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Storyteller Dynamic Pricing

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    Originally posted by lesliekirk View Post

    Are there any specific settings that need to be configured to trigger it? It looks like it works with all attribute types. I've tried radio buttons and drop down select but the product price doesn't change with either one. I'm not seeing any javascript errors. I'm wondering about the settings in the Attribute Machine? The Displayed Price and the Additional Price Display.
    Another question or perhaps a point of clarification - when you said
    where a product is using inventory variants and non-variant attributes
    that only applies to the individual product? There are a couple of other products that have had the Inventory Variants assigned. But I'm trying to test this with one that doesn't have any Inventory Variants.

    Leslie Kirk
    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
    Previously of Webs Your Way
    (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

    Email me: [email protected]

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      Hi Leslie,

      For the function to run, the product has to have attributes and attribute machine has to be undefined.
      Matt Zimmermann

      Miva Web Developer
      Alchemy Web Development
      Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

      Miva Certified Developer
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        Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
        Hi Leslie,

        For the function to run, the product has to have attributes and attribute machine has to be undefined.
        Do I have to create a new PROD Page template for this? When you say "undefined" does that mean I un-assign the item?

        Yes, the product has attributes, they do not have the "I" assigned.

        Leslie Kirk
        Miva Certified Developer
        Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
        Previously of Webs Your Way
        (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

        Email me: [email protected]

        Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


          Originally posted by lesliekirk View Post

          Do I have to create a new PROD Page template for this? When you say "undefined" does that mean I un-assign the item?

          Yes, the product has attributes, they do not have the "I" assigned.

          FYI - it doesn't work on the demo site:


          Leslie Kirk
          Miva Certified Developer
          Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
          Previously of Webs Your Way
          (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

          Email me: [email protected]

          Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


            Hi Leslie,

            You shouldn't have to create a new template, unless you want to have a specific design for those products. As for the demonstration site, that product uses variants.
            Matt Zimmermann

            Miva Web Developer
            Alchemy Web Development
            Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

            Miva Certified Developer
            Miva Professional Developer

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              Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
              Hi Leslie,

              You shouldn't have to create a new template, unless you want to have a specific design for those products. As for the demonstration site, that product uses variants.
              Okay, I don't need to create a new template. I am not using Inventory Variants. The javascript pricing updating is not working. I'm not following what you mean by
              and attribute machine has to be undefined.
              How do I undefine the attribute machine? I tried unchecking the "Enabled" checkbox and that didn't seem to work (after I updated).

              Could using an Attribute Template instead of building the attributes in the product be the problem?
              Leslie Kirk
              Miva Certified Developer
              Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
              Previously of Webs Your Way
              (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

              Email me: [email protected]

              Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                Hi Leslie,

                Attribute Machine, as a JavaScript function, is defined once you set an attribute to track inventory...whether or not you have created variants.
                Matt Zimmermann

                Miva Web Developer
                Alchemy Web Development
                Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                Miva Certified Developer
                Miva Professional Developer

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                  Since my issue is a Storyteller issue, should I move my questions there?
                  Leslie Kirk
                  Miva Certified Developer
                  Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                  Previously of Webs Your Way
                  (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                  Email me: [email protected]

                  Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                    Hi Leslie,

                    Matt Zimmermann

                    Miva Web Developer
                    Alchemy Web Development
                    Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                    Miva Certified Developer
                    Miva Professional Developer

           | Twitter


                      Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
                      Hi Leslie,

                      Attribute Machine, as a JavaScript function, is defined once you set an attribute to track inventory...whether or not you have created variants.
                      I have created a new product, it doesn't have the track inventory checked. I have even disabled the Attribute Machine in the PROD Page template. The javascript dynamic price still isn't updating.
                      Leslie Kirk
                      Miva Certified Developer
                      Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                      Previously of Webs Your Way
                      (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                      Email me: [email protected]

                      Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                        HI Leslie,

                        Are you seeing any JavaScript errors and/or can you post a link?
                        Matt Zimmermann

                        Miva Web Developer
                        Alchemy Web Development
                        Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                        Miva Certified Developer
                        Miva Professional Developer

               | Twitter


                          Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
                          HI Leslie,

                          Are you seeing any JavaScript errors and/or can you post a link?
                          I'm not seeing any javascript errors and I can't post a link, it's behind a wall.
                          Leslie Kirk
                          Miva Certified Developer
                          Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                          Previously of Webs Your Way
                          (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                          Email me: [email protected]

                          Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                            Originally posted by Matt Zimmermann View Post
                            HI Leslie,

                            Are you seeing any JavaScript errors and/or can you post a link?
                            I can PM you the access.
                            Leslie Kirk
                            Miva Certified Developer
                            Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                            Previously of Webs Your Way
                            (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                            Email me: [email protected]

                            Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                              Hi Leslie,

                              Seems to be working on the demonstration site here: https://storyteller-readytheme.mivam...ravel-kit.html

                              Check that the JavaScript in your scripts.js file matches this:
                                              if (typeof attrMachCall === 'undefined' && $.hook('product-attribute__count').val() > 0) {
                                                  var baseProductPrice = Number($.hook('product-details__price').attr('content')),
                                                      regularProductPrice = Number(),
                                                      productAttributeCount = Number($.hook('product-attribute__count').val() + 1),
                                                      productAttributes = $.hook('cmp-product-purchase').find(':input'),
                                                      attributeType = [''];
                                                  for (var i = 0; i < productAttributes.length; i++) {
                                                      var tagName = productAttributes[i].tagName.toLowerCase(),
                                                          elementType = productAttributes[i].type,
                                                          type = productAttributes[i].getAttribute('data-attribute-type'),
                                                          name = productAttributes[i].name;
                                                      if (elementType === 'hidden' && type != null) {
                                                      // Update product display price on any attribute value change
                                                      productAttributes[i].onchange =  function () {
                                                  // Update product display price based on the total of selected options
                                                  function updateProductDisplayPrice() {
                                                      var availableAttributes,
                                                          totalAdjustedProductPrice = baseProductPrice,
                                                          totalRegularProductPrice = regularProductPrice,
                                                      for (var attributeIndex = 1; attributeIndex < productAttributeCount; attributeIndex++) {
                                                          availableAttributes = document.getElementsByName('Product_Attributes[' + attributeIndex + ']:value');
                                                          if (attributeType[attributeIndex] === 'select') {
                                                              for (var optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < availableAttributes.length; optionIndex++) {
                                                                  selectedOption = availableAttributes.item(optionIndex);
                                                                  selectedOptionData = selectedOption.options.item(selectedOption.selectedIndex);
                                                                  totalAdjustedProductPrice += Number(selectedOptionData.getAttribute('data-option-price'));
                                                                  totalRegularProductPrice += Number(selectedOptionData.getAttribute('data-regular-price'));
                                                          else if (attributeType[attributeIndex] === 'radio' || attributeType[attributeIndex] === 'checkbox') {
                                                              for (var radioOptionIndex = 0; radioOptionIndex < availableAttributes.length; radioOptionIndex++) {
                                                                  selectedOption = availableAttributes.item(radioOptionIndex);
                                                                  if (selectedOption.checked) {
                                                                      totalAdjustedProductPrice += Number(selectedOption.getAttribute('data-option-price'));
                                                                      totalRegularProductPrice += Number(selectedOption.getAttribute('data-regular-price'));
                                                          else if (attributeType[attributeIndex] === 'text' || attributeType[attributeIndex] === 'memo') {
                                                              selectedOption = availableAttributes.item(0);
                                                              if (selectedOption.value) {
                                                                  totalAdjustedProductPrice += Number(selectedOption.getAttribute('data-option-price'));
                                                                  totalRegularProductPrice += Number(selectedOption.getAttribute('data-regular-price'));
                                                      totalQuantity = document.getElementsByName('Quantity');
                                                      totalAdjustedProductPrice = totalAdjustedProductPrice * Number(totalQuantity.item(0).value);
                                                      totalRegularProductPrice = totalRegularProductPrice * Number(totalQuantity.item(0).value);
                                                  // Format for US currency
                                                  function formatCurrency(total) {
                                                      var neg = false;
                                                      if (total < 0) {
                                                          neg = true;
                                                          total = Math.abs(total);
                                                      return (neg ? '-$' : '$') + parseFloat(total, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,').toString();
                                                  // Update product display price based on default attributes on page load
                              Matt Zimmermann

                              Miva Web Developer
                              Alchemy Web Development
                              Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

                              Miva Certified Developer
                              Miva Professional Developer

                     | Twitter


                                Although it looks like I had that code, I went ahead and change the code to this. It didn't make a difference. The console is not showing any javascript errors. I wonder if using a linked Attribute Template could be the issue?

                                Would you like me to PM you with access to view the page?
                                Leslie Kirk
                                Miva Certified Developer
                                Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                                Previously of Webs Your Way
                                (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                                Email me: [email protected]

                                Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr

