It would be really nice to adjust the Customer Fields Settings on a per page basis.
Here is what's in my head:
On any page the Customer/Address Fields are assigned to show a new tab labeled Customer Fields with the same settings that are currently under Settings > Store Settings > Customer Fields.
Obviously on pages like CABK, CADA, CADE there would be no need for the Shipping/Billing Information or Primary Address Drop Downs.
It would just be nice to have a more granular control over what Miva can natively validate as far as what is required.
For example:
Maybe on OCST you just want the Ship To Fields to be Required and the Bill To Fields to be Optional allowing you to hide them entirely.
Then on OSEL you just want to display the Ship To that was just entered.
Then on OPAY you want to Hide the Ship To Fields and just display what was entered and make the Bill To Fields Required.
To me, this gives stores a more open slate as far as how they want or need their checkout flow to operate while providing the least amount of friction.
For us, we need the Bill To to match the credit card being used.
So the Flow of Ship To Info > Ship/Payment Method Selection > Bill To Info/Payment Info just seems like the most logical flow and also a pretty common on the web today.
That way if there is an Authorization failure due to an incorrect Billing Address, it is right there on the page to edit and try submitting the order again.
Anyways, thanks for reading.
Here is what's in my head:
On any page the Customer/Address Fields are assigned to show a new tab labeled Customer Fields with the same settings that are currently under Settings > Store Settings > Customer Fields.
Obviously on pages like CABK, CADA, CADE there would be no need for the Shipping/Billing Information or Primary Address Drop Downs.
It would just be nice to have a more granular control over what Miva can natively validate as far as what is required.
For example:
Maybe on OCST you just want the Ship To Fields to be Required and the Bill To Fields to be Optional allowing you to hide them entirely.
Then on OSEL you just want to display the Ship To that was just entered.
Then on OPAY you want to Hide the Ship To Fields and just display what was entered and make the Bill To Fields Required.
To me, this gives stores a more open slate as far as how they want or need their checkout flow to operate while providing the least amount of friction.
For us, we need the Bill To to match the credit card being used.
So the Flow of Ship To Info > Ship/Payment Method Selection > Bill To Info/Payment Info just seems like the most logical flow and also a pretty common on the web today.
That way if there is an Authorization failure due to an incorrect Billing Address, it is right there on the page to edit and try submitting the order again.
Anyways, thanks for reading.