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Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

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    Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

    Miva Merchant 9.5 Release Notes

    New Features

    New Digital Download Feature

    • Supports local file delivery and Amazon S3
    • Supports variants
    • Product Digital Download Custom Fields module


    • Added eBay Motors support
    • Added European region support, permitting sales in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, India and Italy

    Customer Addresses

    • Support for multiple bill to/ship to addresses per customer
    • Address book functionality in runtime and administrative interface

    Payment Method Rules

    • Sort payment methods
    • Rename payment methods
    • Restrict payment methods by order total, state, country and zip code
    • Inter-method exclusions
    • Product-level payment method restrictions
    • Payment methods can be restricted by availability group

    UPS Changes

    • UPS OnLine® Tools has been renamed to UPS Developer Kit
    • The Mexican peso is now supported as a currency for COD and declared value

    Other Changes

    • Affiliate Export has been updated and now supports all of the features of other export modules
    • Order Export has been updated and now supports all of the features of other export modules
    • New "Note Count" columns for Customers, Business Accounts and Orders
    • Order Notes may now be viewed from the Orders tab of the Order Processing screen, without opening an order first
    • Boxes may now be configured to have their own weight (representing the weight of the box + packing materials, for example), which is combined with product weights when generating packaging solutions
    • ReadyTheme now honors URI Management settings
    • Searches can now be saved and recalled on a list by list basis within the administrative interface
    • Affiliate passwords are now encrypted
    • Multiple consecutive dashes in URIs are now replaced with a single dash
    • When archiving orders, users may now select whether to delete payment information, shipping labels, or both
    • Products can now be assigned to price groups from the Price Groups tab of the Edit Product screen
    • Shipping methods can now be configured to be "excluded by default", which requires all of the products in the basket to specifically allow the shipping method in order for it to be available during checkout
    • Status of digital download and gift certificate products is now tracked on orders, and orders are marked as shipped if they consist only of digital download/gift certificate products
    • Gift certificate codes are now generated when adding gift certificate products to an order from the administrative interface
    • Checkout by Amazon has been removed for new installations
    • Payment modules will no longer store complete credit card numbers unless order encryption is enabled. This includes the Credit Card Payment with Simple Validation module, which will not display any of its payment methods in runtime unless encryption is enabled
    • New JavaScript domain setting controls whether administrative JavaScript is output as separate files, combined files, or combined and minified files. The Combined and Combined and Minified settings may reduce bandwidth usage and improve performance
    • Users may now reorganize tabs throughout the administrative interface

    Bugs Fixed

    5792: Administrative Interface: Mass sorting options time out when using MySQL w/MyISAM storage
    6305: Code Review: s.mivaversion checks for engine versions less than 5.22 should be removed
    6733: Modules - Shipping: USPS: Does not support medium flat rate boxes.
    7241: Database Layer: Order_Create: Should not create a payment record when pay_id is 0
    7242: Utility Library: OrderItem_DetermineVariant_WithOptions does not properly look up multiple select attribute options by code
    7262: Core Runtime: basket_changed UI Exception prevents customer fields from being initialized when returning to OCST
    8734: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Rules do not persist when the shipping methods name is changed
    9031: Database Layer: lib/dbeng/ Attribute_Insert may have dangling transaction
    9170: Module: report_geosales: report_geosales: Running a report for a large timespan returns no results
    9172: Module: report_productsales: report_productsales: Running a report for a large timespan returns no results
    9686: Upsale: Upsell should use the basket's subtotal when looking up eligible products
    10032: Administrative Interface: There is no way to delete/archive a shipping label
    10091: Customers: Empty password allowed when adding a customer in runtime while logged in to a customer account
    10675: Module: afilexprt: The Affiliate Export module doesn't allow you to email yourself the file
    10702: Module: afilexprt: Module is still using the old export code
    10703: Module: flatord: Module is still using the old export code
    10850: Affiliates: Affiliate creation does not hash passwords before it is stored in database
    15335: Module: marketplaces: Provide eBay Motors support
    15451: Module: endicialabels: Add the ability to void labels from the Endicia Account Activity screen
    16831: Administrative Interface: IE8/9 Imposes maximum limit of 32 individual style sheets
    17353: Framework Import/Export: Saving frameworks and exporting templates timeout when invalid HTML is present
    17400: Administrative Interface: Cannot edit products with high-ascii characters in their product codes when using a character set other than utf-8
    17431: Module: shipexport: Export and import shipment information modules should use the same column names
    17433: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme is confused on its security permissions
    17536: Administrative Interface: Feature Request: Add ability to rearrange group tabs
    19037: Customers: Customer MMBatchlist needs a default sort option that organizes from newest to oldest
    19634: MMBatchList: Batchlists no longer get focus when loaded
    19647: Administrative Interface: Display the number of notes when viewing an order / customer / business account
    19683: Module: marketplaces: eBay: eBay_Import_Order should check that the ebay_order:selleruserid is an account in marketplaces before importing an order
    19684: Database Layer: SQL_Query_WHERE_Clause inserts empty fields into where_fields
    19692: Database Layer: Deleting products from MMBatchlist does not delete the product from URIs
    19693: Database Layer: Deleting categories from MMBatchlist does not delete the categories from URIs
    19694: Template Subsystem: Deleting pages from MMBatchlist does not delete the pages from URIs
    19721: Administrative Interface: Order overlay does not receive focus when using the edit order button
    19728: Module: uriexport: Some URI Export functions are missing ERROROUTPUTLEVEL
    19729: Module: uriexport: When exporting 10000 products and 0 categories with a globaltimeout set to a low number the uri export never finishes
    19730: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Short links or URIs are not written correctly for pagination links
    19731: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces permissions are weird
    19735: URI Management: URI management needs to add a newline before appending the new rewrite rules to the htaccess file
    19742: Customers: Business Account inline edit throws error when only changing the case of the title
    19747: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces should support Amazon UK
    19749: Module: upsxml: UPSXML, package weight should only be rounded up to minimum if the order weight is not exactly 0
    19750: Administrative Interface: MMDialog_RadioGroup_Controller:OnRadioClicked function does not pass the correct value to the onchage handler
    19752: Administrative Interface: Stores with codes containing a leading "0" can never be selected in the store dropdown
    19755: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems: Frameworks that setup image types & wish lists when applied cause a runtime error
    19756: MMBatchList: MMBatchList that has no "text" columns returns all results when searching for text
    19757: URI Management: JavaScript error when using MMBatchList CSV export to export URIs
    19758: MMBatchList: Exporting CSV from Batchlist does not work in IE
    19759: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems: ComponentModule_Provision does not properly handle certain tags
    19763: Administrative Interface: MMBatchListDialog Error Notification Menu is offset too far to the right
    19764: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: missing CspSolutionId tag from subscribe call
    19765: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: Add shipping method FedEx 2 Day AM
    19766: Module: cmp-cssui-head: Head tag content, template compile error redirects you to a tab that no longer exists
    19767: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Amazon: Seller SKU is too limiting and should be expanded per region
    19768: Core JSON: The ship_res flag is not set in JSON_Create_Dummy_Basket
    19769: URI Management: URI_Slugify should replace multiple dashes in a row with a single dash
    19774: Provisioning: PRV - OrderShipment_Add fails when cost is greater than 9.99
    19784: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon should change how it associates a seller sku with products
    19788: Administrative Interface: Assign customers to price groups from the edit customer screen
    19804: Template Subsystem: Frameworks batchlist needs a current framework indicator
    19815: Module: fdggwsapi: First data global gateway can’t refund the whole auth+cap once the order has settled.
    19816: MMBatchList: Doing a display order sort on a large number of products causes the browser to lockup
    19817: Module: report_sales: Recent Sales: Running a report for a large timespan returns no results
    19837: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Failures in image machine prevent product list from being initialized correctly
    19838: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19839: Module: readytheme: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19840: Module: cmp-mv-minibask: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19841: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19842: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19843: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlayo: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19844: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19845: Module: templatebatchreports: Failures in image machine prevent complete initialization
    19881: URI Management: URIs should not be generated for inactive products or categories.
    19884: Module: cmp-mv-minibask: Mini bask does not display line items on the BASK page
    19885: Module: cmp-mv-minibask: Total cost is not updated correctly on pages with the basket component
    19896: Administrative Interface: Race condition when canceling orders.
    19902: URI Management: URI Validation should allow certain reserved characters instead of blocking all of them
    19905: Administrative Interface: Assign Products to price groups from the edit Product screen
    19910: Module: uriimport: URI import should allow the updating of current URIs
    19911: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon order import does not correctly show the price per item when there are multiple items
    19924: Module: upsxml: UPS surepost rate errors prevent other international rates from being displayed.
    19936: Inventory Subsystem: limited stock duplication error
    19937: Module: buysafe: buySAFE Templates do not get generated when installing buySAFE in mm9.0004 store
    20182: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces eBay: Create a successful log when revising inventory
    20183: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon: Create a successful log when revising inventory
    20215: Module: upsxml: SurePost rate call should only be made of the UPS ship from address is set to US
    20219: Administrative Interface: Marketplaces menu item should be sorted alphabetically
    20230: Module: upsxml: UPS shipping method names should be updated to conform to UPS trademark guidelines
    20237: Module: upsxml: Freight methods give "invalid shipping method" error.
    20245: Module: productimport: Adding/Replacing a product follows URI Update rules instead of URI Add rules
    20246: Module: categoryimport: Adding/Replacing a category follows URI Update rules instead of URI Add rules
    20248: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon: it is easy to set an invalid seller sku for a listing
    20249: Shipping/Packaging Rules: features/shp/ is missing from the LSK
    20284: Module: upsxml: UPS Trademark Notice update
    20287: Module: upsdevkit: UPS: Additional information to be presented during registration
    20288: Provisioning: ProductAttribute_Delete_All does not decrement attribute template reference counts
    20289: Module: upsdevkit: During UPS registration we should automatically resubmit the registration if we encounter a username already in use error.
    20290: Module: upsxml: Delivery confirmation should be displayed for UPS Next Day Air® Early A.M.
    20307: Module: templateorderemails: TemplateOrderEmails_SendEmail does not reset the original Store Modules / Customer structures if an error occurs
    20313: Module: mvga: Error at OPAY causes Google analytics to incorrectly report INVC page
    20316: Setup Script: Change Miva Merchant to Miva, Inc.
    20473: Module: shopascustomer: Basket_Load_CustomerSession is missing ERROROUTPUTLEVEL
    20486: MMBatchList: When performing a display order sort for a large number of products (over 1400) the sort will take a long time to complete
    20493: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: New freight methods require ShippingDocumentSpecification tag
    20494: Administrative Interface: Shipping methods with open-ended zip code restrictions not working
    20563: Administrative Interface: Order Processing: Recalculate shipping does not work correctly with rate adjustment
    20566: Administrative Interface: lib/db*/ are not in the LSK
    20576: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: New Freight methods do not support multiple package shipments
    20577: Module: endicialabels: Endicia, Change PassPhrase Dialog does not use the correct processing text when clicking update
    20578: Module: endicialabels: Endicia, Recredit Account Dialog does not use the correct processing text when clicking update
    20594: URI Management: URI management, settings tab, user preferences fail to load after clicking update when Legacy SEO Settings are enabled.
    20619: Administrative Interface: Functions are missing ERROROUTPUTLEVEL attributes
    20620: Module: tokenlist: JSON_Save_Template_Source_To_Temporary_File fails to compile certain templates
    20626: Module: templateorderemails: Gift Description Attributes using data_long do not get sent in the gift certificate email
    20635: Module: upsxml: When generating UPS labels for a store with a Canada account the wrong service code is used for UPS Expedited
    20636: Module: upsxml: When generating UPS labels for a store with a Canada account the wrong service code is used for UPS Express Saver (UPS Saver)
    20637: Module: upsxml: UPS Declared Value Currency should support MXN
    20639: Module: upsxml: Declared value tag is never sent when generating a UPS Freight LTL shipping label.
    20700: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: Bill Recipient code inadvertently changed
    20701: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: FedEx Branding team wants KG to be changed to kg within the boxing type names
    20719: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping method rule changes are not logged to the admin activity log
    20720: Module: cmp-mv-clientdimensions: Module causes an infinite page reload if cookies are disabled for the site
    20723: Reporting Subsystem: SVG line charts do not always display properly on initial load in current Safari
    20724: Module: tokenlist: "View Variable on Live Page" links do not display in Safari
    20746: Provisioning: Order_Add does not have a ShipResidential flag, nor does it copy the value from the customer settings if one is specified
    20747: Provisioning: Customer_Add/Customer_Update should support a ShipResidential tag
    20748: Administrative Interface: Orders MMBatchlist should have a column for the ship_res value
    20749: Provisioning: Order_Update does not have a ShipResidential flag, nor does it copy the value from the customer settings if one is specified
    20755: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme: Products To Display value is not exported correctly
    20756: Framework Import/Export: Apply framework screen does not display all external files included in the package
    20773: Module: canvat: Canadian VAT, advanced search on the rates tab does not work correctly
    20796: Gift Certificates: Incorrect gift certificate value when generating gift certificates at checkout.
    20800: Affiliates: Incorrect sorting of Payout Details
    20805: Administrative Interface: Product next/previous buttons do not work when a product has high-ascii characters in its code when using a character set other than utf-8
    20806: Affiliates: Affiliate breadcrumb links in admin do not work properly with iso-8859-1 high characters
    20808: Administrative Interface: Search menu is cut off when displayed from within a dialog
    20811: Module: marketplaces: eBay Policies List: JavaScript error when attempting to advanced search by Site when there are no accounts
    20815: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme: Description typo
    20830: Customers: Customer Price Group List uses wrong privileges to determine if assignment is allowed
    20835: Wish Lists: Default WISH template should display option prices
    20845: Module: marketplaces: eBay Listing Details List: JavaScript error when attempting to advanced search by Site when there are no accounts.
    20846: Module: marketplaces: eBay Listing Details List: JavaScript error when attempting to advanced search by Currency when there are no accounts.
    20852: Price Groups: Discounts based on weight are not calculated correctly when using attributes/options
    20859: Module: mvfedexsoap: FedEx now requires specific value for freight StockType tag
    20864: Reporting Subsystem: Report Add/Edit dialog should use a price group lookup dialog
    20876: Module: upsxml: Edit Shipping/Tax/Other Charges dialog returns error for Freight LTL methods
    20879: Customers: OCST: Address drop-downs always display the default addresses, even if you have previously changed the address content
    20939: Template Subsystem: Cannot import / export pages if store was created prior to 9.5 upgrade

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

    Re: Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

    There are template changes necessary to support the new Address Book features (but no template changes are necessary to support Digital Downloads).

    Those template changes will be posted in the next week or so.

    Finally the Ready Theme template changes should be posted in about two weeks.
    Last edited by Rick Wilson; 12-22-15, 09:37 AM.

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Re: Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

      Quick clarification on Digital Downloads.

      There are some template changes for them to work on Invoice and Order History, but the email with the download link will "just work".

      Rick Wilson
      Miva, Inc.
      [email protected]


        Re: Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

        And the 9.0005 Template Changes (for core, not Ready Themes) are now available:

        Rick Wilson
        Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]


          Re: Miva Merchant 9.0005Bug Fix 1 Is Now Available

          Miva Merchant 9.0005 Bug Fix 1 Release Notes

          Bugs Fixed

          20963: Module: paypalpro: Unable to delete PayPal tokens
          20964: Module: templateorderemails: Unable to manually trigger order emails from the Order Processing > Edit Order screen when using JS Separate mode
          20965: Core Runtime: Runtime functionality using AJAX calls (Attribute Machine as an example) have JavaScript errors due to missing CharsetEncodeAttribute function
          20967: Core Runtime: Rename ToggleDetails class to ToggleDetails_Class and instantiate with ToggleDetails variable name for backward compatibility

          Rick Wilson
          Miva, Inc.
          [email protected]


            Re: Miva Merchant 9.0005 Is Now Available

            Miva Merchant 9.0005 Bug Fix 2 Release Notes

            Bugs Fixed

            20979: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Pagination links are not generated correctly
            20985: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Legacy SEO and 9.5 templates > Runtime sort/items per page are broken
            20987: Module: Legacy SEO and 9.5 templates > Runtime sort/items per page are broken
            20988: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems: Legacy SEO and 9.5 templates > Runtime sort/items per page are broken
            20989: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlists: Legacy SEO and 9.5 templates > Runtime sort/items per page are broken
            20990: Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems: Wish list items table display is incorrect when used without image type
            20991: Module: flatord: Export order to flat file uses SHIP_METHO instead of SHIP_METHOD in the header row
            20994: ZPL Preview: ZPL Endicia does not generate due to the Datamatrix barcode c and r being passed 0 instead of values between 9 and 49
            20998: Module: upsdevkit: UPS registration wizard needs to use CDATA around the UPS EULA
            20999: Digital Downloads: Digital Download returns a fatal error when processing an order when the "Product Variant Basket Item Replacement" module is installed
            Last edited by Rick Wilson; 01-07-16, 03:16 PM.
            Brennan Heyde
            VP Product
            Miva, Inc.
            [email protected]

