I also had a problem with sales tax. It didn't bring it into QB when
it synchronized orders, even though I have a sales tax item set up.
Do I have to do something else?
Ariana Pronin
e-mail [email protected]
My Baby Party www.mybabyparty.com
My Baby Scrapbook www.mybabyscrapbook.com
In reply to your message below:
BN> I was going to ask about shipping charges not showing up, but I see many
BN> others are having the same problem.
BN> Synchro only seems to import the first 15 letters of the shipping
BN> method, so USPS Priority Mail comes out as
BN> "U.S.P.S. Priori".
BN> We also have the issue that every time we sync, Synchro tries to
BN> synchronize all 600 products even though:
BN> a. They are already in sync
BN> b. I have specifically NOT checked the synchronize boxes on the product
BN> page
BN> This takes a large amount of time, so it often times out, after which it
BN> tries to start all over again, instead of picking up where it left off.
BN> Any tips on sales tax? Are we stuck with a sales tax line on every
BN> invoice whether or not it is zero (exempt) or not? It looks silly,
BN> especially on the packing slips (which are based on the invoices).
BN> Bob Nilsson
BN> Massachusetts Bay Trading Co
BN> www.massbaytrading.com <<A HREF ="http://www.massbaytrading.com/> ">http://www.massbaytrading.com/> </A>