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Database Corruption

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    Database Corruption

    Ray Yates wrote:
    > I have Merchant and 3rd party dbf files that I could formerly open offline
    > with CDDB (DBF viewer). The files seem to open ok with Merchant but CDBF
    > says there is a problem with the header. Can anyone shed some light on the
    > problem and point the way to confirming and fixing the corruption.
    > Ray Yates

    If this is something you have not looked at since Y2K1 (2001), then you
    may have the date problem. The second byte in the header is the year.
    It is the ascii value of that character plus 1900. dbaseIII and other
    database editors that are 100% compliant with dbaseIII plus, will not
    read the file if the year is 2001 or greater. In order to use dbaseIII
    plus on a dbf that has been last updated by merchant from 2001 and
    newer, I run a routine that changes the ascii character to one that is
    valid for dbaseIII. As example, I change the character so the file
    updated in 2005 reads as being last updated in 1905. If you view the
    header with a program that lets you look at its actual characters, you
    should see the second byte is the letter i (which is ascii 105) in dbfs
    updated by merchant this year.

    Bill Weiland A2Z Emporium Plus <A HREF =" "> </A>
    Modules for eCommerce. Mail Mgr, Coupon, PayPal, Froogle/Yahoo feeds
    Rate This, Gift/Wish List, Wait List Mgr, EZ Batch, Shipping & more
    Online Documentation <A HREF =""></A>
    Question <A HREF =" "> </A>

    Re: Database Corruption

    Thanks Bill,

    All the files start with hex-"83 69" in ascii the second character is "i". The site was created in 1993 so, if I understand your message, I don't think this is the issue.

    Is there another program you would recommend for viewing/editing files off-line or checking for corrupted headers? I no longer have dBaseIII. I discarded hundreds of 5.24" floppies about two years ago.

    I suppose I could write a compiled dos program to copy the headers from old backups over the headers that seem to be corrupted, adjusting the "i" date and number of records, but I might need to do that to a lot of files and don't look forward to that prospect at all.

    Any other sugestions?

    William Weiland [email protected] Wrote:
    >Ray Yates wrote:
    >> I have Merchant and 3rd party dbf files that I could formerly open offline
    >> with CDDB (DBF viewer). The files seem to open ok with Merchant but CDBF
    >> says there is a problem with the header. Can anyone shed some light on the
    >> problem and point the way to confirming and fixing the corruption.
    >> Ray Yates
    >If this is something you have not looked at since Y2K1 (2001), then you
    >may have the date problem. The second byte in the header is the year.
    >It is the ascii value of that character plus 1900. dbaseIII and other
    >database editors that are 100% compliant with dbaseIII plus, will not
    >read the file if the year is 2001 or greater. In order to use dbaseIII
    >plus on a dbf that has been last updated by merchant from 2001 and
    >newer, I run a routine that changes the ascii character to one that is
    >valid for dbaseIII. As example, I change the character so the file
    >updated in 2005 reads as being last updated in 1905. If you view the
    >header with a program that lets you look at its actual characters, you
    >should see the second byte is the letter i (which is ascii 105) in dbfs
    >updated by merchant this year.
    >Bill Weiland A2Z Emporium Plus <A HREF =" "> </A>
    >Modules for eCommerce. Mail Mgr, Coupon, PayPal, Froogle/Yahoo feeds
    >Rate This, Gift/Wish List, Wait List Mgr, EZ Batch, Shipping more
    >Online Documentation <A HREF =""></A>
    >Question <A HREF =" "> </A>
    From: Ray Yates <[email protected]>


      Re: Database Corruption

      I've used MS Access and linked the .dbf files to tables in an Access
      database. It seems to understand the .dbt and .mvx files as well.

      Larry Hiscock

      -----Original Message-----
      From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
      Of [email protected]
      Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 9:44 AM
      To: [email protected]
      Cc: [email protected]
      Subject: [meu] Re: Database Corruption

      Thanks Bill,

      All the files start with hex-"83 69" in ascii the second character is "i".
      The site was created in 1993 so, if I understand your message, I don't think
      this is the issue.

      Is there another program you would recommend for viewing/editing files
      off-line or checking for corrupted headers? I no longer have dBaseIII. I
      discarded hundreds of 5.24" floppies about two years ago.

      I suppose I could write a compiled dos program to copy the headers from old
      backups over the headers that seem to be corrupted, adjusting the "i" date
      and number of records, but I might need to do that to a lot of files and
      don't look forward to that prospect at all.

      Any other sugestions?

      William Weiland [email protected] Wrote:
      >Ray Yates wrote:
      >> I have Merchant and 3rd party dbf files that I could formerly open
      >> offline with CDDB (DBF viewer). The files seem to open ok with
      >> Merchant but CDBF says there is a problem with the header. Can anyone
      >> shed some light on the problem and point the way to confirming and fixing
      the corruption.
      >> Ray Yates
      >If this is something you have not looked at since Y2K1 (2001), then you
      >may have the date problem. The second byte in the header is the year.
      >It is the ascii value of that character plus 1900. dbaseIII and other
      >database editors that are 100% compliant with dbaseIII plus, will not
      >read the file if the year is 2001 or greater. In order to use dbaseIII
      >plus on a dbf that has been last updated by merchant from 2001 and
      >newer, I run a routine that changes the ascii character to one that is
      >valid for dbaseIII. As example, I change the character so the file
      >updated in 2005 reads as being last updated in 1905. If you view the
      >header with a program that lets you look at its actual characters, you
      >should see the second byte is the letter i (which is ascii 105) in dbfs
      >updated by merchant this year.
      >Bill Weiland A2Z Emporium Plus <A HREF
      >="<A HREF =" "> </A>
      >"><A HREF =" </A> Modules for eCommerce. "> </A> Modules for eCommerce. </A>
      >Mail Mgr, Coupon, PayPal, Froogle/Yahoo feeds Rate This, Gift/Wish
      >List, Wait List Mgr, EZ Batch, Shipping more Online Documentation <A
      >="<A HREF =""></A">"></A</A>
      >> Question <A HREF
      >="<A HREF =" "> </A>
      >"><A HREF =" </A>"> </A></A>
      From: Ray Yates <[email protected]>


        Re: Database Corruption

        Hi Larry,

        I don't think that ACCESS understands the Miva indices - actually that's a
        quite dangerous business, because Access will not update the indices if you
        make changes to an indexed value, of if you delete a record.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
        Of Larry Hiscock
        Sent: Freitag, 4. Februar 2005 19:06
        To: [email protected]; [email protected]
        Cc: [email protected]
        Subject: RE: [meu] Re: Database Corruption

        I've used MS Access and linked the .dbf files to tables in an Access
        database. It seems to understand the .dbt and .mvx files as well.

        Larry Hiscock

        -----Original Message-----
        From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
        Of [email protected]
        Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 9:44 AM
        To: [email protected]
        Cc: [email protected]
        Subject: [meu] Re: Database Corruption

        Thanks Bill,

        All the files start with hex-"83 69" in ascii the second character is "i".
        The site was created in 1993 so, if I understand your message, I don't think
        this is the issue.

        Is there another program you would recommend for viewing/editing files
        off-line or checking for corrupted headers? I no longer have dBaseIII. I
        discarded hundreds of 5.24" floppies about two years ago.

        I suppose I could write a compiled dos program to copy the headers from old
        backups over the headers that seem to be corrupted, adjusting the "i" date
        and number of records, but I might need to do that to a lot of files and
        don't look forward to that prospect at all.

        Any other sugestions?

        William Weiland [email protected] Wrote:
        >Ray Yates wrote:
        >> I have Merchant and 3rd party dbf files that I could formerly open
        >> offline with CDDB (DBF viewer). The files seem to open ok with
        >> Merchant but CDBF says there is a problem with the header. Can anyone
        >> shed some light on the problem and point the way to confirming and
        >> fixing
        the corruption.
        >> Ray Yates
        >If this is something you have not looked at since Y2K1 (2001), then you
        >may have the date problem. The second byte in the header is the year.
        >It is the ascii value of that character plus 1900. dbaseIII and other
        >database editors that are 100% compliant with dbaseIII plus, will not
        >read the file if the year is 2001 or greater. In order to use dbaseIII
        >plus on a dbf that has been last updated by merchant from 2001 and
        >newer, I run a routine that changes the ascii character to one that is
        >valid for dbaseIII. As example, I change the character so the file
        >updated in 2005 reads as being last updated in 1905. If you view the
        >header with a program that lets you look at its actual characters, you
        >should see the second byte is the letter i (which is ascii 105) in dbfs
        >updated by merchant this year.
        >Bill Weiland A2Z Emporium Plus <A HREF
        >="<A HREF =""></A>
        >"><A HREF =" </A> Modules for eCommerce. "> </A> Modules for eCommerce. </A>
        >Mail Mgr, Coupon, PayPal, Froogle/Yahoo feeds Rate This, Gift/Wish
        >List, Wait List Mgr, EZ Batch, Shipping more Online Documentation <A
        >="<A HREF =""></A">"></A</A>
        >> Question <A HREF
        >="<A HREF =""></A>
        >"><A HREF =" </A>"> </A></A>
        From: Ray Yates <[email protected]>

