I have tried a bunch of different ways, and [head pounding on keyboard] I want to display an image in case the product does not have a main image assigned or no image at all:
This is the base readytheme for the PROD page template >> Product Display Layout main image:
On the next three below that I've tried, all PROD page images were 'no image available' even if they previously displayed their correct image, and of course, the ones that didn't have images still have that 'no image available' image:
On the below, PROD page image displays on products that actually have images, but the 'no image available' image does not display on products that have no image:
Currently delirious...
Thank you in advance for any advice!
This is the base readytheme for the PROD page template >> Product Display Layout main image:
<div class="product-image"> <img src="graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /> </div> <ul id="thumbnails" class="thumbnails"></ul>
<mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:product:imagetypes:main"> <div class="product-image"><img src="graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /></div> <mvt:else> <div class="product-image"><a href="&mvte:product:link;"><img src="graphics/00000001/NO_IMG-270x270.jpg" alt="&mvte:product:name;" class="img-responsive" /></a></div> </mvt:if> <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:product:customfield_values:productimagecustomfields:main"> <img src="graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /> <mvt:else> <div class="product-image"><img src="graphics/00000001/NO_IMG-270x270.jpg" alt="No image available"></div> </mvt:if> ---Yep, custom field assigned on the above and below --- <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:product:customfield_values:productimagecustomfields:main"> <div class="product-image"><img src="&mvt:product:image;" alt="&mvt:product:name;" /></div> <mvt:else> <div class="product-image"><img src="graphics/00000001/NO_IMG-270x270.jpg" alt="No image available"></div> </mvt:if>
<mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:product:image"> <div class="product-image"><img src="graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /></div> <mvt:else> <div class="product-image"><img src="graphics/00000001/NO_IMG-270x270.jpg alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /></div> </mvt:if>
Thank you in advance for any advice!