I am upgrading servers. Going from Linux Red Hat/Plesk Onyx to CentOS Linux 7.9.2009/Plesk Obsidian. I am not able to get Miva Empressa (5.35) running on the new server (mivascripts/.mvc files are getting downloaded instead of running). I have Enabled CGI service from the root of the server for the domain, I have run /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng -a to reload the vhost.conf files. I have copied over the entire website using the plesk migrator and all of the mivavm.conf files should be the same. Permissions are all the same as on the old server. Restarted Apache.
Wondering if there is something different in CentOS that I am not aware of?
Wondering if there is something different in CentOS that I am not aware of?