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Output value of a form as RSS feed

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    Output value of a form as RSS feed

    Any ideas on how to push the value of a form as RSS output feed by using
    The idea is not to use email to obtain the form value submitted on a
    website but to obtain the value with RSS feed.


    Output value of a form as RSS feed

    An RSS feed is just a dynamic XML page, so all you have to do is
    research how an RSS feed is put together, or just look at one and copy
    it. One of the my local papers,, has RSS feeds and if you
    look at the RSS feed page, it would be easy enough to copy the structure.

    As far as miva script goes, you would use MvEXPORT to create the XML
    file in the data directory, and when you are done building/exporting it,
    move it over to your script directory somewhere and provide a link so
    people can put the address in their RSS readers.


    Herman Steyn wrote:
    > Any ideas on how to push the value of a form as RSS output feed by using
    > MIVA.
    > The idea is not to use email to obtain the form value submitted on a
    > website but to obtain the value with RSS feed.
    > Herman


      Output value of a form as RSS feed

      Our RSS feed page:
      <A HREF =""></A>

      This is a good start...

      And this is an OK client side reader for testing, etc.
      <A HREF =""></A>

      Andrew Noce=20
      Director of Technology
      Hotel Interactive, Inc.=20
      Hospitality Industry News and Services=20
      <A HREF =""></A>



      > -----Original Message-----
      > From: Herman Steyn [mailto:[email protected]]=20
      > Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:14 PM
      > To: [email protected]
      > Subject: [meu] Output value of a form as RSS feed
      > Any ideas on how to push the value of a form as RSS output=20
      > feed by using=20
      > MIVA.
      > The idea is not to use email to obtain the form value=20
      > submitted on a website but to obtain the value with RSS feed.
      > Herman


        Output value of a form as RSS feed

        I'm a big fan of FeedDemon v1.5. Absolutely fabulous reader that keeps getting
        better! From the author of TopStyle, the same guy who wrote HomeSite.


        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
        > Behalf Of Andrew Noce
        > Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:39 PM
        > To: [email protected]; [email protected]
        > Subject: RE: [meu] Output value of a form as RSS feed
        > Our RSS feed page:
        > <A HREF =""></A>
        > This is a good start...
        > And this is an OK client side reader for testing, etc.
        > <A HREF =""></A>
        > Andrew Noce
        > Director of Technology
        > Hotel Interactive, Inc.
        > Hospitality Industry News and Services
        > <A HREF =""></A>
        > > -----Original Message-----
        > > From: Herman Steyn [mailto:[email protected]]
        > > Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:14 PM
        > > To: [email protected]
        > > Subject: [meu] Output value of a form as RSS feed
        > >
        > >
        > > Any ideas on how to push the value of a form as RSS output
        > > feed by using
        > > MIVA.
        > > The idea is not to use email to obtain the form value
        > > submitted on a website but to obtain the value with RSS feed.
        > >
        > > Herman
        > >


          Output value of a form as RSS feed

          Here is the function I use to generate a valid RSS feed.
          There are some external function calls, but you can get the
          general idea.

          <MvEVAL EXPR = "{ SetPath() }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.filename" VALUE = "{ 'rss.xml' }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.filepath" VALUE = "{ g.rss_path $
          l.filename }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.delete" VALUE = "{ fdelete( l.filepath
          ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.delete" VALUE = "{ sdelete( '/' $
          l.filename ) }">

          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ '<?xml
          version="1.0" ?>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ '<rss
          version="2.0">' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ ' <channel>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ ' <title>RSS
          Title</title>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ '
          <description>This is my RSS Feed</description>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ '
          <copyright>Copyright 2000-2005</copyright>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.header" VALUE = "{ '
          <link><A HREF ="</link>' }">"></link>' }"></A>
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.header"
          DELIMITER = "">

          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.found" VALUE = "{ Database_FindFirst()
          <MvWHILE EXPR = "{ l.found }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ ' <item>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ ' <title>' $
          encodeentities( Database.d.title ) $ '</title>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ ' <link>' $
          encodeentities( g.site_URL $ g.site_main_path $
          '' $ Database.d.key ) $ '</link>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ '
          <description>' $ Database.d.summary $ '</description>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ '
          <author>[email protected]</author>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">

          <MvCOMMENT> *** Extra code just to make RFC822 date
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "" VALUE = "{ timezone() }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.time_num" VALUE = "{
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.month_num" VALUE = "{ time_t_month(
          l.time_num, ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.month_name" VALUE = "{ gettoken(
          'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec', '|',
          l.month_num ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.day_num" VALUE = "{
          time_t_dayofmonth( l.time_num, ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.year_num" VALUE = "{ time_t_year(
          l.time_num, ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.day_of_week" VALUE = "{ gettoken(
          'Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat', '|', time_t_dayofweek(
          l.time_num, ) ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.hour" VALUE = "{ padl( time_t_hour(
          l.time_num, ), 2, '0' ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.minute" VALUE = "{ padl( time_t_min(
          l.time_num, ), 2, '0' ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.second" VALUE = "{ padl( time_t_sec(
          l.time_num, ), 2, '0' ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.timezonename" VALUE = "{
          s.dyn_stm_zone }">
          <MvCOMMENT> *** Extra crap just to make RFC822 date

          <MvASSIGN NAME = "" VALUE = "{ l.day_of_week $ ', '
          $ l.day_num $ ' ' $ l.month_name $ ' ' $ l.year_num $ ' ' $
          l.hour $ ':' $ l.minute $ ':' $ l.second $ ' ' $
          l.timezonename }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ ' <pubDate>' $
 $ '</pubDate>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.content" VALUE = "{ ' </item>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.content"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.found" VALUE = "{ Database_FindNext()

          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.footer" VALUE = "{ ' </channel>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.footer"
          DELIMITER = "">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.footer" VALUE = "{ '</rss>' }">
          <MvEXPORT FILE = "{ l.filepath }" FIELDS = "l.footer"
          DELIMITER = "">

          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.copy" VALUE = "{ fscopy( l.filepath,
          '/' $ l.filename ) }">
          <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.chmod" VALUE = "{ schmod( '/' $
          l.filename, 644 ) }">


          --- Scot Ranney <[email protected]> wrote:
          > An RSS feed is just a dynamic XML page, so all you have
          > to do is
          > research how an RSS feed is put together, or just look at
          > one and copy
          > it. One of the my local papers,, has RSS
          > feeds and if you
          > look at the RSS feed page, it would be easy enough to
          > copy the structure.
          > As far as miva script goes, you would use MvEXPORT to
          > create the XML
          > file in the data directory, and when you are done
          > building/exporting it,
          > move it over to your script directory somewhere and
          > provide a link so
          > people can put the address in their RSS readers.
          > Scot
          > Herman Steyn wrote:
          > > Any ideas on how to push the value of a form as RSS
          > output feed by using
          > > MIVA.
          > > The idea is not to use email to obtain the form value
          > submitted on a
          > > website but to obtain the value with RSS feed.
          > >
          > > Herman
          > >

