Dear Bill, Brian,
(I post this back to the mailing list, maybe other users can look into it as
I just tested the scripts last night (on a Windows 2003 server / Miva Mia
(uncompiled) and EmpresaVM and uncompiled on FreeBSD (sorry I was too lazy
to also test it there compiled ). The Windows server has 1 processor, the
FreeBSD 2.
As expected I was able to reproduce the errors on both machines and
versions. Interesting is that Mia and Empresa occasionally showed different
results in some tests.
Some thinking aloud:
My uneducated guess is that this is a threading/timing and/or -as you
suspected- a memory issue. One process (thread) should lock the memory
access and update the table and the index. But instead MvLOCKFILE appears to
only work on the filesystem or it fails to "inform" other threads/processes
that the data in memory has been updated.
Empresa is not a "true" server program, but merely a sophisticated
cgi-application, meaning that it does not really control the dataflow of
parallel processes and memory access. Instead the operating system controls
Empresa reloads different instances of tables into different areas of the
memory, which probably don't even know of each other because they are
controlled by different threads. So when thread 1 locks its memoryblock (and
the original file), this does -at least temporarily- not affect thread 2,
since the processors are so fast that they switch to thread 2 and while 1
has not had the time to flush the data to the disk.
Should MvLOCKFILE indeed update the RAM, then there is also the possibility
that the table sits fully in the processor cache (after all, the tables are
small enough to fit into it), and MvLOCKFILE doesn't have the time to update
the RAM and disk before the second thread kicks in. For this it would be
interesting to see if the same phenomenon happens also with larger tables (a
few megabytes or so).
There is also the possibility that actually the disk cache is to blame.
Earlier hard disk hardly had any, today all drives have at least 2MB - so
more than enough to reload a cached table while the original (now updated)
data is still written to the disk.
It is also interesting to observe that when you put MvLOCKFILE -> before <-
the wait() in test 1 and 2 (I didn't try the other ones), the test performs
correctly, without errors. This could support the theories about the timing.
If any of this is indeed the case, this could be that the original design
might be a few years old, where neither processors, RAM nor disk were even
remotely as fast as they are today. If this hasn't been updated ever since,
then timing issues like these are not entirely surprising.
I'm aftraid that this is not a bug, but a design error.
This has obviously some very important implications, and I think I have seen
this issue in real life applications, not only with adding/updating but also
with packing. I don't know if they are related.
I've always struggled with occasional index corruptions on some tables, and
that very reason (without having had such a clear test at hand), I always
add additional safeguards if possible, and also close usually tables after
packing. But looking at it so clearly, these tests are very illuminating
when you design applications that are supposed to run under really heavy
Great work, Brian!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Guindon [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005 21:18
To: MvMarkus
Subject: Fwd: Adding fields to a database
subject modified to dodge your filters (I hope)
Just want to make sure you saw this, and I'd be interested on your take on
it. Brian and I have been looking at this for quite a while.
SUMMARY: MvLOCKFILE does not work unless you lock the file before you open
it, and unlock it after you close it.
It seems that the data is either not written to the cache, or the file,
until the close happens, so any reads done in between are not reliable.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Burns <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:30:36 -0500
Subject: [meu] Adding fields to a database
To: [email protected]
I actually spent quite some time researching a bug in MvLOCKFILE.
I've posted this before, but never received a response.
<A HREF =""></A>
I've posted the test script I used here:
<A HREF =""></A>
To my knowledge, the problem I encountered still exists.
Burns Enterprises
From: MvMarkus <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 20:37:44 +0100
Subject: RE: [meu] Adding fields to a database
To: Patrick Locke <[email protected]>, Sandy Rozhon
<[email protected]>, Miva Userlist <[email protected]>
Unless you have an index on the serial column, a relatively secure and easy
way to increment a record is to rely on the physical order of the records in
the db. For this, you don't use an index.
MvOpen DB -> without <- any indices
MvGO db row=bottom
MvASSIGN =l.lastID VALUE=d.serial_column
MvSetIndex all indices
MvASSIGN =d.serial_column Value=l.lastID+1
MvASSIGN = all other columns....
One should not rely on the built-in locking mechanism of MvADD/MvUPDATE and
instead lock the table manually with MvLOCKFILE, because the function
(especially opening the indices) might be quite I/O expensive (slow).
Obviously, this technique only works as long as the table is not physically
reorganized. In that case, it's better to use an index on d.serial_column
and/or do a lookup to check if the value already exists before adding a new
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
Of Patrick Locke
Sent: Montag, 14. Februar 2005 20:31
To: Sandy Rozhon; Miva Userlist
Subject: Re: [meu] Adding fields to a database
I am not familiar with the database you are building but if it is not
updated by many people you can use alias.d.recno for this. I have some dbs
that I am the only one that updates the information and i use this method
all the time to update information. But with multiple people being able to
update, it sometimes can cause problems.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sandy Rozhon" <[email protected]>
To: "Miva Userlist" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: [meu] Adding fields to a database
> I'm a newcomer to programming Miva databases. All my previous
> experience was on flat files.
> So my first effort to create, add, and delete records has been
> successful, but now I see that having some sort of serial number on
> each record might make it easier to do editing and/or deleting of a
> specific record. Is it possible to add a new field, or do I have to
> go through the creation process all over again? If so, what happens
> to the data I've already collected?
> Are there approved ways of doing this sort of thing?
> Sandy