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Show Sale Price and Regular Price

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    Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

    Originally posted by Mark Hood View Post
    I'm going to continue using my cost field for a few reasons. The prices are next to each other on the adding of a product page. They are also next to each other on import/export. Last but not least I fear that if someone ever accidentally deleted the price group the prices would be all poof gone (REAL BAD DAY)
    Just wanted to point out that turning off or removing the price group doesn't appear to wipe out the sale price field data. But it does nix the assignment as a discounted product to the price group.

    Consultant / Developer / Trainer
    Contributing Editor to Practical Ecommerce
    Author of the Official Guides for Miva Merchant


      Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

      Originally posted by Mark Hood View Post

      I have no idea why my code works just fine for me.. I assume you simply copy and pasted it to your page as a test and it still did not work. Must be something different with your installation but as it stands I can use the cost/price method as well as marketing tools to display pricing on my prod/ctgy/srch screens with that code. Nothing with the Ready themes or version 9 makes it so you can't.
      I made some tweaks to the code I was using, which at this point in time wipes out the usage of the Price Groups functions, and it is working now. I will revisit it at a later time to work in some additional conditional coding to include it.
      Leslie Kirk
      Miva Certified Developer
      Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
      Previously of Webs Your Way
      (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

      Email me: [email protected]

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        Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

        Originally posted by Brennan View Post
        The cost field was never intended to be used as MSRP field. You're still able to do it, but you will need to add the code to the page template to display it.

        The better way to do it (in Version 9) is to use the built in price groups, specifically specific sale price to all both the MSRP and the sale price to show.
        For posterity, is there a how-to video for this particular configuration?
        Leslie Kirk
        Miva Certified Developer
        Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
        Previously of Webs Your Way
        (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

        Email me: [email protected]

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          Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

          Originally posted by lesliekirk View Post
          For posterity, is there a how-to video for this particular configuration?
          For more posterity.... Is it possible to export that Data for things like template data feed or feedexact?
          Mark Hood
          Vermont Gear


            Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

            Originally posted by Mark Hood View Post
            I'm going to continue using my cost field for a few reasons. The prices are next to each other on the adding of a product page. They are also next to each other on import/export. Last but not least I fear that if someone ever accidentally deleted the price group the prices would be all poof gone (REAL BAD DAY)

            I have no idea why my code works just fine for me.. I assume you simply copy and pasted it to your page as a test and it still did not work. Must be something different with your installation but as it stands I can use the cost/price method as well as marketing tools to display pricing on my prod/ctgy/srch screens with that code. Nothing with the Ready themes or version 9 makes it so you can't.
            Mark, I agree. I think it makes more (better) sense to have some place that it right in the Product Edit screen that would allow you to set the MSRP / List Price and then Our Price / Sale Price. I work with stores that are still using the Cost Field or a Custom Product Field.

            In many ways it would be nice to have everything that affects the product within the Product Edit screen.

            As for the stores that use the Custom Product Field being used for a List Price, does anyone have a method to test for the value in that field? I'm probably going to need to start a new thread for this question, but I'll start here with it.
            Leslie Kirk
            Miva Certified Developer
            Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
            Previously of Webs Your Way
            (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

            Email me: [email protected]

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              Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

              To come back to this.

              Is it possible to display the "regular" price along with the Price Group price with the new configuration?

              Can the link to the written how-to be posted here?
              Leslie Kirk
              Miva Certified Developer
              Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
              Previously of Webs Your Way
              (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

              Email me: [email protected]

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                Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

                Originally posted by Pamela Hazelton View Post
                I was talking about a new setup. I certainly wouldn't change what's already in place. But, the answer to your question is yes on the import of the sale prices.

                I have not tried importing price group assignments, but if a product is assigned and the "sale price" custom field is equal to or higher than the product price, it won't do anything.
                You mention the use of a custom field - in this case it would be a custom field for the List Price - still the same concept but this one also involves Price Groups.

                I need to be able to do the following

                if Price/Price Group Price/Sale price is lower than List Price (which is using a custom field) display List Price else don't display List Price
                Also is it possible to display the Price and the Price Group Price (when the Price Group customer is logged in)?

                Leslie Kirk
                Miva Certified Developer
                Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                Previously of Webs Your Way
                (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                Email me: [email protected]

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                  Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

                  Also is there a step by step guide explaining how to use these settings?

                  I think I've figured out how to resolve displaying the Retail Price and price for Price Group members. But what do I need to do if I want to put a 100 or so items on sale?
                  Leslie Kirk
                  Miva Certified Developer
                  Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                  Previously of Webs Your Way
                  (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                  Email me: [email protected]

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                    Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

                    I think I figured this out. I seem to recall that Brennan my have stepped me through this once. I still find the process to be a bit convoluted.

                    First I created a Price Group that I called Sale

                    While creating the Price Group Sale, I selected All Shopper and Specific Sale Price. Selecting the Specific Sale Price displays the message that Product sale pricing is controlled on a per-product basis (perfect). I was also able to exclude the Price Groups that I didn't want to see / receive the Sale Pricing.

                    Now here is where it gets muddied.

                    After creating the Price Group, I go back and highlight the Sale Price Group and start assigning the Discounted Products. IF you do NOT do this you won't get the field to display the Sale Price in at the Product Edit screen.

                    Now you can go to the product screen that you want to offer the Sale Price on and the all important Sale Pricing field is now available.

                    What a pain in the rear. Why can that field be available all the time??? On the bright side it is also now available as a column to display on the Products screen.
                    Leslie Kirk
                    Miva Certified Developer
                    Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                    Previously of Webs Your Way
                    (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                    Email me: [email protected]

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                      Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

                      Originally posted by lesliekirk View Post
                      Also is there a step by step guide explaining how to use these settings?


                      I think I've figured out how to resolve displaying the Retail Price and price for Price Group members. But what do I need to do if I want to put a 100 or so items on sale?
                      Apologizes to Pamela (and I should have remembered this), in her eBook The Official Guide to Miva Merchant 9 EBOOK by Pamela Hazelton starting on page 162 she details step by step how to create the On Sale products. Although, I didn't see an answer to my question about the settings in the Point & Click view, she does mention checking the Calculate Predicted Discounts and Sale Price. It should be noted, that you should double check your coding to make sure it's there. I had to go to point & click, make the selections, update and get the code and then tweak the existing code.

                      Hopefully my continuing posts will help others find answers.
                      Leslie Kirk
                      Miva Certified Developer
                      Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                      Previously of Webs Your Way
                      (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                      Email me: [email protected]

                      Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                        Re: Show Sale Price and Regular Price

                        This thread has been very helpful. I also have a store that has been using the Cost field for sale pricing of products, and using a price group seems extremely clunky and more prone to errors than just having a sale price field within the product fields all the time. Definitely a wish list item (bump).

