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Scheduled Product Assignments

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    Scheduled Product Assignments

    I need to be able to schedule product assignments based on a schedule. Use case: I have a sales category that I want to temporarily assign products that get added to a scheduled sale. So I would need to be able to assign products and remove products from the category on a set schedule. Any insight is greatly appreciated as always.

    Using the Scheduled Task feature you could use the Standard Scheduled Tasks: Import operation type to import a CSV file that will update the product category assignments. The Scheduled Task feature does not have a specific date scheduled but you can have it run every night and make sure that the file is updated before it runs.
    Nicholas Adkins
    Technical Training Specialist / Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Another option would be to use Scot's Schedule Message module (which does have set date/time/repeats) and do something similar to what Nicholas was suggesting.

      In place of the message, you'd just have a couple of API calls to add or remove a list of products. This might be more difficult to setup, but you'd have better timing management (and not have to rely on someone uploading a file at a specific time.
      Bruce Golub
      Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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        eldon99, A while back Kent Multer developed a series of merchandising widgets similar to the one on Amazon Home page, powered by Price Groups (similar to SearchSpring Merchandising but obviously not as sophisticated). Whenever a product and/or category went on sale it would display a widget on the SFNT, etc. it works great. He did the same for Previously Viewed Product, Categories, New Products Added. Out SFNT page is always dynamically fresh. We have other widgets planned, but I've been sidetracked with some unexpected things.
        Thank you, Bill Davis

