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Replace Price with "Pricing By Volume" on CTGY page for Volume Priced Products

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    Replace Price with "Pricing By Volume" on CTGY page for Volume Priced Products

    I want to replace the price on the CTGY page only for products that have volume pricing. Basically I want to replace the price with "Pricing By Volume" for those specific products.

    I tried to put in a conditional statement wrapped around the price, but to no avail:
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:volprice:table">
    <p>Pricing By Volume</p>
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:base_price GT l.settings:product:price">
    <p><strong class="strike">&mvt:product:formatted_base_price;</strong><strong class="red">mvt:product:formatted_price;</strong></p>

    Not sure if this is possible since the volume pricing doesn't actually show up until the PROD page. Would I have to add <mvt:item name="volprice" param="product:id" /> to the CTGY page somehow??

    Any suggestions?

    Re: Replace Price with &quot;Pricing By Volume&quot; on CTGY page for Volume Priced Products

    You would need to assign the volprice item to the CTGY page and then add this to the category list foreach loop:

    <mvt:item name="volprice" param="product:id" />

    This will make the volume pricing table show up. If you do not want it to show, you'll need to customize the template, it should appear as a tab on the page when the item is assigned.

    Then you should be able to use the following if statement:

    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:volprice:table">
        <p>Pricing By Volume</p>
    Last edited by Brennan; 05-18-15, 11:30 AM.
    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Any way to make the volume pricing table show just one time at the top of the cat page as all the products in that category use exactly the same volume pricing table. No need to show it for every product. I guess just displaying a product array at the top but limiting it to just the first product would work. I can do that with the toolkit but the volume price table does not seem to work with that toolkit function.


        Got it. Simply created a product listing in the readythme area and assigned a common category that works for all categories and set it to display 1 product. Added this token to the cat page: <mvt:item name="readytheme" param="productlisting( 'volume' )" />

        Works great!


          Ok, so I worked out only the first issue wit this page. Here is the page:

          This is an effort to make a page that can make a quote for t-shirts. Mostly everything works but the price display after adding to cart. Using miva's Vol Pricing. I love the price display on the prod page. See attachment.

          The page is using multi add to cart function and and Miva's Volume Pricing and this is a cat page.

          So I need price to display a current price each after adding quantities to the cart, right?
          Last edited by fastees; 03-25-18, 06:51 AM.

