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Miva Merchant 9.0006 Is Available Now

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    Miva Merchant 9.0006 Is Available Now

    Miva Merchant 9.6 Release Notes

    New Features

    Feeds Subsystem

    New Feeds subsystem allows modules to be configured to generate data feeds for pushing catalog information to external systems. Two bundled feed modules provide the following functionality:
    • The Standard Sitemap Protocol module outputs a sitemap suitable for most major search engines, and supports automatic notification of Google and Bing when the sitemap is updated.
    • The Template Based Feed module allows feeds to be easily constructed using template code.
    • Support for Google Shopping and Etsy have been added to the Marketplaces module.
    Scheduled Task Mechanism

    A new scheduled task mechanism allows maintenance tasks to be scheduled and executed in the background. This mechanism is available to all modules.
    • A new Standard Scheduled Tasks module allows the following common maintenance tasks to be automatically performed:
      • Pack Data Files
      • Delete Expired Shopping Baskets
      • Perform Module Cleanup Tasks
      In addition, the Standard Scheduled Tasks module supports automatic generation of feeds through the new feeds subsystem and routine processing of subscriptions through the new subscription subsystem.
    • Image Management has been updated to support checking for updated images and deleting unreferenced images through scheduled tasks.
    • The PayPal Express Checkout and/or Website Payments Pro module has been updated to allow expired express checkout tokens to be deleted through scheduled tasks.
    • Marketplaces now supports the following operations through scheduled tasks:
      • eBay: Sync Inventory
      • Amazon: Sync Inventory
      • Amazon: Import Orders
      • Etsy: Sync Inventory
      • Etsy: Import Orders
      • Google Shopping: Update All (listings)
    Review Baskets Module
    • A new Review Baskets module allows administrative users to view, search and manipulate shopper baskets.
    Subscription Subsystem

    A new Subscription subsystem allows automatic reordering of products
    • Requires MivaPay for payment processing
    • The subscription term and frequency of reorder may be configured on a per product basis. Each product may have an unlimited number of subscription terms.
    • Users may manage their subscriptions from the shopping interface.
    • Products may be configured for optional or mandatory subscription.
    • Digital download products may be delivered as subscriptions.
    • Three new report modules provide information about subscriptions:
      • Subscription Statistics
      • Subscription Metrics
      • Subscription Product Statistics
    Added support for MivaPay
    • MivaPay is a new service that provides tokenization of credit card numbers and an iframe-based checkout process that allows most merchants to meet PCI requirements with an SAQ-A. MivaPay works with the following existing payment gateways:
      • Authorize.Net Payment Services v3.1
      • CHASE Paymentech Orbital Gateway
      • CyberSource
      • PayPal Payments Advanced and/or Payflow Gateway (in Payflow Pro mode)
      • Braintree
      • First Data Global Gateway
      • PayPal Express Checkout and/or Website Payments Pro (in PayPal Payments Pro mode)
      • Intuit Merchant Services
    • When MivaPay is enabled, shoppers may store credit cards in a wallet for use with subscriptions and to make the checkout process easier.
    • Administrative users may collect payment from a stored customer payment card without having to enter the card number.
    • Stored payment card tokens will continue to work even if the merchant changes payment gateways.
    Module API Changes
    • NEW MODULE FEATURE: scheduledtask allows modules to implement scheduled tasks
    • NEW MODULE FEATURE: feed allows module to provide feeds
    • NEW MODULE FEATURE: not_subscript allows modules to be notified of changes in subscriptions
    • The import and report features now support notification of the deletion of an import or report associated with a module
    • The payment feature has been extended to support MivaPay and the concept of stored payment cards
    Refer to the Miva Merchant 9 Module API Reference Guide, v3.0 for full documentation on the new features and changes above.
    Other Changes
    • The Google Analytics module has been updated to properly support short URLs generated by URI Management.
    • Braintree is now supported as a payment gateway.
    • The Discounting subsystem has been optimized to improve performance when predicting discounts.
    • The Inventory subsystem may now be configured to remove products from inventory at checkout rather than when added to the basket. When configured in this fashion, inventory is reverified during the checkout process and not removed from inventory until payment is successfully processed.
    • The origin of an order is now tracked. Currently the order source may be one of the following:
      • Admin User (created within the Administrative interface)
      • Shopper (create within the runtime shopping interface)
      • Marketplaces: Amazon
      • Marketplaces: Etsy
      • Marketplaces: eBay
      • Subscription Reorder
    Template Based Emails
    • The default email templates have been updated with improved styling and a responsive design.
    • New triggers have been added to handle subscriptions:
      • Subscription Created
      • Subscription Changed
      • Subscription Cancelled
    • A new trigger and default email have been added to notify shoppers when their stored payment card(s) are expired or will expire soon.
    • Order emails may now be triggered depending on the origin of the order. This allows different emails to be sent for example, when a shopper places an order in runtime and when an Amazon order is imported through the Marketplaces module.
    Bugs Fixed

    8943: Module: canvat: it's impossible to place a non-Canadian order while using Canadian vat and require tax.
    19664: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Add a weight field to boxes
    19762: Module: mvga: Google Analytics should be updated to make use of the URIs when available
    19832: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay: Variation listing needs to handle UPC being required for each variation
    20299: Administrative Interface: Module management interface does not include description
    20592: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: formatted_subtotal_comprehensive should be made available in the basket component
    20593: Attribute Templates: Feature Request: Add assigned/referenced product list to the Edit Attribute Template screen
    20604: Administrative Interface: Business Account not displayed in Order Processing
    20956: Universal Search: ReadyTheme does not appear in Universal Search
    20957: Universal Search: Marketplaces does not appear in Universal Search
    20971: Template Subsystem: features/tui/ Missing include
    20972: Administrative Interface: Order Processing > Edit Order > Clicking "Assign" button for customer and then quickly clicking "Escape" produces JS error
    21001: Crypto Library: Encryption key generation should delete the public key if the private key insert fails
    21002: Wish Lists: EOF error when removing items from Wish List in runtime
    21014: Patches: LSK does not contain include files for updated shipping modules
    21025: Administrative Interface: MMDialog_FieldList_Controller.prototype.MarkInvali dFields does not work correctly
    21027: Payment: lock on the orders when processing refunds
    21028: Module: productimport: Productimport: limit payment methods gets checked when setting limit shipping methods during import
    21029: Module: discount_shipping_product: Discount_Shipping_Product does not copy the basket residential flag correctly
    21030: Module: mvfedexsoap: mvfedexsoap: Unable to generate label with bill recipient when no recipient account number is avaliable
    21032: Provisioning: PRV_Action_Provision_Store_Page_Item creates blank provide_xml:name value
    21033: Core JSON: Cannot update attribute code to same value, different case
    21034: Core JSON: Cannot update option code to same value, different case
    21090: Database Layer: lib/dbprim/ Add function NoteList_Load_Order
    21215: Module: mvcanadapost: Canada Post should allow for commercial rates for non-contract "small business" accounts
    21266: Core JSON: Canceling a return should update the Order Status
    21267: Module: customfields: Provisioning Product/Category/CustomerField_Value functions return 0, when they should return PRV_Error
    21280: Universal Search: Marketplaces > Get Orders should not be present when using universal search
    21302: Module: uriexport: URIsExport_Export_Pages fails to output an empty value when Products are also set to be output
    21310: Provisioning: Order note counts can potentially be wrong
    21313: Template Subsystem: Token List displays runtime error when loading an inactive product while display predicted discounts is checked
    21328: Inventory Subsystem: Function Inventory_Is_Available_Inventory_Limited is returning the wrong value
    21331: Module: cmp-cssui-breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs default to Canonical Category code when loading a product when using legacy SEO short links.
    21333: Uninstall Script: remove.mvc needs to support Two Factor Authentication if the Domain has it enabled
    21335: Administrative Interface: Order Processing: Orders: Advanced Search "Product Code" field should allow the product lookup dialog to be displayed
    21423: URI Management: It is possible to have multiple canonical URIs for all destination types
    21434: Provisioning: URI_Add does not ensure the canonical attribute tag was valid
    21459: Utility Library: v9_SendEmail can potentially output too many CRLFs in the headers
    21463: Administrative Interface: Users with insufficient privileges are shown checkbox sliders throughout the core software
    21483: Module: uriimport: URI import, when setting canonical to No URIs are imported as if canonical was set to yes.
    21500: URI Management: URI management should have a default store select for handling URI not found
    21531: Price Groups: Coupons Add/Edit Dialog: Button should say "Add" when adding a coupon
    21541: URI Management: Page URI list does not refresh when updating a new URI to be canonical replacing an old URI that was canonical.
    21542: URI Management: Product URI list does not refresh when updating a new URI to be canonical replacing an old URI that was canonical.
    21543: URI Management: Category URI list does not refresh when updating a new URI to be canonical replacing an old URI that was canonical.
    21545: Module: mvcanadapost: CanadaPostServiceList_Load doesn't close the correct VIEW
    21598: Framework Import/Export: Unable to upload frameworks when root directory for graphics is set to /
    21604: Template Subsystem: Cannot apply framework to store that has a nested directory setup
    21608: Module: discount_product: Product discount rounding doesn’t allow for 1 penny final price
    21615: Administrative Interface: MMDialog: Validate_WholeNumber_GreaterThan should select the input field value
    21616: MMBatchList: Order processing does not properly handle a large number of batches
    21624: MMBatchList: MMBatchList_Column_Checkbox & MMBatchList_Column_CheckboxSlider should override SetOnExportData and output Yes/No values instead of true/false values
    21628: Customers: Customer shipping description not updating from provisioning file
    21793: Administrative Interface: Orders batchlist is inconsistently refreshed when changing order status.
    21806: Administrative Interface: MySQL Strict error when adding/updating a product with a blank price/cost/weight
    21807: Module: productdigitaldownloadcustomfields: Product Digital Downloads Custom Field headers do not show up in the header row when exporting products
    21814: Module: marketplaces: JavaScript error when viewing the ebay listings tab as a limited user
    21815: Module: paypaladv: Module does not pass the CURRENCY parameter
    21816: Price Groups: Predicting product discounts is too slow, specifically when displaying volume discounts on a category page
    21825: Administrative Interface: Order Processing: Hitting the enter key multiple times in the Authorize dialog generates multiple authoriztaions
    21827: Administrative Interface: Multiple files are missing the MvINCLUDE
    21834: Module: orderhistorynotes: Order history notes creates records with a blank user_id when orders are created at runtime
    21835: Database Layer: Order History Notes: <Deleted User> is displayed for order notes that are created at runtime
    21838: Administrative Interface: Functions AJAX_Call_Module_FieldList and AJAX_Call_FieldList pass a blank parameter when the parameters parameter is blank
    21853: Customers: Basket record address fields should be cleared when a customer logs out
    21861: Module: marketplaces: Add variation listing dialog, attribute dropdown is misaligned when product is set to good till cancelled.
    21867: Module: discount_volume: Module does not handle the minified JS flag properly in Module_Clientiside
    21873: Module: discount_saleprice: Missing index causes slow performance with a large number of sale price entries
    21875: Module: mvfedexsoap: 16:RequestedPackageLineItems tag does not get sent in the smart post call when you have a very heavy item
    21878: Module: variantimport: Variant Import should allow current stock for part products to be set
    21891: Related Products: Related product records get left behind when products are deleted.
    21902: Module: flatcus: Flatcus: Standard fields should not have Business account on a separate line
    21904: Module: paypal: Paypal Payments standard is not compatible with the authorization token.
    21905: Module: amazonpay: Amazon Payments is not compatible with the authorization token.
    21906: Module: paypaladv: PayPal Payments Advanced is not compatible with the authorization token when used in hosted checkout mode.
    21908: Database Layer: lib/dbprim/ function ProductImage_Load_ID parameter should be id and not product_id
    21921: Discounting Subsystem: Using a coupon to add a free product to the basket returns "basket not eligible" error
    22071: Import Subsystem: Import Settings: CSV/XLS Template download buttons should not be present for XML provisioning imports
    22086: Customers: Edit Customer, Shipping/Billing information, update does not save changes when changing values to uppercase.
    22098: Payment: Edit product, Permitted Payment Methods, payment module names disappear once you switch tabs
    22110: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: Having both add to wish lists and coupon line items active for the BASK page causes formatting errors
    22118: Module: mvga: Google Analytics: Checkout options are no longer sent on OSEL submission
    22119: Module: mvga: Google Analytics: price fields inconsistently contained in quotes
    22120: Module: mvga: Google Analytics: never sends a transaction on INVC
    22121: Module: mvga: Incorrect product code being sent in AddToBasketSubmit call
    22137: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Edit Product: Marketplace tabs are displayed when the user does not have sufficent privileges
    22201: Administrative Interface: Copyright date on the About screen should reflect the current year
    22203: Module: cmp-mv-paymentmethod: Invalid payment methods are not validated when continuing from the OSEL page
    22206: Upsale: Checkout with a product that has a sale price and is part of an upsale shows incorrect price when the sale price is greater than the upsale price therefore increasing your order cost
    22210: Module: report_sales: Exporting recent sales data is missing dates column when not displaying the gross sales column
    22219: URI Management: Product URI Batchlist does not update correctly when the user visible columns preference is set
    22220: URI Management: Category URI Batchlist does not update correctly when the user visible columns preference is set
    22221: URI Management: Edit Page URI Batchlist does not update correctly when the user visible columns preference is set
    22223: Module: productdigitaldownloadcustomfields: DigitalDownload_ProductFieldValue_LoadAll_Cache does not cache data in the conventional way
    22226: Administrative Interface: When adding an option to an attribute on the Attributes tab an error states to enter a code even when a code exists
    22228: Administrative Interface: Fatal error when changing a Page code if the prodctgy_meta item is assigned to the page.
    22308: Upgrade Subsystem: New StoreModule features are not inserted for upgraded modules
    22327: Price Groups: Discounts Applied to Order dialog has Applied spelt wrong
    22328: Price Groups: Coupons Applied to Order dialog has Applied spelled wrong
    22365: Module: mvfedexsoap: Label generation dialog still shows FedEx Ground US instead of just FedEx Ground
    22460: Administrative Interface: JavaScript errors when viewing the inventory variants tab as a limited user.
    22465: Administrative Interface: Greyed out buttons freeze IE 11
    22467: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: Legacy SEO and 9.5 templates > Redeem coupon button is broken.
    22475: Gift Certificates: JS error when generating Gift Certificates w/ 0 amount
    22517: Module: templateorderemails: Template Order Email sort by pc_days (Payment Card Expires within N Days) does not sort correctly
    22518: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Google Shopping: Function JSON_Marketplaces_GoogleShoppingAccountList_Load has the JSON_ArrayElement_Start/End outside the foreach statement
    22522: Module: marketplaces: The marketplaces google shopping privilege should be Marketplaces: Google Shopping

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

    Bugs Fixed
    22716: Module: marketplaces: Indexes sNN_MP_EtsyListingVariations_2 and sNN_MP_EtsyImages_1 are too long for MySQL w/UTF-8 character set
    22718: Patches: mm90006 patch incorrectly creates index sNN_SalePricing_2 as UNIQUE
    22729: Upgrade Subsystem: Inactive modules error on patch installation

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      The Template Changes required for Miva Merchant 9.6 are now available here:

      Rick Wilson
      Miva, Inc.
      [email protected]


        9.00062 Bug Fixes Bugs Fixed

        22736: Patches: sNN_PaymentMethodExlusions index PaymentMethodExclusions_1 should be unique
        22737: Patches: sNN_PaymentMethodRules index PaymentMethodRules_1 should be a unique index
        22738: Patches: sNN_Feeds indexes sNN_Feeds_1 and sNN_Feeds_2 should be unique indexes
        22739: Module: amazonpay: Checkout errors cause Amazon Payment checkout to be redirected to standard checkout process
        22740: Module: mvga: pageview parameter is being output with incorrect value
        22746: Module: reviewbaskets: JSON_ReviewBaskets_BasketList_Load_Query is checking the wrong counter when loading records
        22748: Module: cmp-mv-paymentfields: payment item throws invalid_payment_method exception when g.PaymentMethod is empty
        22749: Module: authnet: Card expiration date does not get saved when an order is placed in 9.0006
        22750: Module: amazonpay: Inventory at Checkout is not compatible with the Amazon Payments module
        22751: Module: amazonpay: Amazon Payments not working after 9.6
        22752: Module: mvga: link.href values are being incorrectly assumed when product link anchors contain other HTML elements
        22753: Module: mvga: Calls to eventPreventDefault should only be made upon the success of a custom handler
        Brennan Heyde
        VP Product
        Miva, Inc.
        [email protected]


          Miva Merchant 9.6 Bug Fix 3 Release Notes

          Bugs Fixed

          22784: Payment: paypalpro:PAYP returns an invalid payment method error during checkout
          Brennan Heyde
          VP Product
          Miva, Inc.
          [email protected]


            Miva Merchant 9.6 Bug Fix 4 Release Notes

            *Note this release adds support for the new MasterCard BIN range being rolled out in the coming months

            Bugs Fixed

            22795: Patches: The 9.6 Patch did not assign the 'paymentsettings' item to CPCA and CPCE which causes mivapay to fail and trigger a infinite redirect loop
            22796: Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay: Item 'paymentsettings' should be assigned to the template in ComponentModule_Page_Assign
            22831: Module: authnet: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22832: Module: chasepaytech: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22833: Module: cybersource: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22834: Module: fdggwsapi: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22835: Module: paypalpro: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22836: Module: qbms: Modify card type prediction to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22838: Module: mod10: Modify default card configuration to support new MasterCard BIN range
            22889: Payment: JavaScript error at runtime when using MivaPay for a Braintree payment method.
            22891: Payment: Mivapay Input field errors should not trigger Invalid payment method
            22894: Payment: Clicking reload on the CPCD after adding a card causes the same card and token to be added again.
            22895: Payment: Mivapay placeholder text on screen OPAY should include the payment card type.

            Rick Wilson
            Miva, Inc.
            [email protected]

