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Slow basket load when many items are in cart
This is caused by how the toolkit "prompt" function is calling in the attribute prompt.
Remove this line of code and it should fix it:
<mvt:item name="toolkit" param="prompt" />
This function is no longer needed as the ability to access to attribute prompt is built into Miva.Last edited by Brennan; 03-14-16, 09:04 AM.
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Slow basket load when many items are in cart
I noticed recently that our basket takes significantly longer to load when there are many items in the cart. I did some testing with debug logs and mvprof and found that with multiple items in the cart (like 50) we get thousands of requests for option lines. With just one item in the cart we get only a few requests. Is this something I can improve with our page template? Here are the first lines from each log:
Full basket:cumulative seconds self seconds calls fastest call slowest call name (file) 2.7338 2.7338 3444 0.000672 0.004382 basketoptionlist_load_line (mm5/5.00/lib/db.mvc)
One item in basket:cumulative seconds self seconds calls fastest call slowest call name (file) 0.0910 0.0064 4 0.000751 0.003425 basketoptionlist_load_line (mm5/5.00/lib/db.mvc)
Here's a simplified version of our template code for basket contents, the most important things like foreach loops etc are unchanged:
HTML Code:<mvt:foreach iterator="item" array="basket:items"> <tr> <td> <img src="mvt:global:prodThumb;" alt="&mvte:item:name;" height="100" width="100"> </td> <td>&mvt:item:name;</td> <td>&mvt:item:formatted_price;</td> <td> <input class="Quantity&mvte:item:line_id;" type="number" name="Quantity" value="&mvt:item:quantity;"> </td> <td>&mvt:item:formatted_subtotal;</td> </tr> <mvt:item name="toolkit" param="prompt" /> <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:item:options"> <tr> <td> <table> <mvt:foreach iterator="option" array="item:options"> <tr> <td> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:option:option_id"> <i style="margin-left: 20px;">• &mvt:option:attr_code;: <strong>&mvt:option:opt_prompt;</strong></i> <mvt:elseif expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:option:data"> <mvt:assign name="AttributeName" value="l.settings:option:attr_code" /> <i style="margin-left: 20px;">• &mvt:global:AttributeName;: <strong>&mvt:option:data;</strong></i> <mvt:elseif expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:option:data_logn"> <i style="margin-left: 20px;">• &mvt:option:attr_code;: <strong>&mvt:option:data_logn;</strong></i> <mvt:else> <i style="margin-left: 20px;">• &mvt:option:attr_code;</i> </mvt:if> </td> <td> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:option:price"> &mvt:option:formatted_price; </mvt:if> </td> <td></td> <td> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:option:price"> &mvt:option:formatted_subtotal; </mvt:if> </td> </tr> </mvt:foreach> </table> </td> <td></td> </tr> <mvt:else> <tr></tr> </mvt:if> </mvt:foreach> <mvt:foreach iterator="charge" array="basket:charges"> <tr> <td></td> <td><i>&mvt:charge:descrip;:</i></td> <td>&mvt:charge:formatted_disp_amt;</td> <td></td> </tr> </mvt:foreach>
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