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Non product page issues

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    Non product page issues

    The page title is being duplicated and appearing directly below the breadcrumbs on all the pages I've been creating. I copied the template code from the about us page and updated the contentsection code to point to new contentsection content. I'm not sure why it's appearing this way.


    Any help would be appreciated! Since it's a dev site I think that only Miva reps might be able to access it.


    Attached Files

    I believe there is a conditional in the global header for the page title.
    Matt Zimmermann

    Miva Web Developer
    Alchemy Web Development
    Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Professional Developer | Twitter


      Matt, I really appreciate your help for sure, but I need WAY more info. Maybe we should start from the beginning instead: As in, how SHOULD I create new non-product pages? What's that process? Maybe I'm just doing it wrong?

      I only say that cause I don't think I should have to update the global header to make a simple page, right?


        Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
        I believe there is a conditional in the global header for the page title.
        It looks like you have a good start for a non-product page but you have to be aware of some gotcha's like you have found. The Page name is displaying on your page due to coding you will find in your Global Heading.

        In the Global Header maybe around line 546 is part of a conditional that displays the &mvt:page:name; token. Look for something like this

        <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:page:code EQ 'PROD'">
        <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:page:code NE 'ABUS' AND l.settings:page:code NE 'CTUS' AND l.settings:page:code NE 'FAQS' AND l.settings:page:code NE 'PRPO' AND l.settings:page:code NE 'SARP'">

        Add this right after
        <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:page:code EQ 'PROD'">

        <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:page:code EQ 'SOFT'">
        Don't change any of the other coding. That will remove Software from your page.

        Leslie Kirk
        Miva Certified Developer
        Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
        Previously of Webs Your Way
        (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

        Email me:

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          Hi Leslie, that completely explained it and worked great! I have a dozen or so pages like that so I guess I'll need to do that for everyone of them.

          Can you tell me how to create (for example) a Services sidebar and assign pages to it AND THEN get that sidebar to appear on the benefits page?


            Originally posted by jfazar View Post
            Hi Leslie, that completely explained it and worked great! I have a dozen or so pages like that so I guess I'll need to do that for everyone of them.

            Can you tell me how to create (for example) a Services sidebar and assign pages to it AND THEN get that sidebar to appear on the benefits page?
            In your non-products page look in the Page Details template, then scroll down towards the bottom of that coding. Look for something similar to this

            <aside class="o-layout__item u-width-12 u-width-3--l u-width-2--w">
            <mvt:item name="readytheme" param="navigationset( 'static_navigation' )" />
            The "aside" is where you will put Theme Component Navigation Set - take a peek at at the Navigation Set static_navigation (you "should" have it). If that is the style sidebar navigation you would like for your benefits page - you can either insert the token into the aside or you can create a new Navigation Set. I would recommend using the coding from the Navigation Set static_navigation, then you can assign the links you would like for it.

            Hope that helps.
            Leslie Kirk
            Miva Certified Developer
            Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
            Previously of Webs Your Way
            (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

            Email me:

            Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


              I replace the static_navigation with a new single column nav. This works great for desktop but when I go to small screen sizes, the collapse wont work. Is there something else i am missing to enable the toggle to expand and collapse? It works on pages that uses static_navigation


                Here is the error below in the console. What does this mean?

                Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '#global-account,#22_company_nav,#footer_categories,#quick_ links,#social_active,#newsletter-form' is not a valid selector.

                function $(selector, context) {
                (context || document).querySelectorAll(selector)


                  Hi Matt Zimmermann

                  Just a quick follow up. Is the static_navigation must be used for non product pages for the left section? I try to replace that with other Nav (identical coding) and it keeps error out.


                    If the code is identical, then it should work without error. Can you post a link to the page in question?
                    Matt Zimmermann

                    Miva Web Developer
                    Alchemy Web Development
                    Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                    Miva Certified Developer
                    Miva Professional Developer

           | Twitter


                      I just switch the about-us page using a different nav


                      The desktop version works but when you min the screen, the expand won't work.


                        Looks like the issue is that the navigation set "code", which is used as the elements "ID", starts with a number. Unfortunately, as far as W3C Specifications are concerned, ID's cannot start with a number.

                        In CSS, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_); they cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.
                        If you change the code to remove the number, the error should go away.
                        Matt Zimmermann

                        Miva Web Developer
                        Alchemy Web Development
                        Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                        Miva Certified Developer
                        Miva Professional Developer

               | Twitter


                          Thank you. Removing the number in front works.


                            ...and another important sytax issue. They are all CASE SENSITVE
                            Bruce Golub
                            Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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