One of my clients has had a problem with credit-card fraud. They have turned on a restriction in their account, so that it will only accept orders where the billing and shipping address must be the same, as well as the more common requirement that the billing address for the order must match the one on file at They have a lot of subscriptions that are now in Error status, mostly because of address mismatches.
To help them clean this up, I want to use phpMyAdmin to pull a list of subscriptions with mismatched addresses. But I'm not sure which addresses to check. The credit cards are saved in MivaPay. Is there an address that's saved with each card? Or does the store use the customer's default billing address when it processes a subscription?
On a related note: in newer versions of Merchant, the Customers table contains the ship_id and bill_id columns that point to the customer's default shipping and billing addresses. But the table still contains all the old columns for the complete addresses. Does the store use these columns any more? Or are they just there to support older modules, reports, etc.?
Thanks --
To help them clean this up, I want to use phpMyAdmin to pull a list of subscriptions with mismatched addresses. But I'm not sure which addresses to check. The credit cards are saved in MivaPay. Is there an address that's saved with each card? Or does the store use the customer's default billing address when it processes a subscription?
On a related note: in newer versions of Merchant, the Customers table contains the ship_id and bill_id columns that point to the customer's default shipping and billing addresses. But the table still contains all the old columns for the complete addresses. Does the store use these columns any more? Or are they just there to support older modules, reports, etc.?
Thanks --