According to W3, attribute "id" must be unique and may be used only once per page.
Out of the box "Levels" and "Divino" themes have id="js-mini-basket-count" twice in the header. Same with id="js-navigation-set". I didn't check all themes, but there may be more.
So... to fix id="js-mini-basket-count" issue:
1. Find all instances of id="js-mini-basket-count" in the global header
2. Copy/move id attribute value into the class. You should end up with something like... class="mini-basket-count inline-block js-mini-basket-count"
3. Delete id attribute from the same element.
4. Open /mm5/themes/YOUR-THEME/js/scripts.js
5. Find #js-mini-basket-count and replace it with .js-mini-basket-count
Make sure you erase the javascript cache before you do the test, to be sure you've got the updated javascript file loaded.
Test the result and be happy :-)
example (levels theme):
p.s. will check how to fix js-navigation-set later
Out of the box "Levels" and "Divino" themes have id="js-mini-basket-count" twice in the header. Same with id="js-navigation-set". I didn't check all themes, but there may be more.
So... to fix id="js-mini-basket-count" issue:
1. Find all instances of id="js-mini-basket-count" in the global header
2. Copy/move id attribute value into the class. You should end up with something like... class="mini-basket-count inline-block js-mini-basket-count"
3. Delete id attribute from the same element.
4. Open /mm5/themes/YOUR-THEME/js/scripts.js
5. Find #js-mini-basket-count and replace it with .js-mini-basket-count
Make sure you erase the javascript cache before you do the test, to be sure you've got the updated javascript file loaded.
Test the result and be happy :-)
example (levels theme):
----- global header ----- find: <span class="mini-basket-count inline-block" id="js-mini-basket-count"> after modification: <span class="mini-basket-count inline-block js-mini-basket-count"> ---- scripts.js ----- find: miniBasketLinkCount = $('#js-mini-basket-count, #js-mobile-basket-button .notification'), after modification: miniBasketLinkCount = $('.js-mini-basket-count, #js-mobile-basket-button .notification'),