Just saw a post (on the Ruby list) mentioning the issue with Gmail
using proportional
fonts, and thought I'd toss out a couple of recent finds.
One of them is a general tool for web developers [1], and has a lot of
handy features. Among other things, It cover forms, images, page
size, validation,
etc. I've only been using it for a short time, but I'm already hooked on t=
Resize - resizes your browser window to 800x600, or a custom size.
Outline - applies css to the page you're viewing to add borders to
tables, cells, etc.
On the Gmail side, it also let's you apply a local style sheet to the
webpage of your choice. This allows me to force Gmail messages to
display in fixed width by using the following css...
div.msg div.mb {
font-family: monospace !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
Many thanks to Milo Vermeulen [2], who supplied the css, and his blog
commenters who linked to the Web Developer tool.
[1] http://chrispederick.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/
[2] http://milov.nl/2608
Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)