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Miva Empresa/MySQL on Ubuntu, Miva script can't open DB

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    Miva Empresa/MySQL on Ubuntu, Miva script can't open DB

    I am moving some old internal scripts off a box running Windows and Miva Mia with MySQL (reliably) for years. Moved everything to Ubuntu.

    Empresa works fine, great in fact -- diagtool.mvc passes **all** tests and for the installed DB Libraries shows Pass: MySQL (in green).

    MySQL also works fine on its own -- I have imported some DBs, and can query fine in mysql directly.

    Running as MySQL root with the same password as the Windows machine (MySQL) had (and that is built into the scripts I made years ago). MySQL is set to allow remote connections as root (yeah I know not secure but this is only accessed by me over a private LAN).

    My script -- I get this:

    "Runtime error in miva/intranet.mvc @ [00000000:0000004e]: Line 6: MvOPEN: Unable to connect to database: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) Could not connect to database. "

    Any ideas on what I can check?

    Yes the server is accepting connections on port 3306 as verified using netstat -tln (default port for MySQL).

    Thanks in advance!

    Sean Harrell
    Southland Trade Corp.

    Empresa and MySQL are both on this same Ubuntu box by the way ...
    Sean Harrell
    Southland Trade Corp.


      Ok I figured it out -- in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf -- I had to change Bind to Bind Restart the mysql service ...

      Sean Harrell
      Southland Trade Corp.


        If it's all on the same server, your ideal config would be to switch the merchdb.dat from the to 127.0.01 or "localhost" and then switch mysql back to only listening on localhost. In such a config, Empresa will use a faster socket-based connection if available, before falling back to TCP. If you do need to leave mysql listening on all addresses ( make sure you have firewalling set up so it isn't exposed, as it would now be listening for remote connections as well, if they can make it to mysql.
        David Hubbard
        [email protected]

