I'd like to implement the search feature that Colossus has into Shadows. In Colossus when you click on 'search' in the header a sorta 'modal' comes up for you to search in. I have copied over the css and found some js [see below] but it definitely seems like there is more js to power this - I just can't find it. Where is the rest of the code to make this work?
MMSearchField.prototype.onMenuAppendHeader = function () { return null; }; MMSearchField.prototype.onMenuAppendItem = function (data) { var span; span = newElement('span', {'class': 'x-search-preview__entry'}, null, null); span.innerHTML = data; return span; }; MMSearchField.prototype.onMenuAppendStoreSearch = function (search_value) { var item; item = newElement('div', {'class': 'x-search-preview__search-all'}, null, null); item.element_text = newTextNode('Search store for product "' + search_value + '"', item); return item; }; MMSearchField.prototype.onFocus = function () { this.element_menu.classList.toggle('x-search-preview--open'); }; MMSearchField.prototype.onBlur = function () { this.element_menu.classList.toggle('x-search-preview--open'); };