I have Readytheme product listings that I want to use a custom field to display the Category Name. I cannot figure out how to just grab the value of the custom field. I am basically just displaying 1 product blocks for sub categories at the top of the category page and to tighten it up I want to shorten the Category name so it looks cleaner for this display purpose. Any help would be appreciated.
<mvt:foreach iterator="product" array="readytheme:products"> <a class="u-block x-product-list__link" href="&mvt:canonical_uri:uri;" title="Shop &mvt:product_list_category:name;"> <img class="x-product-list__image" src="&mvte:product:imagetypes:main;" alt="Shop &mvt:product_list_category:name;"> </a> <a style="text-align:center;" class="u-block x-product-list__link" href="&mvt:canonical_uri:uri;" title="Shop &mvt:product_list_category:name;"><b>&mvt:product_list_category:name;</b></a> </mvt:foreach>