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Miva Merchant 9.0004 Is Available Now

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    Miva Merchant 9.0004 Is Available Now

    See the key new features here:

    Miva Merchant 9.0004 Release Notes

    New Features

    New Modules
    • Miva Marketplaces is now bundled with the core software
    • Component module cmp-mv-clientdimensions enables the construction of responsive design websites by providing StoreMorph tokens that indicate the size and layout of the client window
    • Box packing module Pack By Cubic Volume fits products into configured boxes using a simple cubic volume comparison
    • Utility module Order History Notes, when installed, automatically creates order notes documenting all changes to an order from the administrative interface

    Business Accounts

    • Multiple related customer accounts can now be grouped together into Business Accounts
    • Business Accounts can be associated with price groups and availability groups, giving all customers in the business account access to the associated discounts, products and categories
    • Orders placed by any customer in a given Business Account can now be viewed in a single location


    • Notes can now be created at the business account, customer, and order level
    • These notes are available at various locations within the administrative interface

    URI Management

    • New URI Management system allows free-form links to all pages, categories and products
    • Links may be automatically generated with template code fragments that use 'slugified' page, category or product information
    • Old links can be configured to redirect to the canonical link for a given item
    tags are output on all pages indicating the "official" link for a given page, category or product
    • URIs can be imported and exported

    Customer Changes

    • When viewing a customer, a new tab, Customer Orders, now displays all of the orders placed by the given customer account

    Order Processing Changes

    • It is now possible to update the expected in-stock date of backordered items
    • When receiving returns, a new option allows the returned items to be returned to inventory
    • Orders can now be removed from a batch from the Order Processing order list
    • The customer and business account associated with an order is now displayed at the top of the order details display
    • A new lookup dialog allows customers to be associated with an order, or for a new customer to be created using the information from an order
    • When canceling items on an order, a cancellation reason can now be provided

    StoreMorph/Runtime UI Changes

    • Information about the canonical category for a product (if any) is now available as product:canonical_category
    • User added pages can now be configured so they are always linked to via https in the runtime interface. This functionality requires the use of the new 9.4 urls item.
    • CSSUI now supports creation and management of Wish Lists

    Shipping Changes

    • Support for FedEx One Rate, FedEx Freight Economy and FedEx Freight Priority have been added
    • Support for UPS SurePost and UPS Freight have been added
    • Shipping method rules now allow shipping methods to be excluded when shipping to a PO box
    • Stores can now be configured to prompt the user to ascertain whether their shipping address is a residence instead of basing that assumption on the presence of a value in the company field. This behavior is enabled from the Customer Fields tab of the Edit Store screen.
    • Shipping methods can now be restricted at the availability group level

    Sales Tax Changes

    • The State Based Sales tax module can now be configured to always round up rather than using banker's rounding

    SEO Changes

    • Page titles are now configurable on a page, category and product basis. These titles will override the default title for an associated page.
    • The META Tag module has been updated:
    ◦ Global and page-level META tags can now be specified
    ◦ When META tag values are output using , the parameter value now controls how META tags are combined:
    ▪ global -- render only global meta tags
    ▪ page -- render only page meta tags
    ▪ combined -- render all available meta tags (global, page, category and product), with tags overridden in the following order: global, page, category, product.

    Administrative Interface Changes

    • New Child Categories tab on the Edit Category screen allows other categories to be easily assigned/removed as child categories, and controls the runtime sort order of child categories

    Other Changes

    • MMUI is now deprecated. It has been removed from new installations and will not receive updates for new features or bug fixes in the future. Existing stores using MMUI will continue to function.

    Bugs Fixed

    5879: Core - Templates: Product display layout does not remove the add to cart button when a product is out of stock
    6081: Administrative Interface: An item that is set to picking cannot be set to back ordered from the batch screen
    6477: Core Runtime: Runtime: BASK Screen: Clicking the update button on an expired basket causes fatal error
    6726: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: Dry Ice Weight field displays insignificant digits past the decimal
    7090: Utility Library: Error() does not clear previous EOF errors
    7239: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: company name needs to be trimmed to 35 characters when performing the call.
    8652: MMUI default_fw: Incorrect "Login" verbage on numerous log in screens
    9164: Administrative Interface: Manage Orders: Search by exact dates fails when search date values cross particular spans
    9169: Reporting Subsystem: Reports: Large differentials between start dates / end dates causes incorrect report title
    9314: Module: templatebatchreports: Line 275 should encodeattribute instead of encodeentities on l.module:code
    10571: Module: cmp-mv-shipestimate: SkinsComponentModule_Export_Item_*: attributes that are entity encoded will fail to apply when saving framework if the value has a special character that gets encoded
    10845: Module: cmp-cssui-pchdft: Templates are created even when blank data is present
    11020: Module: statetax: State based sales tax should validate country code.
    11062: Setup Script: Private Key Database info displays at completion when set to Store Encryption Keys in the Same Database
    11075: CSSUI Templates: OUSM Page Template (CSSUI): MivaScript MvEVAL tag is present in the page template
    11089: Administrative Interface: admin/ Validation_Code set after return
    14336: Template Subsystem: Canonical category code should be made available on the PROD page.
    14872: Module: cmp-mv-hdft: Unused [page]-head.mvc template files are created
    16838: Administrative Interface: Administrative Sessions batch list should probably allow session deletion from within the list
    16845: Module: statetax: Increasing number of states require calculation to 3 decimal digits with explicit rounding up
    17152: Administrative Interface: Deleting a large number of products is extremely slow
    17349: Module: paypalpro: Paypalpro always returns a blank pay_method field
    17418: Framework Import/Export: The %STORE_ID% image path token is being replaced with incorrect values when exported from page templates
    17434: Administrative Interface: It should be possible to return items to inventory when receiving returns
    17815: Administrative Interface: All MMBatchLists loaded with LoadFinishedHandler should be using the new MMScreen_LoadFinished function to avoid the handler being overridden by third party modules
    18069: Template Subsystem: MMUI Buttons component is not exporting any images assigned to its buttons when a framework is saved
    18125: Administrative Interface: Header scrolling is laggy in Safari
    18197: Administrative Interface: Orders should have the ability to be removed from ALL batches
    18201: Module: cawizard: StoreWizardModule_Content: unused lookup for CanI( 'PROD' ...)
    18243: Template Import/Export: Page import should reset the Have_Fields value to 0
    18247: Module: amazonpay: Amazon payments should copy the full ship to address to the bill to address field.
    18264: Module: endicialabels: Endicia does not handle error correctly when the server returns an invalid response.
    18265: Administrative Interface: It is not possible to update the in-stock date of a backordered item
    18287: Discounting Subsystem: Discount calculations with large numbers of price groups are too slow
    18446: Administrative Interface: Opening an order item triggers AJAX requests that are instantly cancelled, and then requested again
    18447: Administrative Interface: Volume Discount does not properly calculate the discounts in some cases
    18448: Module: cawizard: EndScreen call at bottom of StoreWizardModule_Content doesn't have any purpose
    18468: Module: cmp-cssui-hdft: Unused [page]-head.mvc template files are create
    18738: Module: readytheme: sNN_ReadyTheme_Images.css_id should have a column length of 254
    18739: Module: readytheme: sNN_ReadyTheme_Images.css_class should have a column length of 254
    18751: Administrative Interface: Manage Orders: Sorting by dates does so incorrectly when datetimes span particular values
    18754: Administrative Interface: The "ineligible for updates" warning is no longer displayed in the upgrade wizard.
    18764: Patches: Canada Post tracking link is not created
    18766: Module: variantimport: Variant import does not retain values of missing columns when updating
    18768: Module: discount_shipping_product: With multiple shipping discounts applied to an order, the discount is calculated differently between OSEL and OPAY
    18855: Price Groups: Cannot open Price Group assigned to a Coupon
    18895: Module: cswizard: Runtime error when creating store
    18939: Gift Certificates: Gift certificates can be generated for products "Generate a Gift Certificate When This Product is Purchased" unchecked
    18942: Module: mvga: Invalid call to PRV_LogMessage
    18943: Module: shoptax: Invalid call to JSON_Response_FieldError
    18945: Database Layer: CreateDataFiles makes an invalid call to the lib/ function
    18946: Module: mvfedexsoap: FedEx Close Shipments is labled FedEx Close "Service" in utilities flyout menu
    18948: Administrative Interface: The edit product VCR buttons can not handle space characters within product codes.
    18951: Administrative Interface: Inline editing of a product removes all new lines from the product description.
    18952: MMBatchList: MMBatchList row selection when dragging has odd behavior in lookup lists
    18954: CSSUI cssui_default_fw: cssui_default_fw does not include the updated cmp-cssui-head default template
    18957: Database Layer: OrderReturn_NotifyList_Add does not properly add the build the return arrays
    18959: Administrative Interface: "Reference count" should be searchable in the modules list advanced search.
    18960: Administrative Interface: Gift Certificate Redeem UI Exception when customer is not logged in should bring you to the GFTL page
    18964: Administrative Interface: SQL error when editing variant inventory in a mivasql store
    18967: Administrative Interface: Middle click to open does not work on sub menu dropdown items
    18968: Module: upsxml: needs to update it's hard coded references to mvfedexsoap's new shipping methods
    18970: Universal Search: Gift Certificates needs to be added to Universal Search
    18975: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping Methods: Exclude PO Boxes column is not searchable
    18976: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping Method Rules: Method column does not sort correctly
    19030: Administrative Interface: All MMBatchList Lookup Dialogs should be passing record instead of item in the SelectedXXX functions
    19034: Module: mvga: The vis_store feature should be removed
    19037: Customers: Customer MMBatchlist needs a default sort option that organizes from newest to oldest
    19312: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList is stealing keyboard shortcuts from Universal Search
    19357: Administrative Interface: Incorrect store reference in multi-store setup when creating a new store
    19361: Administrative Interface: Admin users should not be able to see stores they have no access to in the MMScreen store selection drop-down
    19369: MMBatchList: MMBatchList custom fields data is not always displayed when find in list search is used
    19381: Core Runtime: Fatal error caused when placing an order that raises revenue past the max allowed value (MySQL strict mode)
    19384: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme_NavigationItem_Insert checks for MvOPENVIEW_Error instead of MvQUERY_Error
    19386: Database Layer: ProductImageList_Load_File uses MvOPENVIEW, yet checks for an MvQUERY_Error
    19393: Administrative Interface: Race condition between opening an order and editing the order address.
    19394: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: new freight methods require FreightShipmentDetail information for rates or labels
    19398: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping method rules advanced search does not support equal/not equal to (comma separated list)
    19420: Administrative Interface: Breadcrumbs does not reset if you click home in breadcrumbs and then use one of the quicklinks icons
    19433: Module: prodexp: Export Products to flat file, export button does not reset after trying to export 0 products
    19473: Administrative Interface: JavaScript error when clicking on the update button from the edit item page.
    19530: Administrative Interface: The edit order flyout does not scroll to a new order when created at the bottom of the orders list.
    19541: Module: cssui: UCST action forces display of ACED page
    19551: Core JSON: Function JSON_Module_JSON should check that the module is active before calling Module_JSON
    19552: Administrative Interface: Module_Clienside should check that the module is active prior to calling the modules Module_Clientside
    19623: Administrative Interface: All other sessions should be deleted when a user's password is changed
    19625: Customers: All other baskets should be expired when a customer's password is changed
    Last edited by Rick Wilson; 07-29-15, 07:50 PM.

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

    Re: Miva Merchant 9.0004 Bug Fix 1 Is Available Now

    Bugs Fixed

    19695: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Legacy link tags are missing ampersand (&) after store code
    19696: Module: Legacy link tags are missing ampersand (&) after store code
    19698: Module: cmp-mv-prodctgy-meta: CategoryCascadeList_Load_Category overwrites the page loaded category with its oldest ancestor, resulting in an incorrect display of products
    19699: URI Management: Add a warning that changing the link source may make changes to your .htaccess file
    19709: Module: mvfedexsoap: New CSP user key does not allow access to FedEx production servers

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Re: Miva Merchant 9.0004 Bug Fix 2 Is Available Now

      Miva Merchant 9.0004 Bug Fix 2 Release Notes

      Bugs Fixed

      19715: Administrative Interface: Unable to use navigation bar on batch list screens in Internet Explorer
      19716: Administrative Interface: Unable to run legacy batch reports
      19718: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces appears in Menu drop-down when the user possesses insufficient privileges
      19719: Administrative Interface: Marketplaces should be installed by default for newly created stores
      19722: Module: endicialabels: Endicia sign up links should be directed to and routed to endicia for flexibility

      Rick Wilson
      Miva, Inc.
      [email protected]


        Miva Merchant 9.0004 Bug Fix 3 Is Available Now

        Bugs Fixed

        19733: URI Management: Convert automatic .htaccess updates to manual operations initiated by button press
        19737: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme does not use the new URI settings
        19743: Module: upsxml: Shipments with total weight larger than 150 pounds do not return any rates
        19744: Wish Lists: Wishlists, products with linked attribute templates do not have the attribute price returned to the basket when the product goes from the wishl
        19745: Module: upsxml: SurePost shipments should trap errors when more than one package is in rate request
        19751: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces eBay should not require the UPC to be found in order to include a UPC
        19761: Module: cmp-mv-prodctgy-meta: META Fields do not display on MMUI category pages
        19808: Module: packbycube: Pack by cube creates an extra zero dimension box when packing products
        19814: Module: upsxml: NMFCCommodity tags need to be available and sent in order to pass UPS certification
        19833: Module: upsxml: UPS Freight methods should set exclude PO box by default.
        19834: Module: upsxml: ResidentialAddressIndicator does not appear in request
        Last edited by Rick Wilson; 09-15-15, 04:27 PM.

        Rick Wilson
        Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]

