At first I thought it might have been an issue with a template that was tweaked to not display the customer credit so I went and tried another store. It didn't display the customer credit (applied gift certificate). Both sites are using fairly new versions of Shadows (10.04.00) and both are behaving the same way. Something looks like it's just missing from the code. It looks odd
I look at the code and ask "Or what?"
<mvt:foreach array="paymentmethods" iterator="method"> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:method:module EQ 'customercredit'"> <div class="c-form-list__item c-form-list__item--full u-font-small"> <span class="o-layout o-layout--align-baseline"> <strong class="o-layout__item o-layout--no-grow">Or</strong> <span class="o-layout__item"> <span class="c-keyline c-keyline--small u-block"></span> </span> </span> </div> <div class="c-form-list__item c-form-list__item--full u-font-small"> <label class="c-form-checkbox c-form-checkbox--radio"> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:method:paymentcard:id"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="radio" name="PaymentMethod" value="paymentcard:&mvte:method:paymentcard:id;"> <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:method:paymentcardtype:id"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="radio" name="PaymentMethod" value="paymentcardtype:&mvte:method:paymentcardtype:id;"> <mvt:else> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="radio" name="PaymentMethod" value="&mvte:method:module;:&mvte:method:code;"> </mvt:if> <span class="c-form-checkbox__caption">&mvt:method:name;</span> </label> </div> <mvt:foreachstop /> </mvt:if> </mvt:foreach>
I look at the code and ask "Or what?"