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mvc fails -- browser issue or something else?

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    mvc fails -- browser issue or something else?

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


    I have an instance in which it appears an mvc is working properly locally
    with the Mia VM and works as expected on the server using Firefox, but
    fails when I am using IE. I can't account for this, so my assumption about
    the browser may be entirely wrong.... however the functionality works with
    Firefox locally and on server, and fails locally and on server with IE.

    Whatever the cause, the failure is evidenced in a value not being passed in
    a form. Here is where it is input:

    <FORM METHOD = "post" ACTION = "events_add.mvc">
    <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "CID" VALUE = "{ get_random() }">

    and, later in the script, here is the function it calls:

    <MvFUNCTION NAME="get_random"

    <MvIF EXPR = "{ MvOPEN_Error }">

    Error opening CID dbf: <MvEVAL EXPR = "{
    MvOPEN_Error }"></P>
    <MvGO NAME = "RANDOM" ROW = "top">
    <MvIF EXPR = "{ RANDOM.d.EOF }">

    No records found. Error message RG1.</P>
    <MvELSE><MvASSIGN NAME = "hold_it" VALUE = "{

    <MvFUNCRETURN VALUE="{ hold_it }">

    Any thoughts? I would welcome any comments.


    Ralph Gauer
    [email protected]
    Silver City, New Mexico

    Anyone notice this? WAS: mvc fails -- browser issue or

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


    This Mivascript:

    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME = "NEW_CID" VALUE = "{get_random()}">

    generates this stream:

    <INPUT TYPE ="hidden" NAME =" NEW_CID" VALUE=" P1F9T73WJD">

    Notice the space after the opening quote mark for the value? I didn't for
    about 3 hours. That CID field is limited to 10 characters, and I could not
    figure out why an evaluation to the screen and an assign into a dbf were
    different. But I feel much smarter now. For those on a proportional email
    client, the VALUE in the Mivascript was VALUE space = space
    "{get_random()}">. Delete the spaces....

    I don't know if this is a known deal.... (By the way, Miva's samples
    delivered with the 4 compiler use VALUE space = space in their formatting.
    So there.)

    (And thanks to Adam D for his marvelous N-digit alphanumeric randomizing
    tool, which I am using to get_random.)

    In the event some poor soul tries to find this in the archives in the
    future, here's what I would have used as keywords:

    spaces added to variable
    right padding in variable
    dbf updates incorrectly
    dbf adds incorrectly
    variable field is blank when assigned to a database
    variable field is different when assigned to a database
    where the heck is my data going


    At 05:23 AM 1/25/2005 -0700, you wrote:
    >I have an instance in which it appears an mvc is working properly locally
    >with the Mia VM and works as expected on the server using Firefox, but
    >fails when I am using IE. I can't account for this, so my assumption about
    >the browser may be entirely wrong.... however the functionality works with
    >Firefox locally and on server, and fails locally and on server with IE.
    >Whatever the cause, the failure is evidenced in a value not being passed
    >in a form. Here is where it is input:
    ><FORM METHOD = "post" ACTION = "events_add.mvc">
    ><INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "CID" VALUE = "{ get_random() }">
    >and, later in the script, here is the function it calls:
    ><MvFUNCTION NAME="get_random"
    > ERROROUTPUTLEVEL="syntax,expression,runtime">
    > <MvIF EXPR = "{ MvOPEN_Error }">

    Error opening CID dbf: <MvEVAL EXPR = "{
    > MvOPEN_Error }"></P>
    > <MvELSE>
    > <MvGO NAME = "RANDOM" ROW = "top">
    > <MvIF EXPR = "{ RANDOM.d.EOF }">

    No records found. Error message RG1.</P>
    > <MvELSE><MvASSIGN NAME = "hold_it" VALUE = "{
    > RANDOM.d.RANDOM }">
    > </MvIF>
    > </MvIF>
    ><MvFUNCRETURN VALUE="{ hold_it }">
    >Any thoughts? I would welcome any comments.
    >Ralph Gauer
    >[email protected]
    >Silver City, New Mexico

    Ralph Gauer
    [email protected]
    Silver City, New Mexico


      Anyone notice this? WAS: mvc fails -- browser



      I use the Value space = space "{ }" format all the time for readability
      without any problem. Looking at your script I would have guessed that the
      value returned by the function had the extra spaces in it.

      Steve Smith

      On 1/25/05 2:20 PM, " Ralph Gauer" <[email protected]> wrote:

      > Hello,
      > This Mivascript:
      > <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME = "NEW_CID" VALUE = "{get_random()}">
      > generates this stream:
      > <INPUT TYPE ="hidden" NAME =" NEW_CID" VALUE=" P1F9T73WJD">
      > Notice the space after the opening quote mark for the value? I didn't for
      > about 3 hours. That CID field is limited to 10 characters, and I could not
      > figure out why an evaluation to the screen and an assign into a dbf were
      > different. But I feel much smarter now. For those on a proportional email
      > client, the VALUE in the Mivascript was VALUE space = space
      > "{get_random()}">. Delete the spaces....
      > I don't know if this is a known deal.... (By the way, Miva's samples
      > delivered with the 4 compiler use VALUE space = space in their formatting.
      > So there.)
      > (And thanks to Adam D for his marvelous N-digit alphanumeric randomizing
      > tool, which I am using to get_random.)
      > In the event some poor soul tries to find this in the archives in the
      > future, here's what I would have used as keywords:
      > spaces added to variable
      > right padding in variable
      > dbf updates incorrectly
      > dbf adds incorrectly
      > variable field is blank when assigned to a database
      > variable field is different when assigned to a database
      > where the heck is my data going
      > Anyway...
      > rg
      > At 05:23 AM 1/25/2005 -0700, you wrote:
      >> Hello,
      >> I have an instance in which it appears an mvc is working properly locally
      >> with the Mia VM and works as expected on the server using Firefox, but
      >> fails when I am using IE. I can't account for this, so my assumption about
      >> the browser may be entirely wrong.... however the functionality works with
      >> Firefox locally and on server, and fails locally and on server with IE.
      >> Whatever the cause, the failure is evidenced in a value not being passed
      >> in a form. Here is where it is input:
      >> <FORM METHOD = "post" ACTION = "events_add.mvc">
      >> <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "CID" VALUE = "{ get_random() }">
      >> and, later in the script, here is the function it calls:
      >> <MvFUNCTION NAME="get_random"
      >> PARAMETERS=""
      >> ERROROUTPUTLEVEL="syntax,expression,runtime">
      >> <MvOPEN NAME = "RANDOM"
      >> <MvIF EXPR = "{ MvOPEN_Error }">

      Error opening CID dbf: <MvEVAL EXPR = "{
      >> MvOPEN_Error }"></P>
      >> <MvELSE>
      >> <MvGO NAME = "RANDOM" ROW = "top">
      >> <MvIF EXPR = "{ RANDOM.d.EOF }">

      No records found. Error message RG1.</P>
      >> <MvELSE><MvASSIGN NAME = "hold_it" VALUE = "{
      >> RANDOM.d.RANDOM }">
      >> <MvPACK NAME="RANDOM">
      >> </MvIF>
      >> </MvIF>
      >> <MvFUNCRETURN VALUE="{ hold_it }">
      >> </MvFUNCTION>
      >> Any thoughts? I would welcome any comments.
      >> Thanks
      >> rg
      >> Ralph Gauer
      >> [email protected]
      >> 505-534-4184
      >> Silver City, New Mexico
      > Ralph Gauer
      > [email protected]
      > 505-534-4184
      > Silver City, New Mexico


        mvc fails -- browser issue or something else?

        Hi Ralph,

        One thing it could be is an ActiveX control messing things up. I've had
        trouble like this before with an IE toolbar (changing my variable =

        Try naming your variable something else other than CID and see if it =
        That would be a dead giveaway.


        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
        > Behalf Of Ralph Gauer
        > Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:23 AM
        > To: [email protected]
        > Subject: [meu] mvc fails -- browser issue or something else?
        > Hello,
        > I have an instance in which it appears an mvc is working properly =
        > with the Mia VM and works as expected on the server using Firefox, but
        > fails when I am using IE. I can't account for this, so my assumption =
        > the browser may be entirely wrong.... however the functionality works =
        > Firefox locally and on server, and fails locally and on server with =
        > Whatever the cause, the failure is evidenced in a value not being =
        > in
        > a form. Here is where it is input:
        > <FORM METHOD =3D "post" ACTION =3D "events_add.mvc">
        > <INPUT TYPE =3D "hidden" NAME =3D "CID" VALUE =3D "{ get_random() }">
        > and, later in the script, here is the function it calls:
        > <MvFUNCTION NAME=3D"get_random"
        > PARAMETERS=3D""
        > ERROROUTPUTLEVEL=3D"syntax,expression,runtime">
        > <MvOPEN NAME =3D "RANDOM"
        > <MvIF EXPR =3D "{ MvOPEN_Error }">

        Error opening CID dbf: <MvEVAL EXPR =3D "{
        > MvOPEN_Error }"></P>
        > <MvELSE>
        > <MvGO NAME =3D "RANDOM" ROW =3D "top">
        > <MvIF EXPR =3D "{ RANDOM.d.EOF }">

        No records found. Error message RG1.</P>
        > <MvELSE><MvASSIGN NAME =3D "hold_it" VALUE =3D "{
        > RANDOM.d.RANDOM }">
        > <MvDELETE NAME=3D"RANDOM">
        > <MvPACK NAME=3D"RANDOM">
        > </MvIF>
        > </MvIF>
        > <MvFUNCRETURN VALUE=3D"{ hold_it }">
        > </MvFUNCTION>
        > Any thoughts? I would welcome any comments.
        > Thanks
        > rg
        > Ralph Gauer
        > [email protected]
        > 505-534-4184
        > Silver City, New Mexico


          Anyone notice this? WAS: mvc fails -- browser issue or something else?

          That is a known bug in Mozilla/Firefox browsers. I know
          it's a 'known bug' because I reported it last year. It only
          seems to effect the generation of 'view source'. I did a
          bunch of testing and it doesn't seem to be effecting what's
          really going on with the web page. You can test it by using
          some JavaScript that runs onLoad() to show you the contents
          of the form varible NEW_CID and it's length.

          In other words, there is no variable " NEW_CID", just
          "NEW_CID" and it contains "P1F9T73WJD", not " P1F9T73WJD".


          --- Ralph Gauer <[email protected]> wrote:

          > Hello,
          > This Mivascript:
          > <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME = "NEW_CID" VALUE =
          > "{get_random()}">
          > generates this stream:
          > <INPUT TYPE ="hidden" NAME =" NEW_CID" VALUE="
          > P1F9T73WJD">
          > Notice the space after the opening quote mark for the
          > value? I didn't for
          > about 3 hours. That CID field is limited to 10
          > characters, and I could not
          > figure out why an evaluation to the screen and an assign
          > into a dbf were
          > different. But I feel much smarter now. For those on a
          > proportional email
          > client, the VALUE in the Mivascript was VALUE space =
          > space
          > "{get_random()}">. Delete the spaces....
          > I don't know if this is a known deal.... (By the way,
          > Miva's samples
          > delivered with the 4 compiler use VALUE space = space in
          > their formatting.
          > So there.)
          > (And thanks to Adam D for his marvelous N-digit
          > alphanumeric randomizing
          > tool, which I am using to get_random.)
          > In the event some poor soul tries to find this in the
          > archives in the
          > future, here's what I would have used as keywords:
          > spaces added to variable
          > right padding in variable
          > dbf updates incorrectly
          > dbf adds incorrectly
          > variable field is blank when assigned to a database
          > variable field is different when assigned to a database
          > where the heck is my data going
          > Anyway...
          > rg
          > At 05:23 AM 1/25/2005 -0700, you wrote:
          > >Hello,
          > >
          > >I have an instance in which it appears an mvc is working
          > properly locally
          > >with the Mia VM and works as expected on the server
          > using Firefox, but
          > >fails when I am using IE. I can't account for this, so
          > my assumption about
          > >the browser may be entirely wrong.... however the
          > functionality works with
          > >Firefox locally and on server, and fails locally and on
          > server with IE.
          > >
          > >Whatever the cause, the failure is evidenced in a value
          > not being passed
          > >in a form. Here is where it is input:
          > >
          > ><FORM METHOD = "post" ACTION = "events_add.mvc">
          > ><INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "CID" VALUE = "{
          > get_random() }">
          > >
          > >
          > >and, later in the script, here is the function it calls:
          > >
          > ><MvFUNCTION NAME="get_random"
          > > PARAMETERS=""
          > > STANDARDOUTPUTLEVEL="text"
          > > ERROROUTPUTLEVEL="syntax,expression,runtime">
          > >
          > > <MvOPEN NAME = "RANDOM"
          > > DATABASE =
          > "/CHAMBER/RANDOM/RANDOM.dbf">
          > > <MvIF EXPR = "{ MvOPEN_Error }">
          > >

          Error opening CID dbf:
          > <MvEVAL EXPR = "{
          > > MvOPEN_Error }"></P>
          > > <MvELSE>
          > > <MvGO NAME = "RANDOM" ROW = "top">
          > > <MvIF EXPR = "{ RANDOM.d.EOF }">
          > >

          No records found. Error
          > message RG1.</P>
          > > <MvELSE><MvASSIGN NAME = "hold_it"
          > VALUE = "{
          > > RANDOM.d.RANDOM }">
          > > <MvDELETE
          > NAME="RANDOM">
          > > <MvPACK NAME="RANDOM">
          > > </MvIF>
          > > </MvIF>
          > >
          > ><MvFUNCRETURN VALUE="{ hold_it }">
          > ></MvFUNCTION>
          > >
          > >
          > >Any thoughts? I would welcome any comments.
          > >
          > >Thanks
          > >rg
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >
          > >Ralph Gauer
          > >[email protected]
          > >
          > >505-534-4184
          > >Silver City, New Mexico
          > Ralph Gauer
          > [email protected]
          > 505-534-4184
          > Silver City, New Mexico

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