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Re: [mru] [MVM:BUG] fatal arithmetic bug still in v5.01

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    Re: [mru] [MVM:BUG] fatal arithmetic bug still in v5.01

    "0.9 cannot be represented exactly in binary"

    Not in a million years (or 1,000,000.00000043479 years) would I have
    thought about that. Thanks for an excellent explanation.

    On 4/21/05, Nicholas Vrtis <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Ivo, it is perfectly logical. Standard mathematics... You can't make
    > 100/3 - 33.33 come out to zero in decimal either for the same reason...
    > 1/3 cannot be represented exactly in decimal. 0.9 cannot be represented
    > exactly in binary. There are techniques which can help if you want to
    > limit your range of numbers.... Integer arithmetic 100*(10-9) - 100 with
    > an implied decimal point.... but that limits you to one decimal point
    > (or a fixed decimal point at least).. and division gets messy. There are
    > some routines available that do exact decimal arithmetic... That might
    > help somewhat.. but somebody that gives a 33% discount on a list of
    > products and forgets to ROUND could have an invoice that does not add
    > up.... Or we could all change to Yen instead of dollars.... ~:-)
    > Fun with numbers... In the early days of banking automation there were a
    > few programmers who supplemented their meager salaries by collecting the
    > penny fractions into their own account.
    > See <A HREF =" for some"> for some</A>
    > additional information....
    > Nick
    > Ivo Truxa wrote:
    > >I've been contacted by Miva and it was explained to me that if the resul=
    t of
    > >the expression 100*(1-0.9) - 10 was equal to zero in Empresa v3, it wa=
    s in
    > >fact a bug. Whatever illogically it may sound, 100*(1-0.9) - 10 won't ne=
    > >more return zero, and no programmer should expect it. Same goes for many
    > >other similar expressions, and also for the use of the functions int() a=
    > >floor() - int(100*(1-0.9)) or floor(100*(1-0.9)) will never return the
    > >expected 10, but rather just 9.
    > >
    > >Told in other words, the illogical results are not considered a bug, but
    > >rather an improvement of the engine. The results now better match simila=
    > >"correct" results in other languages (PHP, C).
    > >
    > >The consequence for Miva Script developers: double check all expression
    > >using int(), floor() and all conditions checking for zero values - as lo=
    > >as they handle non-integer values, you'll have to use ROUND or another
    > >similar technique to receive the expected effect.
    > >
    > >The behaviour is not considered "bug". It is a "bug fix".
    > >
    > >I sincerely apologize to Miva Co. for incorrectly asking to pull the eng=
    > >off any server. Developers, please change your scripts and your logic
    > >instead.
    > >
    > >Ivo Truxa
    > >
    > >|
    > >| Advanced Miva Merchant modules
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >From: Ivo Truxa
    > >
    > >MmDIAG (<A HREF =" re="> re=</A>
    > >that the old fatal arithmetic rounding bug is still kicking in the fresh=
    > >announced Empresa v5.01. See my report from 2004 below. It still has the
    > >same effect in v5.01 too.
    > >
    > >The results from ME v5.01 (FreeBSD):
    > >10 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    > >
    > >Should be:
    > >10 / 0 / 10 / 10
    > >
    > >I am afraid that the engine should be immediately pulled off any server =
    - I
    > >can easily imagine that such a huge error can completely wreck some stor=
    > >and cause big damage if wrong amounts are billed through payment gateway=
    > >
    > >Ivo
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >From: Ivo Truxa [mailto:[email protected]]
    > >Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:58 PM
    > >To: '[email protected]'
    > >Cc: '[email protected]'
    > >Subject: RE: [MVM:BUG] fatal arithemtic bug
    > >
    > >Almost a year ago I reported a bug giving completely wrong results at si=
    > >arithmetic operations. This bug was supposedly fixed in the following VM
    > >version.
    > >
    > >Unfortunately, I just found that only a secondary cosmetic effect of the=
    > >was resolved, but the serious bug itself is still causing fatally wrong
    > >results in many arithmetic calculations.
    > >
    > >The original bug was as follows: the code <MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100*(1-0.9)}"=
    > >displayed "1" instead of the correct "10" as the result. Current engine
    > >versions display correctly "10", but the value itself, and any further
    > >operations with the values, still give wrong results. Try this code:
    > >
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100*(1-0.9)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100*(1-0.9) - 10}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{int(100*(1-0.9))}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{floor(100*(1-0.9))}">
    > >
    > >Correctly it should return: 10 / 0 / 10 / 10
    > >Older VM version return: 1 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    > >Current VM returns: 10 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    > >
    > >It means only the cosmetic MvEVAL was fixed, but further handling of the
    > >value still results in completely wrong values.
    > >
    > >Like at many other bugs, this one is also being detected and reported by=
    > >MmDIAG/TxDIAG v2.00 diagnostic tool.
    > >
    > >Ivo
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >From: Ivo Truxa
    > >Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 5:40 PM
    > >
    > >Unlike what expected and what v3.9 correctly returns, in MVM the express=
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100*(1-0.9)}"> returns "1" instead of "10"
    > >
    > >Example:
    > >
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100*(1-0.9)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100 * (1 - 0.9)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100.00 * (1 - 0.9)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100.00 * (1.00 - 0.90)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100.00 * ((1 - 0.9) ROUND 2)}"> /
    > ><MvEVAL EXPR=3D"{100-100*0.9}">
    > >
    > >Results in v3.xx (correct):
    > >10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
    > >
    > >Results in MVM v4.07 and v4.09 (wrong except of the last two):
    > >1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 10 / 10
    > >
    > >I wonder that nobody experienced any problems with it yet. It must often
    > >return wrong results even in Miva Merchant!
    > >
    > >Ivo
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >

    Re: [mru] [MVM:BUG] fatal arithmetic bug still in v5.01

    Hello Bill / Nick,

    Hmm, I work with a compiler for a specific (obscure) automation
    platform that returns 0.9 as 0.9 when displayed as float, yet returns
    8.99999976e-001 when displayed as exponential. Somebody must be
    rounding somewhere. I'll have to test it on the plc monday and see
    what the 32 bit's say they are.

    Thanks for your explanation nick (the link) I had never delved into
    that possible issue.

    Thursday, April 21, 2005, 9:05:03 PM, Bill uttered:

    Bill> "0.9 cannot be represented exactly in binary"

    Bill> Not in a million years (or 1,000,000.00000043479 years) would I have
    Bill> thought about that. Thanks for an excellent explanation.

    Bill> On 4/21/05, Nicholas Vrtis <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> Ivo, it is perfectly logical. Standard mathematics... You can't make
    >> 100/3 - 33.33 come out to zero in decimal either for the same reason...
    >> 1/3 cannot be represented exactly in decimal. 0.9 cannot be represented
    >> exactly in binary. There are techniques which can help if you want to
    >> limit your range of numbers.... Integer arithmetic 100*(10-9) - 100 with
    >> an implied decimal point.... but that limits you to one decimal point
    >> (or a fixed decimal point at least).. and division gets messy. There are
    >> some routines available that do exact decimal arithmetic... That might
    >> help somewhat.. but somebody that gives a 33% discount on a list of
    >> products and forgets to ROUND could have an invoice that does not add
    >> up.... Or we could all change to Yen instead of dollars.... ~:-)
    >> Fun with numbers... In the early days of banking automation there were a
    >> few programmers who supplemented their meager salaries by collecting the
    >> penny fractions into their own account.
    >> See <A HREF =" for some"> for some</A>
    >> additional information....
    >> Nick
    >> Ivo Truxa wrote:
    >> >I've been contacted by Miva and it was explained to me that if the result of
    >> >the expression 100*(1-0.9) - 10 was equal to zero in Empresa v3, it was in
    >> >fact a bug. Whatever illogically it may sound, 100*(1-0.9) - 10 won't never
    >> >more return zero, and no programmer should expect it. Same goes for many
    >> >other similar expressions, and also for the use of the functions int() and
    >> >floor() - int(100*(1-0.9)) or floor(100*(1-0.9)) will never return the
    >> >expected 10, but rather just 9.
    >> >
    >> >Told in other words, the illogical results are not considered a bug, but
    >> >rather an improvement of the engine. The results now better match similarly
    >> >"correct" results in other languages (PHP, C).
    >> >
    >> >The consequence for Miva Script developers: double check all expression
    >> >using int(), floor() and all conditions checking for zero values - as long
    >> >as they handle non-integer values, you'll have to use ROUND or another
    >> >similar technique to receive the expected effect.
    >> >
    >> >The behaviour is not considered "bug". It is a "bug fix".
    >> >
    >> >I sincerely apologize to Miva Co. for incorrectly asking to pull the engine
    >> >off any server. Developers, please change your scripts and your logic
    >> >instead.
    >> >
    >> >Ivo Truxa
    >> >
    >> >|
    >> >| Advanced Miva Merchant modules
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >-----Original Message-----
    >> >From: Ivo Truxa
    >> >
    >> >MmDIAG
    >> (<A HREF =" reports"> reports</A>
    >> >that the old fatal arithmetic rounding bug is still kicking in the freshly
    >> >announced Empresa v5.01. See my report from 2004 below. It still has the
    >> >same effect in v5.01 too.
    >> >
    >> >The results from ME v5.01 (FreeBSD):
    >> >10 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    >> >
    >> >Should be:
    >> >10 / 0 / 10 / 10
    >> >
    >> >I am afraid that the engine should be immediately pulled off any server - I
    >> >can easily imagine that such a huge error can completely wreck some stores,
    >> >and cause big damage if wrong amounts are billed through payment gateways.
    >> >
    >> >Ivo
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >-----Original Message-----
    >> >From: Ivo Truxa [mailto:[email protected]]
    >> >Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:58 PM
    >> >To: '[email protected]'
    >> >Cc: '[email protected]'
    >> >Subject: RE: [MVM:BUG] fatal arithemtic bug
    >> >
    >> >Almost a year ago I reported a bug giving completely wrong results at simple
    >> >arithmetic operations. This bug was supposedly fixed in the following VM
    >> >version.
    >> >
    >> >Unfortunately, I just found that only a secondary cosmetic effect of the bug
    >> >was resolved, but the serious bug itself is still causing fatally wrong
    >> >results in many arithmetic calculations.
    >> >
    >> >The original bug was as follows: the code <MvEVAL EXPR="{100*(1-0.9)}">
    >> >displayed "1" instead of the correct "10" as the result. Current engine
    >> >versions display correctly "10", but the value itself, and any further
    >> >operations with the values, still give wrong results. Try this code:
    >> >
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100*(1-0.9)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100*(1-0.9) - 10}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{int(100*(1-0.9))}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{floor(100*(1-0.9))}">
    >> >
    >> >Correctly it should return: 10 / 0 / 10 / 10
    >> >Older VM version return: 1 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    >> >Current VM returns: 10 / -0.00000000000000177636 / 9 / 9
    >> >
    >> >It means only the cosmetic MvEVAL was fixed, but further handling of the
    >> >value still results in completely wrong values.
    >> >
    >> >Like at many other bugs, this one is also being detected and reported by the
    >> >MmDIAG/TxDIAG v2.00 diagnostic tool.
    >> >
    >> >Ivo
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >-----Original Message-----
    >> >From: Ivo Truxa
    >> >Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 5:40 PM
    >> >
    >> >Unlike what expected and what v3.9 correctly returns, in MVM the expression
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100*(1-0.9)}"> returns "1" instead of "10"
    >> >
    >> >Example:
    >> >
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100*(1-0.9)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100 * (1 - 0.9)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100.00 * (1 - 0.9)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100.00 * (1.00 - 0.90)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100.00 * ((1 - 0.9) ROUND 2)}"> /
    >> ><MvEVAL EXPR="{100-100*0.9}">
    >> >
    >> >Results in v3.xx (correct):
    >> >10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
    >> >
    >> >Results in MVM v4.07 and v4.09 (wrong except of the last two):
    >> >1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 10 / 10
    >> >
    >> >I wonder that nobody experienced any problems with it yet. It must often
    >> >return wrong results even in Miva Merchant!
    >> >
    >> >Ivo
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >

