Store has product prices of 0.00 because the pricing is in the attribute. I need to be able to display that attribute price on the CTGY page. I'm thinking I will need to add the <mvt:item name="attributemachine" param="head_deferred" /> to the HEAD tag and <mvt:item name="attributemachine" param="body_deferred" /> in the body (after the <mvt:item name="category_listing" /> token?). What Items need to be assigned? The attributemachine and product_attributes?
Again I was attempting to set off the smoke detectors when I wondered about using this
While I didn't break anything, it doesn't display the Attribute Price.
Again I was attempting to set off the smoke detectors when I wondered about using this
<mvt:foreach iterator="attribute" array="attributes"> <!-- Attribute Price --> <span class="x-product-list__price" style="display:block; line-height: 1.4; font-weight: normal;">&mvt:attribute:formatted_price;</span> </mvt:foreach>