I created a new web page documenting the new Font Based Icons. These can be implemented using <tag data-[icon-option]="value"> but many can be called by class name.
MivaIcons using data or class
ElegantIcons using data or class
Suivant using character
IcoMoon using character
Google Material using data or name
Examples are provided.
Note: It's interesting to note the the large Google Material Icon library loads faster (less network overhead) than any of the other icon libraries due to it loading from the Google content delivery network (CDN).
MivaIcons using data or class
ElegantIcons using data or class
Suivant using character
IcoMoon using character
Google Material using data or name
Examples are provided.
Note: It's interesting to note the the large Google Material Icon library loads faster (less network overhead) than any of the other icon libraries due to it loading from the Google content delivery network (CDN).