I have a single category that I would like to display with a color other than the default cattree CSS. I'm probably approaching it all wrong and have tried a couple different attempts
My first attempt assumed that l.settings:parent:code would work since "parent:name;" is used
I've also tried
I'm trying to remove styling that was added in the Category Name field as it breaks the breadcrumb link title.
My first attempt assumed that l.settings:parent:code would work since "parent:name;" is used
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:parent:code EQ 'Hurricane-Assistance'"> <a class="x-accordion-category-tree__link &mvte:current:parent; u-text-medium" href="&mvte:parent:link:uri;"><span class="u-color-red">&mvt:parent:name;</span></a> <mvt:else> <a class="x-accordion-category-tree__link &mvte:current:parent; u-text-medium" href="&mvte:parent:link:uri;">&mvt:parent:name;</a> </mvt:if>
I've also tried