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Marketplaces v1.0003 Release notes
Added Features/Changes
Notifications are now enabled
- Notifications of orders coming in from eBay now import the order based on the eBay Settings
- Notifications when a order is placed updates the listings sold count
- Notifications when a bid is received now updates the listing
- Notifications when a user id is changed now updates the accounts associated
Good until Cancelled listings now share inventory with Miva
- All inventory is sent to eBay upon listing creation (regardless of inventory allocation setting)
- Inventory is not allocated upon listing creation (regardless of inventory allocation setting)
- Listing must have a duration of Good Until Cancelled
- Only applies to listings created after v1.0003 of marketplaces (will not work on currently active GTC listings created in a previous marketplaces module version)
- Setting 'Share Inventory With eBay on Good Until Cancelled Listings' must be checked on Marketplace - eBay Settings tab
- Product Inventory MUST be tracked
Listing List now displays the product associated with the listing
When editing a product and on the Marketplace - eBay Product Listings tab, only listings that match either on sku or product code will be displayed, all other listings will show on the Marketplace - eBay Listings tab under Utilities
Billing fields now populate with the shipping fields IF the customer does not have a relationship with miva
Miva Calculated Shipping policies no longer allow cost/each additional to be set
Miva Shipping Policies now have a Handling Cost associated to Calculated Shipping types only
Bug Fixes
- Changed the Weight on item settings to be as Packaging Weight to not confuse customers
- Store Categories can now all be saved on the Product Listing Settings tab
- Fixed issue when using a calculated miva shipping policy being sometimes seen as a flat rate shipping method on eBay
- BidReceived notification log now properly outputs the item id
- Upgrading marketplaces module no longer requires the user to update each detail to create a listing
- When verifying the inventory upon listing creation, it now checks against the available inventory and not the inventory in stock
- Batch lists scroll up to the dialog upon editing, if the dialog is not visible due to being scrolled down
- Fixed fatal error when saving a detail before the policies are loaded
- The listings duration now does not save the value with a comma
- FixedPriceTransaction Notification no longer received which no longer gives warning
- Fixed fatal error on table MP_eBaySiteCategories stating duplicate entry key
- Fixed issue with miva shipping policies international ship to locations not clearing the list upon site change
- Shipping Policy international ship to locations are now sorted upon initial load
- International shipping services now correctly disable flat or calculated correctly depending on site selected
Marketplaces v1.0003 Release notes
Added Features/Changes
Notifications are now enabled
- Notifications of orders coming in from eBay now import the order based on the eBay Settings
- Notifications when a order is placed updates the listings sold count
- Notifications when a bid is received now updates the listing
- Notifications when a user id is changed now updates the accounts associated
Good until Cancelled listings now share inventory with Miva
- All inventory is sent to eBay upon listing creation (regardless of inventory allocation setting)
- Inventory is not allocated upon listing creation (regardless of inventory allocation setting)
- Listing must have a duration of Good Until Cancelled
- Only applies to listings created after v1.0003 of marketplaces (will not work on currently active GTC listings created in a previous marketplaces module version)
- Setting 'Share Inventory With eBay on Good Until Cancelled Listings' must be checked on Marketplace - eBay Settings tab
- Product Inventory MUST be tracked
Listing List now displays the product associated with the listing
When editing a product and on the Marketplace - eBay Product Listings tab, only listings that match either on sku or product code will be displayed, all other listings will show on the Marketplace - eBay Listings tab under Utilities
Billing fields now populate with the shipping fields IF the customer does not have a relationship with miva
Miva Calculated Shipping policies no longer allow cost/each additional to be set
Miva Shipping Policies now have a Handling Cost associated to Calculated Shipping types only
Bug Fixes
- Changed the Weight on item settings to be as Packaging Weight to not confuse customers
- Store Categories can now all be saved on the Product Listing Settings tab
- Fixed issue when using a calculated miva shipping policy being sometimes seen as a flat rate shipping method on eBay
- BidReceived notification log now properly outputs the item id
- Upgrading marketplaces module no longer requires the user to update each detail to create a listing
- When verifying the inventory upon listing creation, it now checks against the available inventory and not the inventory in stock
- Batch lists scroll up to the dialog upon editing, if the dialog is not visible due to being scrolled down
- Fixed fatal error when saving a detail before the policies are loaded
- The listings duration now does not save the value with a comma
- FixedPriceTransaction Notification no longer received which no longer gives warning
- Fixed fatal error on table MP_eBaySiteCategories stating duplicate entry key
- Fixed issue with miva shipping policies international ship to locations not clearing the list upon site change
- Shipping Policy international ship to locations are now sorted upon initial load
- International shipping services now correctly disable flat or calculated correctly depending on site selected