We're pleased to announce we've just released a Shipment Import/Export module combination for PR 8.
You can get more information and download it from Miva Central here: http://mivacentral.com/Merchant2/mer...=MIVA-SHIPIMEX
These modules can easily import tracking numbers from UPS WorldShip, FedEx ShipManager, Endicia Dazzle and others.
You can also use the Export Shipments module for sending label addresses and weights to shipping software as well.
The purpose of these modules is simple to Export Pending Shipments and subsequently Import Shipment Status Updates for the same Shipments.
You can get more information and download it from Miva Central here: http://mivacentral.com/Merchant2/mer...=MIVA-SHIPIMEX
These modules can easily import tracking numbers from UPS WorldShip, FedEx ShipManager, Endicia Dazzle and others.
You can also use the Export Shipments module for sending label addresses and weights to shipping software as well.
The purpose of these modules is simple to Export Pending Shipments and subsequently Import Shipment Status Updates for the same Shipments.