If you've already installed Beta 1 and are still on the Beta Upgrade/Update Stream you can upgrade via the Streaming Update System. If you're not on the Beta stream already and want to use the Version 9 Beta, please follow the directions listed here: http://extranet.mivamerchant.com/for...-Been-Released
Miva Merchant 9 Beta 2 Release Notes
New Features
General Improvements
Security Improvements
Admin Changes
Shipping Changes
Other Changes
Bugs Fixed
9829: Core Runtime: With image machine enabled, the generated script source links do not pass html5 validation.
12253: Administrative Interface: JavaScriptEncode does not properly handle UTF-8 multibyte sequences
12931: Module: amazonpay: Implement synchronous authorization and remove "prior authorization" warning text
13604: Module: cmp-mv-shipestimate: Shipestimate_rates item get created twice when added by a framework
14882: Module: tokenlist: Some fields are not highlighted properly after clicking View Variable on Live Page button
15151: Module: tokenlist: TokenList requires Administrator or Store Manager privilege
15157: Administrative Interface: Order processing: Creating a batch changes the batch selection but does not properly reload the list of orders
15163: Administrative Interface: Administrative user without administrator or creation privileges cannot change its own password
15267: Administrative Interface: It should be possible to add image types from the image picker
15271: MMBatchList: Display order batch list does not handle errors properly
15272: MMBatchList: Display order batch list does not focus the input fields on a failed update
15273: Administrative Interface: Order processing: batch capture not working when no orders are selected.
15274: MMBatchList: Buttons that are not functional are still displayed when a delete record error occurs
15280: Administrative Interface: In IE 11: Can't sort Template Based Batch Reports using header links.
15290: Administrative Interface: MMButtons: Vertical alignment is not centered correctly in FF
15293: Administrative Interface: The page does not load completely when opening menu items in a new tab (IE8-11)
15303: Administrative Interface: Broken Reference error when viewing a page if you do not have permissions to view the default tab.
15307: Administrative Interface: LRNS doesn't disappear when resizing from a small window to a large window when viewing a legacy import
15309: Administrative Interface: The More Tabs dropdown arrow is not touching the menu
15333: Module: flatrate: FlatRate MMBatchList Constructor has unused variable declarations
15342: Administrative Interface: Base Category Assign List: Show Categories toggle button does not work
15343: Administrative Interface: Base Product Assign List: Show Products toggle button does not work
15347: Administrative Interface: MMImagePicker: Selecting image that failed to upload displays the image type drop-down
15348: Administrative Interface: Tab Sections in the Domain do not get their collapse state saved/restored
15349: Administrative Interface: The more tabs dropdown select should display HTML correctly
15350: Discounting Subsystem: Fatal error during checkout when applying more then one discount to a line item
15351: Administrative Interface: JavaScript Class Name replacing could potentially replace incorrect values
15355: Framework Import/Export: Progress bar remains after uploading a framework
15356: Price Groups: JavaScript error when viewing price groups after updating to the mm9 beta
15357: Administrative Interface: No error message when submitting a support ticket with an invalid email address
15359: Administrative Interface: Some third party modules with links under utilities do not get displayed in mm9
15361: Administrative Interface: Support Google Authenticator for two factor login
15364: Administrative Interface: The word "runtime" appears in the merchant URL after clicking on view store
15365: Administrative Interface: MM9Screen: Scrape_Content function does not properly scrape frames that don't use the BeginScreen_XXX functions in IE7
15366: Administrative Interface: Inventory Kit Builder: Edit Parts dialog does not resize to view the autocomplete list
15367: Administrative Interface: Non admin users do not have access to the Edit User screen.
15369: Price Groups: the "customers" column should be titled "eligibility" on the Price Groups batch edit list
15370: Administrative Interface: JSON_Encode should not encode the colon symbol
15371: Related Products: Cannot change the display order of related products
15373: Administrative Interface: Attribute options remain visible when type is changed to non-option attribute
15374: Administrative Interface: Runtime error when viewing merchant.mvc if no stores exist.
15375: Administrative Interface: View store link should not be displayed in the Quicklinks when no stores exist
15376: Administrative Interface: response variable is not defined in AJAX_Call_Initialize
15378: Administrative Interface: g.adminurl is set incorrectly when a non-secure admin is setup
15382: Administrative Interface: Errors when deleting an order are not displayed in the Manage Orders list
15384: Administrative Interface: Add the ability to refresh the order overlay detail and list
15385: Administrative Interface: The order Processing filter "payment" should be named payment status
15386: Administrative Interface: The order Processing filter "status" should be named order status
15387: Administrative Interface: The order Processing "payment status" column always displays pending
15388: Administrative Interface: Frameworks tab mmBatchList has extra columns.
15390: Attribute Templates: Attribute templates are not default sorted alphabetically on the Attribute Templates screen
15391: Attribute Templates: Attribute templates are not default sorted alphabetically when adding to a product
15392: Administrative Interface: User Interface/Settings: Settings do not revert after accepting warning message and returning to tab.
15393: Administrative Interface: Image type update function loads image types by code instead of ID
15394: Administrative Interface: Image Types should be tied to the User Interface screen and PAGE privilege
15395: Administrative Interface: Create a "Main" image type by default on store creation
15397: Administrative Interface: Edit product attributes advanced search does not recognize attribute templates
15398: Module: imagemanagement: Image managements processing dialog is missing the word "processing"
15399: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList: Loading records should be done more efficiently
15403: Administrative Interface: The store list doesn’t get cleared correctly when the navigation is refreshed.
15404: Administrative Interface: Order processing Date Range filter doesn't work right
15406: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList: Clientside validation should allow multiple errors
15409: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab should not display ID and Label_count columns
15410: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, default displayed columns should match pr8
15411: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, track type and track link should be in advanced search only.
15412: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, the tracking column should still be a link.
15413: Administrative Interface: Bredcrumbs are not cleared when sub menu item is clicked
15414: Module: endicialabels: Endicia Account Activity screen needs to be converted over to use beginscreen for MM9 scraping
15415: Administrative Interface: The edit shipping method priorities dialog should wrap long method names.
15416: Administrative Interface: Installing a module through provisioning should refresh the navigation menu
15417: Database Layer: lib/dbeng/order_compat.mv - Bad MvDO to BasketCoupon_Delete_All_Order
15418: Database Layer: lib/dbeng/order_compat.mv - Bad MvDO to BasketDiscount_Delete_All_Order
15419: Module: mvga: PRV_LogMessage misspelled
15420: Module: packbyquantity: PRV_LogError is referencing admin.mvc instead of features/prv/prv_ad.mvc
15421: Module: packbyweight: PRV_LogError is referencing admin.mvc instead of features/prv/prv_ad.mvc
15422: Module: cbamazon: Error is referencing lib/db.mvc instead of lib/util.mvc
15423: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Import_Validate
15424: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Payout_Delete
15425: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Report_Validate
15426: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to OrderCharge_Update
15427: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to Discount_Basket_LowLevel
15428: Administrative Interface: Shipping 'Action' not removed from admin.mv
15429: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to AttributeTemplateAttr_Load_Code & AttributeTemplateOption_Load_Code
15431: Database Layer: sNN_DiscountOptions table is not deleted on store delete
15432: Module: templateorderemails: Template Based Email list should have an assignlist style on/off toggle for the "Automatic" column
15439: CSSUI Templates: NTFD page template is not setting error_message_count correctly
15441: Core Runtime: Sorting products on a page with a non-numeric value loads all items rather than the default value
15444: MMBatchList: (Optionally) display a message when an MMBatchList is empty
15446: Framework Import/Export: Framework directory path is incorrect
15448: Reporting Subsystem: Reports screen needs to be updated
15579: Administrative Interface: Shipping Method is not displayed on the Order Processing> Shipments scree
15580: Shipping/Packaging Rules: When viewing a ZPL shipping label, the list of printers never populates in FireFox on Mac OS X
15581: Core JSON: JSON_OrderShipmentLabel_Output does not output a base href when previewing ZPL labels
15798: Administrative Interface: Too Many Sessions screen should have the ability to "try again"
15799: Template Import/Export: User Interface > Pages > Import Page does not work for the basket item
15800: Administrative Interface: Too Many Sessions screen should take itself out of the frameset (like Log In Screen) to prevent being displayed within admin
15944: Module: cmp-cssui-head: Batch list portion of the HEAD Tag Content/CSS tab needs to be converted to an MMBatchList
15945: Module: cmp-mv-head: Batch list portion of the HEAD Tag Content/CSS tab needs to be converted to an MMBatchList
15968: Administrative Interface: Order processing, edit address dialog should be slightly taller
15969: Module: cmp-mmui-vieworder: Cmp-mmui-vieworder doesn't properly close the tracking number link
15970: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: Cmp-cssui-vieworder doesn't properly close the tracking number link
16024: MMBatchList: Create a Add/Edit dialog feature similar to the GoTo feature
16028: MMBatchList: The tool tip for error notifications icon is set to "dismiss errors"
16041: Module: tokenlist: User Interface > Pages > OPAY > TokenList not displaying payment methods in IE 11.
16043: Administrative Interface: Order Processing > Shipments > shipping method is not being displayed properly
16045: Administrative Interface: JavaScript validation error messages get called multiple times in Firefox
16046: Module: tokenlist: User Interface, Pages, edit page, TokenList, clicking View All Tokens button causes a blank page to open in IE 11.
16049: MMBatchList: Mmbatchlist, dropdown selects, unable to select options that display over a different line item in IE11
16051: Module: baskinv: Basket inventory, export header names are not correct.
16053: Administrative Interface: Edit product, assign image type behavior is inconsistent
16054: Module: amazonpay: Fatal error when installing Amazon Payments
16056: Administrative Interface: FedEx Close Service processing dialog is missing the word "processing"
16079: Module: tokenlist: Runtime error when using TokenList as a user with only the view pages privilege.
16081: Administrative Interface: Update settings message extends beyond the edge of the browser window in IE7
Miva Merchant 9 Beta 2 Release Notes
New Features
- Amazon Payments now supports synchronous authorization
- The TokenList module now provides dummy payment fields so that checkout pages may be previewed when there are no payment modules configured
General Improvements
- The Additional Images tab on the Edit Product screen has been renamed Images; legacy image fields are now identified as "Legacy Images" in a separate tab section
- Image Types may now be added from the image picker
- Image Types are now configured from the User Interface page and are available to users who have the "Pages" privilege.
Security Improvements
- The administrative interface and administrative users may now be configured to require two-factor authentication using the TOTP (time based one time passwords) algorithm. The software may be configured to be used with any TOTP app or provider, and the default settings are tailored for use with Google Authenticator.
Admin Changes
- New icons, which are now stored as glyphs in a font instead of separate PNG files
- New colors and fonts
- New dialog styling
- Breadcrumbs have been moved above the screen content
- More consistent positioning of batch list buttons and use of the Go To button
- The scroll position of a screen is retained when interacting with controls (such as switching between "point + click" and advanced mode). This attribute may have a value of "if-empty" or "always", which controls when a field is focused on page load. Multiple fields may have the attribute, in which case the first field that wants the focus is focused. If no fields have this attribute, nothing is given focus on initial page load.
- Modules are now sorted by name on the various Add Module tabs (Store Utilities,Payment, Shipping, etc.)
- Discounts and coupons are now displayed in the order details in Admin
- Discounts and coupons may now be manually applied to existing or manually created orders in Admin
- Multiple additional administrative screens have been converted to use the new-style batch lists and dialogs
Shipping Changes
- Shipping rates and applied discounts are now recalculated when manipulating the contents of an order. Details of this functionality may be configured on the Settings tab of theMarketing screen.
Other Changes
- The Content component module now imports and exports its contents when pages are imported and exported
- Automatic focus of input fields is now controlled by a data-mmautofocus attribute on text inputs and textareas
- The way batch lists load records has been modified to improve performance
- The Basket Inventory module has been modified to improve product batch list performance
- The Product/Category Header/Footer modules have been modified to improve product and category batch list performance
- The Template Order Emails module now properly handles discounts and coupons. For newly created stores (or newly created emails), point + click settings are available to control the display.
- The Template Based Batch Reports module now properly handles discounts and coupons. For newly created stores (or newly created reports), point + click settings are available to control the display.
- MMUI and CSSUI basket, invoice and order history components now fully support coupons and discounts and provide point + click settings for controlling the display
- A new "Priority" Price Group Overlap setting allows Legacy Price Groups to be applied according to their (new in MM9) configured priority values. This will be the default for newly added stores.
Bugs Fixed
9829: Core Runtime: With image machine enabled, the generated script source links do not pass html5 validation.
12253: Administrative Interface: JavaScriptEncode does not properly handle UTF-8 multibyte sequences
12931: Module: amazonpay: Implement synchronous authorization and remove "prior authorization" warning text
13604: Module: cmp-mv-shipestimate: Shipestimate_rates item get created twice when added by a framework
14882: Module: tokenlist: Some fields are not highlighted properly after clicking View Variable on Live Page button
15151: Module: tokenlist: TokenList requires Administrator or Store Manager privilege
15157: Administrative Interface: Order processing: Creating a batch changes the batch selection but does not properly reload the list of orders
15163: Administrative Interface: Administrative user without administrator or creation privileges cannot change its own password
15267: Administrative Interface: It should be possible to add image types from the image picker
15271: MMBatchList: Display order batch list does not handle errors properly
15272: MMBatchList: Display order batch list does not focus the input fields on a failed update
15273: Administrative Interface: Order processing: batch capture not working when no orders are selected.
15274: MMBatchList: Buttons that are not functional are still displayed when a delete record error occurs
15280: Administrative Interface: In IE 11: Can't sort Template Based Batch Reports using header links.
15290: Administrative Interface: MMButtons: Vertical alignment is not centered correctly in FF
15293: Administrative Interface: The page does not load completely when opening menu items in a new tab (IE8-11)
15303: Administrative Interface: Broken Reference error when viewing a page if you do not have permissions to view the default tab.
15307: Administrative Interface: LRNS doesn't disappear when resizing from a small window to a large window when viewing a legacy import
15309: Administrative Interface: The More Tabs dropdown arrow is not touching the menu
15333: Module: flatrate: FlatRate MMBatchList Constructor has unused variable declarations
15342: Administrative Interface: Base Category Assign List: Show Categories toggle button does not work
15343: Administrative Interface: Base Product Assign List: Show Products toggle button does not work
15347: Administrative Interface: MMImagePicker: Selecting image that failed to upload displays the image type drop-down
15348: Administrative Interface: Tab Sections in the Domain do not get their collapse state saved/restored
15349: Administrative Interface: The more tabs dropdown select should display HTML correctly
15350: Discounting Subsystem: Fatal error during checkout when applying more then one discount to a line item
15351: Administrative Interface: JavaScript Class Name replacing could potentially replace incorrect values
15355: Framework Import/Export: Progress bar remains after uploading a framework
15356: Price Groups: JavaScript error when viewing price groups after updating to the mm9 beta
15357: Administrative Interface: No error message when submitting a support ticket with an invalid email address
15359: Administrative Interface: Some third party modules with links under utilities do not get displayed in mm9
15361: Administrative Interface: Support Google Authenticator for two factor login
15364: Administrative Interface: The word "runtime" appears in the merchant URL after clicking on view store
15365: Administrative Interface: MM9Screen: Scrape_Content function does not properly scrape frames that don't use the BeginScreen_XXX functions in IE7
15366: Administrative Interface: Inventory Kit Builder: Edit Parts dialog does not resize to view the autocomplete list
15367: Administrative Interface: Non admin users do not have access to the Edit User screen.
15369: Price Groups: the "customers" column should be titled "eligibility" on the Price Groups batch edit list
15370: Administrative Interface: JSON_Encode should not encode the colon symbol
15371: Related Products: Cannot change the display order of related products
15373: Administrative Interface: Attribute options remain visible when type is changed to non-option attribute
15374: Administrative Interface: Runtime error when viewing merchant.mvc if no stores exist.
15375: Administrative Interface: View store link should not be displayed in the Quicklinks when no stores exist
15376: Administrative Interface: response variable is not defined in AJAX_Call_Initialize
15378: Administrative Interface: g.adminurl is set incorrectly when a non-secure admin is setup
15382: Administrative Interface: Errors when deleting an order are not displayed in the Manage Orders list
15384: Administrative Interface: Add the ability to refresh the order overlay detail and list
15385: Administrative Interface: The order Processing filter "payment" should be named payment status
15386: Administrative Interface: The order Processing filter "status" should be named order status
15387: Administrative Interface: The order Processing "payment status" column always displays pending
15388: Administrative Interface: Frameworks tab mmBatchList has extra columns.
15390: Attribute Templates: Attribute templates are not default sorted alphabetically on the Attribute Templates screen
15391: Attribute Templates: Attribute templates are not default sorted alphabetically when adding to a product
15392: Administrative Interface: User Interface/Settings: Settings do not revert after accepting warning message and returning to tab.
15393: Administrative Interface: Image type update function loads image types by code instead of ID
15394: Administrative Interface: Image Types should be tied to the User Interface screen and PAGE privilege
15395: Administrative Interface: Create a "Main" image type by default on store creation
15397: Administrative Interface: Edit product attributes advanced search does not recognize attribute templates
15398: Module: imagemanagement: Image managements processing dialog is missing the word "processing"
15399: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList: Loading records should be done more efficiently
15403: Administrative Interface: The store list doesn’t get cleared correctly when the navigation is refreshed.
15404: Administrative Interface: Order processing Date Range filter doesn't work right
15406: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList: Clientside validation should allow multiple errors
15409: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab should not display ID and Label_count columns
15410: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, default displayed columns should match pr8
15411: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, track type and track link should be in advanced search only.
15412: Administrative Interface: Order Processing, shipments tab, the tracking column should still be a link.
15413: Administrative Interface: Bredcrumbs are not cleared when sub menu item is clicked
15414: Module: endicialabels: Endicia Account Activity screen needs to be converted over to use beginscreen for MM9 scraping
15415: Administrative Interface: The edit shipping method priorities dialog should wrap long method names.
15416: Administrative Interface: Installing a module through provisioning should refresh the navigation menu
15417: Database Layer: lib/dbeng/order_compat.mv - Bad MvDO to BasketCoupon_Delete_All_Order
15418: Database Layer: lib/dbeng/order_compat.mv - Bad MvDO to BasketDiscount_Delete_All_Order
15419: Module: mvga: PRV_LogMessage misspelled
15420: Module: packbyquantity: PRV_LogError is referencing admin.mvc instead of features/prv/prv_ad.mvc
15421: Module: packbyweight: PRV_LogError is referencing admin.mvc instead of features/prv/prv_ad.mvc
15422: Module: cbamazon: Error is referencing lib/db.mvc instead of lib/util.mvc
15423: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Import_Validate
15424: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Payout_Delete
15425: Core JSON: Bad MvDO to JSON_Report_Validate
15426: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to OrderCharge_Update
15427: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to Discount_Basket_LowLevel
15428: Administrative Interface: Shipping 'Action' not removed from admin.mv
15429: Administrative Interface: Bad MvDO to AttributeTemplateAttr_Load_Code & AttributeTemplateOption_Load_Code
15431: Database Layer: sNN_DiscountOptions table is not deleted on store delete
15432: Module: templateorderemails: Template Based Email list should have an assignlist style on/off toggle for the "Automatic" column
15439: CSSUI Templates: NTFD page template is not setting error_message_count correctly
15441: Core Runtime: Sorting products on a page with a non-numeric value loads all items rather than the default value
15444: MMBatchList: (Optionally) display a message when an MMBatchList is empty
15446: Framework Import/Export: Framework directory path is incorrect
15448: Reporting Subsystem: Reports screen needs to be updated
15579: Administrative Interface: Shipping Method is not displayed on the Order Processing> Shipments scree
15580: Shipping/Packaging Rules: When viewing a ZPL shipping label, the list of printers never populates in FireFox on Mac OS X
15581: Core JSON: JSON_OrderShipmentLabel_Output does not output a base href when previewing ZPL labels
15798: Administrative Interface: Too Many Sessions screen should have the ability to "try again"
15799: Template Import/Export: User Interface > Pages > Import Page does not work for the basket item
15800: Administrative Interface: Too Many Sessions screen should take itself out of the frameset (like Log In Screen) to prevent being displayed within admin
15944: Module: cmp-cssui-head: Batch list portion of the HEAD Tag Content/CSS tab needs to be converted to an MMBatchList
15945: Module: cmp-mv-head: Batch list portion of the HEAD Tag Content/CSS tab needs to be converted to an MMBatchList
15968: Administrative Interface: Order processing, edit address dialog should be slightly taller
15969: Module: cmp-mmui-vieworder: Cmp-mmui-vieworder doesn't properly close the tracking number link
15970: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: Cmp-cssui-vieworder doesn't properly close the tracking number link
16024: MMBatchList: Create a Add/Edit dialog feature similar to the GoTo feature
16028: MMBatchList: The tool tip for error notifications icon is set to "dismiss errors"
16041: Module: tokenlist: User Interface > Pages > OPAY > TokenList not displaying payment methods in IE 11.
16043: Administrative Interface: Order Processing > Shipments > shipping method is not being displayed properly
16045: Administrative Interface: JavaScript validation error messages get called multiple times in Firefox
16046: Module: tokenlist: User Interface, Pages, edit page, TokenList, clicking View All Tokens button causes a blank page to open in IE 11.
16049: MMBatchList: Mmbatchlist, dropdown selects, unable to select options that display over a different line item in IE11
16051: Module: baskinv: Basket inventory, export header names are not correct.
16053: Administrative Interface: Edit product, assign image type behavior is inconsistent
16054: Module: amazonpay: Fatal error when installing Amazon Payments
16056: Administrative Interface: FedEx Close Service processing dialog is missing the word "processing"
16079: Module: tokenlist: Runtime error when using TokenList as a user with only the view pages privilege.
16081: Administrative Interface: Update settings message extends beyond the edge of the browser window in IE7