It would be really helpful for many of our clients (and us!) to be able to use a simple RTE when editing the text for Content Sections. Our clients who would like to self maintain these areas who are not HTML savvy are having to either save word docs as HTML (definitely not a good idea) or take a simple course in basic HTML coding in order to update their content. If you use a content section to display several paragraphs of information with links etc. it can be difficult to not get it to display correctly. At a minimum, it should recognize line breaks and add in the paragraph marks so someone could type and add paragraphs, and not have it display as one long run on sentence.
Am I missing a flag somewhere to get this to work? I have set the preferences on my content section edit page, but they don't take.
This would be incredibly helpful to our frustrated clients and make life much easier for us.
Am I missing a flag somewhere to get this to work? I have set the preferences on my content section edit page, but they don't take.
This would be incredibly helpful to our frustrated clients and make life much easier for us.