Here is my code:
Here's the output:
It seems like it is needing OpenSSL, which is installed on the server. So, I assume I have some kind of misconfiguration error.
Here are the OpenSSL lines in the mivavm.conf:
From the diagnostic tool I get:
I am not sure of what needs to be changed so that we can use the Miva encryption function. I am the host, so obviously, "talking to my host" isn't going to resolve this issue.
<MvASSIGN NAME="l.Encrypt_Key" VALUE="oT4abMN4OtYcb6Gr">
<MvASSIGN NAME="l.Full_Name" VALUE="Robin McDermott">
<MvASSIGN NAME="l.Encrypt_OK" VALUE ="{bf_encrypt( l.Encrypt_Key, l.Full_Name, l.Encrypt_Var )}">
<MvASSIGN NAME="l.Encrypt_Err" VALUE="{crypto_last_error()}">
<MvEVAL EXPRESSION = "{'Error: "' $ l.Encrypt_Err $ '" OK: "' $ l.Encrypt_OK $ '" Encrypt_Var: "' $ l.Encrypt_Var $ '"'}">
Error: "Unable to load SSL routine SSLeay / OpenSSL_version_num " OK: "0" Encrypt_Var: ""
Here are the OpenSSL lines in the mivavm.conf:
openssl=/usr/lib64/ openssl_crypto=/usr/lib64/
bufsz_call=8192 bufsz_content=8192 bufsz_import=8192 bufsz_output=8192 bufsz_output_flush=1048576 bufsz_smtp=8192 bufsz_template=8192 cookies=0 database_list[1]=MySQL database_list[2]=MivaSQL default_file=index.mvc delay_file=100 dir_data=/var/www/vhosts/ dir_miva=/var/www/vhosts/ dir_user=public_hts file_ca=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt flags_security=0 info_serveradmin=webmaster@localhost lock_expiration=90 log_level=0 max_async_tasks=0 max_docache=0 max_files=0 max_post_vars=2000 max_unknown_content_length=1048576 slowrequest_syslog=-1 socks_port=1080 socks_version=4 ssl_crypto=/usr/lib64/ ssl_openssl=/usr/lib64/ ssl_sni=-1 systemlib_list[1]=GD timeout_async=3600 timeout_async_sleep=86400 timeout_call=30 timeout_file=30 timeout_global=360 timeout_mail=30 timeout_post=30