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Display Attribute Price on CTGY Page

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    Display Attribute Price on CTGY Page

    Store has product prices of 0.00 because the pricing is in the attribute. I need to be able to display that attribute price on the CTGY page. I'm thinking I will need to add the <mvt:item name="attributemachine" param="head_deferred" /> to the HEAD tag and <mvt:item name="attributemachine" param="body_deferred" /> in the body (after the <mvt:item name="category_listing" /> token?). What Items need to be assigned? The attributemachine and product_attributes?

    Again I was attempting to set off the smoke detectors when I wondered about using this

    <mvt:foreach iterator="attribute" array="attributes">
        <!-- Attribute Price -->
    <span class="x-product-list__price" style="display:block; line-height: 1.4; font-weight: normal;">&mvt:attribute:formatted_price;</span>
    While I didn't break anything, it doesn't display the Attribute Price.

    Leslie Kirk
    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
    Previously of Webs Your Way
    (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

    Email me: [email protected]

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    Hi Leslie,

    You may be able to use this as an alternate to get you started. One part of it is that you will need Toolkit...unless someone has updated code to not need it.
    Matt Zimmermann

    Miva Web Developer
    Alchemy Web Development
    Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Professional Developer | Twitter


      I need to accomplish this as well - I need to show the low - high range for each product on the CTGY page. The code sample works great on the PROD page, but when I add it to the CTGY page it isn't working - just shows $0.00 for the low and high.


        Does anyone know how to get this working properly on the CTGY page?


          The two simplest solutions to showing the "base" price on the category page would be to populate the master product with the lowest price available or use a custom product field to display the starting price.
          Matt Zimmermann

          Miva Web Developer
          Alchemy Web Development

          Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

          Miva Certified Developer
          Miva Professional Developer

 | Twitter


            I currently use a custom field to simply show the range - I was just hoping this solution could be altered to work for the category page as well so that we didn't have so much manual entry of the ranges, as well as upkeeping those when prices change.

