I'm trying to figure out why the Product Image on the PROD Page briefly displays then disappears. This is the code in place in the Product Display Layout:
The website is NOT using the Image Machine because it can't handle SVGs, instead, it is using the Legacy Images.
Is removing the id="main_image" the only way to fix this?
<figure class="x-product-imagery__showcase"> <img id="main_image" class="x-product-layout-images__image" data-hook="product-image" data-index="0" data-mini-modal data-mini-modal-content="data-hook=photo-gallery-template" data-mini-modal-type="inline" src="&mvt:product:image;" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;"> </figure>
Is removing the id="main_image" the only way to fix this?