1) It appears that Luxe products are is set up for a maximum of three Related Products. Is that true or can it be expanded to handle more? Levels and others have sliders but not Luxe.
This item has 10 related products but only the first three show.
2) When we have a lot of images for a product there are many dots on the bottom of the main/primary image but how to open the rest and move between is not intuitive. Is there another approach?
This is an extreme example (and I know that my images are not consistently sized).
This item has 10 related products but only the first three show.
2) When we have a lot of images for a product there are many dots on the bottom of the main/primary image but how to open the rest and move between is not intuitive. Is there another approach?
This is an extreme example (and I know that my images are not consistently sized).