgrade price
                    is going to be though.


                    > BTW: Does anyone else wonder about the timing of releasing a major
                    > upgrade for a commerce package during the busiest e-retialing period
                    > of the year? Its like a fire department buying brand new equipment on
                    > July 3rd.


                      one one product showing in each cat?

                      Hi there,

                      I went to your site and I cannot get this error to
                      recreate. Are you sure that you internet connection is
                      not just timing out or something?

                      Support Engineer - Miva Corporation

                      Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                      <A HREF =""></A>

                      -----Original Message-----
                      From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                      Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:35 AM
                      To: [email protected]
                      Subject: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                      Hi there,

                      I have been having some REALLY bad things happen with my store. As I
                      was attempting to restore it from a backup, I encountered several errors
                      during the operation of the store. I just backed up again after
                      deleting files in Merchant then re-uploading what I had.

                      Here's the problems:
                      1. Only ONE product is showing up at a time...yet I have verification
                      that I have over 8000 products AND
                      a. they are active
                      b. NONE are uncategorized.
                      c. There is no "Next" button indicating that there are More items to
                      2. When I go to search...the only thing that shows up is the Giftlist.
                      No actual search function?! I uninstalled the Power Search module, and
                      nothing. nada. Still no search

                      Anyone have a clue? And yes, I was able to Pack my store, and still the
                      above problems.

                      Thanks for help!



                        one one product showing in each cat?

                        Actually, I'm on a T-3. So I doubt that's the problem...For instance, if
                        you are in the "Felisa's pix" category, I've got about 20-30 products.
                        However, only one item is appearing from my viewpoint. Here's a link to
                        that cat:

                        Crud, and NOW my store won't pack again. I'm getting so fed up!
                        Category Display: <A HREF =""></A>
                        Merchant2/ e=FP

                        Please, please? is there any help?


                        ----- Original Message -----
                        From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                        To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users"
                        <[email protected]>
                        Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:46 AM
                        Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                        > Hi there,
                        > I went to your site and I cannot get this error to
                        > recreate. Are you sure that you internet connection is
                        > not just timing out or something?
                        > __________________________________________
                        > Jeremy
                        > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                        > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                        > <A HREF =""></A>
                        > -----Original Message-----
                        > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                        > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:35 AM
                        > To: [email protected]
                        > Subject: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                        > Hi there,
                        > I have been having some REALLY bad things happen with my store. As I
                        > was attempting to restore it from a backup, I encountered several errors
                        > during the operation of the store. I just backed up again after
                        > deleting files in Merchant then re-uploading what I had.
                        > Here's the problems:
                        > 1. Only ONE product is showing up at a time...yet I have verification
                        > that I have over 8000 products AND
                        > a. they are active
                        > b. NONE are uncategorized.
                        > c. There is no "Next" button indicating that there are More items to
                        > view
                        > 2. When I go to search...the only thing that shows up is the Giftlist.
                        > No actual search function?! I uninstalled the Power Search module, and
                        > nothing. nada. Still no search
                        > Anyone have a clue? And yes, I was able to Pack my store, and still the
                        > above problems.
                        > Thanks for help!
                        > felisa.


                          one one product showing in each cat?

                          I am not sure why this would happen.
                          What happened when you packed?

                          Support Engineer - Miva Corporation

                          Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                          <A HREF =""></A>

                          -----Original Message-----
                          From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                          Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:54 AM
                          To: Miva Technical Support; Merchant Users
                          Subject: Re: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                          Actually, I'm on a T-3. So I doubt that's the problem...For instance, if
                          you are in the "Felisa's pix" category, I've got about 20-30 products.
                          However, only one item is appearing from my viewpoint. Here's a link to
                          that cat:

                          Crud, and NOW my store won't pack again. I'm getting so fed up!
                          Category Display: <A HREF =""></A>
                          Merchant2/ e=FP

                          Please, please? is there any help?


                          ----- Original Message -----
                          From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                          To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users"
                          <[email protected]>
                          Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:46 AM
                          Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                          > Hi there,
                          > I went to your site and I cannot get this error to
                          > recreate. Are you sure that you internet connection is
                          > not just timing out or something?
                          > __________________________________________
                          > Jeremy
                          > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                          > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                          > <A HREF =""></A>
                          > -----Original Message-----
                          > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                          > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:35 AM
                          > To: [email protected]
                          > Subject: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                          > Hi there,
                          > I have been having some REALLY bad things happen with my store. As I
                          > was attempting to restore it from a backup, I encountered several errors
                          > during the operation of the store. I just backed up again after
                          > deleting files in Merchant then re-uploading what I had.
                          > Here's the problems:
                          > 1. Only ONE product is showing up at a time...yet I have verification
                          > that I have over 8000 products AND
                          > a. they are active
                          > b. NONE are uncategorized.
                          > c. There is no "Next" button indicating that there are More items to
                          > view
                          > 2. When I go to search...the only thing that shows up is the Giftlist.
                          > No actual search function?! I uninstalled the Power Search module, and
                          > nothing. nada. Still no search
                          > Anyone have a clue? And yes, I was able to Pack my store, and still the
                          > above problems.
                          > Thanks for help!
                          > felisa.


                            one one product showing in each cat?


                            I got an Internal Server Error I assumed that this was a timeout issue, but
                            my webhost increased my timeout settings. Do you think I'm going to have to
                            take down the store and start all over again? I mean, that's what I feel
                            like I've been doing this whole backup thing. I was using Miva Mia to pack
                            the database and delete about 6 thousand products to bring the store down to
                            8000 products. My host suggested that I buy another Miva Merchant license
                            and split the store into two, because it's not the timeout settings, it's
                            the use of CPU...(What do you think, eh?)

                            ugh. Any Any Any suggestions would be really nice right about now. Our
                            store has been live and picking up (now losing) quite a few customers for
                            us. We really can't afford to be down any longer. I've been struggling
                            with this for over a week....


                            ----- Original Message -----
                            From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                            To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Miva Technical Support"
                            <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users" <[email protected]>
                            Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:57 AM
                            Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                            > I am not sure why this would happen.
                            > What happened when you packed?
                            > __________________________________________
                            > Jeremy
                            > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                            > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                            > <A HREF =""></A>
                            > -----Original Message-----
                            > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                            > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:54 AM
                            > To: Miva Technical Support; Merchant Users
                            > Subject: Re: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                            > Actually, I'm on a T-3. So I doubt that's the problem...For instance, if
                            > you are in the "Felisa's pix" category, I've got about 20-30 products.
                            > However, only one item is appearing from my viewpoint. Here's a link to
                            > that cat:
                            > Crud, and NOW my store won't pack again. I'm getting so fed up!
                            > Category Display: <A HREF =""></A>
                            > Merchant2/ e=FP
                            > Please, please? is there any help?
                            > felisa.
                            > ----- Original Message -----
                            > From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                            > To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users"
                            > <[email protected]>
                            > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:46 AM
                            > Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                            > > Hi there,
                            > >
                            > > I went to your site and I cannot get this error to
                            > > recreate. Are you sure that you internet connection is
                            > > not just timing out or something?
                            > >
                            > > __________________________________________
                            > > Jeremy
                            > > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                            > >
                            > > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                            > > <A HREF =""></A>
                            > >
                            > >
                            > > -----Original Message-----
                            > > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                            > > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:35 AM
                            > > To: [email protected]
                            > > Subject: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                            > >
                            > >
                            > > Hi there,
                            > >
                            > > I have been having some REALLY bad things happen with my store. As I
                            > > was attempting to restore it from a backup, I encountered several errors
                            > > during the operation of the store. I just backed up again after
                            > > deleting files in Merchant then re-uploading what I had.
                            > >
                            > > Here's the problems:
                            > > 1. Only ONE product is showing up at a time...yet I have verification
                            > > that I have over 8000 products AND
                            > > a. they are active
                            > > b. NONE are uncategorized.
                            > > c. There is no "Next" button indicating that there are More items to
                            > > view
                            > > 2. When I go to search...the only thing that shows up is the Giftlist.
                            > > No actual search function?! I uninstalled the Power Search module, and
                            > > nothing. nada. Still no search
                            > >
                            > > Anyone have a clue? And yes, I was able to Pack my store, and still the
                            > > above problems.
                            > >
                            > > Thanks for help!
                            > >
                            > > felisa.
                            > >


                              one one product showing in each cat?

                              Well, do you know what they increased your settings to?
                              I mean if a server takes too long to pack, unless it is set
                              EXTREMELY high or at infinity, then it will still timeout.

                              Support Engineer - Miva Corporation

                              Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                              <A HREF =""></A>

                              -----Original Message-----
                              From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                              Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:04 AM
                              To: Miva Technical Support; Merchant Users
                              Subject: Re: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?


                              I got an Internal Server Error I assumed that this was a timeout issue, but
                              my webhost increased my timeout settings. Do you think I'm going to have to
                              take down the store and start all over again? I mean, that's what I feel
                              like I've been doing this whole backup thing. I was using Miva Mia to pack
                              the database and delete about 6 thousand products to bring the store down to
                              8000 products. My host suggested that I buy another Miva Merchant license
                              and split the store into two, because it's not the timeout settings, it's
                              the use of CPU...(What do you think, eh?)

                              ugh. Any Any Any suggestions would be really nice right about now. Our
                              store has been live and picking up (now losing) quite a few customers for
                              us. We really can't afford to be down any longer. I've been struggling
                              with this for over a week....


                              ----- Original Message -----
                              From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                              To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Miva Technical Support"
                              <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users" <[email protected]>
                              Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:57 AM
                              Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?

                              > I am not sure why this would happen.
                              > What happened when you packed?
                              > __________________________________________
                              > Jeremy
                              > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                              > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                              > <A HREF =""></A>
                              > -----Original Message-----
                              > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                              > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:54 AM
                              > To: Miva Technical Support; Merchant Users
                              > Subject: Re: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                              > Actually, I'm on a T-3. So I doubt that's the problem...For instance, if
                              > you are in the "Felisa's pix" category, I've got about 20-30 products.
                              > However, only one item is appearing from my viewpoint. Here's a link to
                              > that cat:
                              > Crud, and NOW my store won't pack again. I'm getting so fed up!
                              > Category Display: <A HREF =""></A>
                              > Merchant2/ e=FP
                              > Please, please? is there any help?
                              > felisa.
                              > ----- Original Message -----
                              > From: "Miva Technical Support" <[email protected]>
                              > To: "''" <[email protected]>; "Merchant Users"
                              > <[email protected]>
                              > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:46 AM
                              > Subject: RE: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                              > > Hi there,
                              > >
                              > > I went to your site and I cannot get this error to
                              > > recreate. Are you sure that you internet connection is
                              > > not just timing out or something?
                              > >
                              > > __________________________________________
                              > > Jeremy
                              > > Support Engineer - Miva Corporation
                              > >
                              > > Have you registered for the Miva Conference yet?
                              > > <A HREF =""></A>
                              > >
                              > >
                              > > -----Original Message-----
                              > > From: [mailto:[email protected]]
                              > > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:35 AM
                              > > To: [email protected]
                              > > Subject: [mru] one one product showing in each cat?
                              > >
                              > >
                              > > Hi there,
                              > >
                              > > I have been having some REALLY bad things happen with my store. As I
                              > > was attempting to restore it from a backup, I encountered several errors
                              > > during the operation of the store. I just backed up again after
                              > > deleting files in Merchant then re-uploading what I had.
                              > >
                              > > Here's the problems:
                              > > 1. Only ONE product is showing up at a time...yet I have verification
                              > > that I have over 8000 products AND
                              > > a. they are active
                              > > b. NONE are uncategorized.
                              > > c. There is no "Next" button indicating that there are More items to
                              > > view
                              > > 2. When I go to search...the only thing that shows up is the Giftlist.
                              > > No actual search function?! I uninstalled the Power Search module, and
                              > > nothing. nada. Still no search
                              > >
                              > > Anyone have a clue? And yes, I was able to Pack my store, and still the
                              > > above problems.
                              > >
                              > > Thanks for help!
                              > >
                              > > felisa.
                              > >

