So I need to trigger a tweaked display based on incoming URL & UTM tag.
I know I can read the headers, so I've gotten that far.
My idea is to then set a semi-persistent cookie, so that while the specific incoming visitors get a similar header everywhere they go in the store.
I found this in the docs
I've also been reading --
So, based on the example code, I'm not certain how to set the more broadly accepted 'good ideas' like "Secure" and "HTTPOnly".
Do I just set them?
like this:
I know I can read the headers, so I've gotten that far.
My idea is to then set a semi-persistent cookie, so that while the specific incoming visitors get a similar header everywhere they go in the store.
I found this in the docs
<mvt:do file="g.module_library_utilities" name="g.null" value="SetCookie(g.Output_Cookies, g.cookie_name, g.cookie_value , g.cookiedomain , g.expires, g.cookiepath, 0 )" />
So, based on the example code, I'm not certain how to set the more broadly accepted 'good ideas' like "Secure" and "HTTPOnly".
Do I just set them?
like this:
<mvt:assign name="g.cookie_secure" value="'Secure'" />