I'm working on a custom module ( are there any others these days?).
This is a raw MySQL query string that works perfectly in phpMyAdmin:
This is a _Load_Code style query (think Product_Load_Code as the prototype). I doesn't return any result but the EOF isn't found either:
I rewrote the query to avoid the FIELDS attribute and include the opening and closing single quote: No Joy here either.
I've also used encodeenties() on l.myquerystring.
Any ideas on what to check?
BTW: I have retyped the whole function to eliminate hidden characters as a problem from any copy and paste scenarios.
This is a raw MySQL query string that works perfectly in phpMyAdmin:
SELECT * FROM s01_mytablename WHERE mytablecode = 'mycodevalue'
QUERY = "{ 'SELECT * FROM ' $ g.Store_Table_Prefix $ 'mytablename WHERE ' $ [ g.Library_Filename_Native_DBAPI ].DB_Compare_UPPER( 'mytablecode' ) $ ' = ' $ [ g.Library_Filename_Native_DBAPI ].DB_Compare_UPPER( '?' ) }" FIELDS = "l.code">
<MvASSIGN NAME = "l.myquerystring" VALUE = "{ 'SELECT * FROM ' $ g.Store_Table_Prefix $ 'mytablename WHERE ' $ 'mytablecode' $ ' = \'' $ l.code $ '\'' }"> QUERY = "{ l.myquerystring }">
Any ideas on what to check?
BTW: I have retyped the whole function to eliminate hidden characters as a problem from any copy and paste scenarios.