New Features
Facet-based search is now supported in the runtime interface for all product lists. Facets may come from the following sources:
6263: Modules - Export: Legacy category export needs to export categories with parents first.:
20954: Module: mvcanadapost: CanadaPost: IE10 manifest is named json.mvc:
22110: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: Having both add to wish lists and coupon line items active for the BASK page causes formatting errors:
22204: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay/Amazon/Etsy: The log console should show order numbers for any order related actions when possible:
22346: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon: a couple places where s.callreturnheaders are attempting to be accessed outside of the MvCALL block:
22347: Discounting Subsystem: Shipping discount restriction should take into account other discount modules:
22711: Template Subsystem: Pages marked as "UI" pages should not allow their page codes to be updated through inline editing:
22743: Module: templateorderemails: After an expiration email is sent for a Payment Card, it will never, ever be sent again:
22764: Module: cmp-mv-paymentfields: Runtime error when referencing the payment item when g.PaymentMethod is not set:
22766: Module: mvga: Module fails to send the "remove from cart" event to Google Analytics:
22771: Module: cmp-mv-paymentmethod: Add to the LSK:
22793: Framework Import/Export: Framework Export: Blank "url()" tags cause export errors from CSS files:
22800: Module: discount_volume: Discount volume component, does not display pricing table correctly when using “apply pricing table progressively”:
22801: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Saving a search w/ exact date parameters then immediately loading the search returns incorrect dates:
22842: Discounting Subsystem: Discounted subscriptions button is visible for legacy price groups.:
22855: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces - Google Shopping: Function JSON_Marketplaces_GoogleShoppingProduct_InsertAndU pdate_All has timeout issues:
22870: Module: stdschtasks: Standard Scheduled Tasks: Add module description:
22896: Module: cmp-mv-paymentmethod: Module has duplicated doxgen comments and code from cmp-mv-paymentfields that it should not have:
22907: Module: shipimport: Shipment import, column fields and values do not get validated when mutually assigning fields:
22918: Module: cmp-cssui-orderlist: ORHL should allow order lookup with the primary zip code, when zip+4 was used in the order:
22923: Administrative Interface: Categories: Child Categories tab should not be displayed when adding a category:
22924: Module: customfields: Attempting to add a custom field value on the Add Category screen causes a fatal error:
22925: Core Runtime: ImageMachine.js produces 404 errors with attempt to load image at url basehref/undefined:
22931: Administrative Interface: Header overlaps the vertical scroll bar in Chrome:
22932: Module: customfields: Custom fields uses a case insensitive comparison when updating value_long:
22933: MMBatchList: Any list with ( ( 3 * number of visible rows ) + 1 ) number of records will not load/select the last record in the list when doing select all:
22934: Administrative Interface: All MMBatchList based sort operations are broken in certain conditions:
22935: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Add the ability to link existing listings to existing Miva products:
22947: Administrative Interface: JavaScript_SetVariables functions are outputting incorrect script tag attribute:
23016: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces eBay - Should add ability to send UPC values for variations:
23017: Module: templateorderemails: Abandoned Basket should support multiple emails:
23018: Module: templateorderemails: Abandoned Basket keep basket alive default value should be updated:
23029: Template Subsystem: Pages that contain source references formatted in certain ways cause issues with Framework Export:
23040: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Google Shopping: Product settings should have an checkbox that allows the upload/update all to ignore this product:
23049: Module: prodexp: Product Export: Export Fields table section should always be shown, regardless if any custom fields exist:
23131: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList Dialogs should show a confirmation alert before closing the dialog if there are elements being changed (add mode, edit mode, etc):
23139: Administrative Interface: Order overlay list should not accept (ctrl+a) to select all items in the list:
23140: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Order Import should clear the orderitem variable to avoid group_id being the same for 2 different lines in an order:
23187: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces - Google Shopping should batch insert and delete instead of one at a time:
23221: Payment: Paypalpro, PPAL_OPAY gets displayed on OPAY after field errors when it should not.:
23226: Administrative Interface: ui.js: ValidateCode: Currently not possible to save a product whose code is "___" / "---":
23230: Module: templatefeed: Cannot access Advanced Mode for Template Based Feed item after recalling Header/Iterator/Footer Template:
23283: Discounting Subsystem: Discounting options should have a setting to prevent recalculation on canceled items.:
23296: MMBatchList: onDeleteList does not remove successfully deleted records from the list if one or more records fail being deleted:
23342: Administrative Interface: Add an IEEE754 normalize function to JS:
23345: MMBatchList: MMBatchList_Column_ModuleList does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23347: Administrative Interface: ProductImageList_Column_Type does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23348: Administrative Interface: Product_VariantList_Column_MultiSelectAttribute does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23349: Price Groups: BasePriceGroupList_Column_Type does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23350: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTaskList_Column_Operation does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23351: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTaskLogList_Column_Task does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23352: Administrative Interface: StateTaxState_Column_State does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23353: Module: customfields: CustomFieldList_Column_Group does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23355: Administrative Interface: Edit Encryption Key: Orders Tab: Orders that have multiple order payments returns the incorrect number of records:
23358: Module: marketplaces: Check Box not focused (highlighted) when selecting a policy on eBay:
23363: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay: Add Shipping Policy: Title input field is not focused:
23393: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Defines CSS for the incorrect style class intended for the "Delete This Basket" button:
23394: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Basket ID value is inserted into the incorrect node in the overlay list:
23397: Administrative Interface: Order List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23398: Administrative Interface: Shipment List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23399: Subscriptions: Subscription List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23400: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_DateRange:
23401: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme: Edit Product Listing: Advanced Mode: An image type named Full-Sized or Thumbnail cannot be selected under Product Images:
23402: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Etsy: Advanced Search does not work for Has Variation for Listings tab:
23480: Administrative Interface: Any UI Exceptions being thrown for successful actions should be changed:
23481: Administrative Interface: Component modules with feature not_fields should not regenerate templates if the templates have been modified by the merchant:
23538: Administrative Interface: Orders: Saving a search w/ exact date parameters then immediately loading the search returns incorrect dates:
23548: Core Runtime: Add support for CSRF token to runtime customer actions:
23567: Database Layer: Runtime_PriceGroupList_Load_Product is obsolete, unused and does not properly handle dt_start/dt_end:
23577: Payment: Payment Method Rules: When no payment methods exist the Edit Priorities and Filter By Payment Module buttons do nothing:
23578: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping Method Rules: Edit Priorities and Filter By Shipping Module buttons do nothing when no shipping methods exist:
23582: Administrative Interface: Invalid response error when viewing manage orders with limited permissions.:
23583: Administrative Interface: The Lookup button for products on the order item dialog should be hidden if the user does not possess the product view privilege:
23588: Administrative Interface: Shipment Overlay List: Re-creating a shipment fails to select the newly created shipment record:
23589: Subscriptions: JS Error when Adding Mandatory Subscription Product to Basket from Wishlist:
23607: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Google Shopping: Only expose the custom fields when a google shopping account is present:
23616: Provisioning: PaymentMethodRules_Update should validate the module passed has the payment feature:
23617: Provisioning: ShippingMethodRules_Update should validate the module passed has the shipping feature:
23620: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTask_RecycleRecommended does not honor the "Recycle Scheduled Task Process" setting:
23621: Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks are not resumed unless there are other enabled tasks waiting to be executed:
23633: Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks should have a run selected task button.:
23634: Administrative Interface: Subscription authorization failures do not get recorded in the Authorization Failures batchlist:
23655: Module: marketplaces: Marketplace: Google shopping does not correctly handle products with non-inventoried attributes.:
23665: Module: cmp-mv-stdorderfields: formatted_subtotal_comprehensive should be made available in the Order component:
23668: Subscriptions: Canceled subscriptions prevent customers from deleting saved cards.:
23678: Module: mvfedexsoap: Some methods do no not exclude P.O. Boxes by default:
23681: URI Management: Legacy SEO Settings do not generate secure URLs for products or categories:
23749: Module: applepay: applepay.css: svn:keywords property is not set:
23756: Patches: Unused column account_id gets created on the sNN_Orders table when updating from mm9.0003 to mm9.0004:
23757: Patches: Database errors When updating from mm9.0004 to mm9.0005:
23758: Patches: Database errors When updating from mm9.0005 to mm9.00053:
23761: Patches: Indexs created incorrectly when updating from mm9.0003 to mm9.0004:
23764: Patches: PR8U7 patch sets the sNN_Customers.password column to varchar(100) instead of varchar(254):
23765: Patches: Index CFM_OrderFields_3 does not get created when updating to PR8U9:
23770: Module: applepay: Checkout with Apple Pay returns an error if Store_Code is a hidden field in the products add to basket form:
23771: Module: applepay: Redirected to store selection screen after completing ApplePay transaction.:
23776: Inventory Subsystem: Simultaneous checkouts can cause inventory to go negative when using inventory at checkout.:
23777: Administrative Interface: Price, Cost, and Weight columns are visible for main attributes which have options:
23778: Module: readytheme: NavigationSet_Update should not require the Code tag:
23779: Module: cmp-mv-minibask: Add Canonical URL using param :link to items:
23785: Administrative Interface: Confirmation Dialog sets the incorrect callbacks for the onEnter, onEsc when calling Modal_Show:
23786: Payment: Incorrect error message when payment card type prefix range has mismatched lengths:
23879: Module: marketplaces: Etsy Listing Quantity not corralating with Miva Listing Inventory:
24053: Price Groups: Action_ApplyCouponToBasket should add a call to FailedLoginDelay when an invalid coupon is attempted to be applied:
24071: Module: cmp-mv-stdreturnfields: Incorrect spelling for Image Dimensions on Standard Fields:
24116: Administrative Interface: Font includes should contain the version token to prevent caching issues:
24117: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Google Shopping: Product Settings with multiple copies of the same image cannot be deselected:
24122: Module: applepay: Issues with multiple Apple Pay buttons on the same page:
24123: Administrative Interface: Add "Unsupported Browser" warning to login screen:
24125: Module: authnet: Apple Pay transactions should be differentiated from normal credit card transactions:
24126: Module: applepay: Apple Pay buttons should be hidden if a merchant is blacklisted after installing the module:
24127: Module: applepay: Provide some sort of token when redirecting to INVC during an Apple Pay transaction:
24138: Module: templateorderemails: Toe_order_contents, Group discount line items recombines split order items:
24139: MMBatchList: Alt+F / Ctrl+F when focused on an MMBatchList search box brings up the browser's built-in find feature:
24152: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Etsy: Product Settings with multiple copies of the same image cannot be deselected:
24153: Setup Script: should have an engine check for 5.28, not 5.23:
24154: Patches: sNN_MP_EtsyItemImages.image_id has an incorrect correlation:
24155: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay Shopping: Product Settings: Duplicate images should not be shown:
24156: URI Management: URI Management: URL Prefix should allow an HTTPS prefix value:
24157: Payment: COD is showing as a valid payment method to be linked to Payment Card Types:
24160: MMBatchList: Hitting the ESC key while in inline add mode in a dialog exits inline add AND closes the dialog:
24164: Module: mvga: Runtime Error when attempting to process subscription w/ Google Analytics classic:
24170: Subscriptions: Shipping Method reads 'Unkown' for Live Rate Shipping, Subscription Batchlist under Orders tab.:
24226: Module: chasepaytech: Tonga Pa'anga should use an apostrophe instead of an UTF-8 character:
24229: Module: report_subscription_product_stats: SubscriptionProductStats_ReportData_Load_Product is missing ERROROUTPUTLEVEL:
24239: Module: authnet: Refunds can trigger fraud filters if configured in the Authorize.Net backend:
24240: Payment: When MivaPay is enabled, the software should validate that URL settings will not cause errors during checkout:
24254: MMBatchList: When exporting the Order batch list to CSV the date column does not include the timestamp:
24258: Core Runtime: Incorrect handling of screen code when it is not the last parameter in the URL:
24263: Administrative Interface: Parent Category lookup does not function when inline editing the Categories batch list:
24273: Core JSON: JSON_Search_Filter / its variants have never passed the data variable to the specified callback function:
24277: Module: cmp-cssui-addressbook: A confirmation dialog should appear when deleting an address book record:
24283: Discounting Subsystem: Coupon Max Use (per shopper) does not work correctly for non-customer shoppers:
24354: Administrative Interface: Clicking update on Domain settings will insert URI rules into the htaccess file.:
24391: Payment: Mivapay should not save credit card data during checkout if the order is declined:
24421: Module: paypalpro: PayPal Payment details displays incorrect transaction mode when the order is encrypted:
24432: Administrative Interface: Action_Domain_Update always reloads the top frame:
24608: Uninstall Script: remove.mvc never triggers Module_Uninstall:
24611: Discounting Subsystem: Add-on-product price group exclusions do not work correctly after basket update.:
24648: Provisioning: Provisioning, LinkedPaymentMethod, does not work correctly for Authnet methods:
24684: SEO Settings: Legacy SEO links generates incorrect htaccess file rules:
24748: Subscriptions: ProductSubscriptionTerm_Generate_Description generates incorrect grammar for the "term" variable:
24773: Database Layer: GeneratedImage_FindOrInsert_Image_Dimensions unnecessarily creates lockfiles and prevents parallelization of requests:
24775: Subscriptions: Orders created from processed subscriptions do not pull inventory.:
24779: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Runtime Next page button do not work on the CTGY page.:
24784: URI Management: adding /Category/ to category URIs causes category referrer to be incorrect when viewing products at runtime.:
24791: Administrative Interface: should be using absolute paths for all MvDO files:
24797: Module: mvga: MVGA_Load_OrderItems does not handle attribute options correctly:
24798: Discounting Subsystem: Recalculating discounts gets confused when negative basket charges are present.:
24808: Wish Lists: Updating Customer settings blanks out def_wshlst field in the database.:
25073: Setup Script: Setup does not report errors when setup completes unsuccessfully:
25093: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: cmp-cssui-vieworder, order:groups does not account for item status:
25167: Module: braintree: Braintree, doing a partial refund on an unsettled transaction causes a full void.:
25198: Module: applepay: ApplePay allows checkout with empty basket
25283: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Product list, sort by and items per page do not display when only 1 item is displayed on a page.
- The display order of the store country and state lists may now be configured
- Existing listings may now be automatically imported into Marketplaces
- The Template Based Emails module now supports abandoned basket emails. This allows merchants to send marketing emails to shoppers who have left products in their baskets without placing an order.
- Specific product SKUs are now tracked in shopping baskets and displayed in Order Processing. This facilitates integrations with external systems that require the specific product SKU when using inventory variants and is similar to the functionality provided by the variantbasketitem module.
- A new Rich Text Editor allows non-developers to edit HTML content in a WYSIWYG fashion.
- Line numbers are now supported for text areas in the administrative interface that display template code.
- A new, greatly improved color picker is now provided when editing HTML content or template code.
- A new not_paymentcard module API feature allows modules to be notified when MivaPay payment cards are added, updated or deleted.
- Product subscription settings now allow the administrator to configure how many reorders must be placed before a subscription can be canceled or changed
- A new product subscription term, "Every N Months", allows reorders to occur on the original order day a specified number of months apart
- Products and categories now track the date/time at which they were created and last updated
- Customers now track the date/time at which they were created and last logged in to the runtime interface
- Most reports have been modified to use a new, improved HTML5/canvas based charting engine
- A new Images privilege has been added so that uploading/managing images can be done with separate access control from adding/updating products
- The CSSUI Head tag component now includes a complete JavaScript asset manager, which allows centralized management of script tags
- Predicted discount prices displayed in the runtime interface can now be precalculated and cached for improved performance. This is accomplished through a new “Pre-Calculate Discount Prices” scheduled task.
- Runtime product lists are now heavily cached for improved performance.
Facet-based search is now supported in the runtime interface for all product lists. Facets may come from the following sources:
- The new Standard Facets Module, which provides the following "core" facets:
- Category
- Attributes/Options
- Price
- Individual custom fields, by configuring them as a “facet” custom field
- A new Scheduled Task permits automatic, periodic execution of an import
- Scheduled tasks can now be manually triggered from the Scheduled Task list with a simple button press
- A new Scheduled task "trigger" mechanism allows one or more scheduled tasks to be programmatically queued for execution by keyword
- On supported database servers, MySQL FULLTEXT searching is now used, when configured
- Predictive search results with preview via new cmp-cssui-searchfield component
- Custom Fields may be searched in runtime
- Additional product fields, such as SKU and attribute/option prompts may now be searched from runtime, when configured
- These settings are configured on the Search Settings tab of the User Interface screen
- Batch lists in the administrative interface that display custom fields now support sorting and searching by custom field values
- When editing a custom field from a batch list in the administrative interface, entered values are now validated according to the supported data types provided by the custom field module
- Order custom fields are now supported as an official API instead of just in our Custom Fields module
- Products may now be assigned to Price Groups by category
- Price Groups may now be configured as "exclusion" groups, in which case they automatically apply to all products and categories unless specifically excluded
6263: Modules - Export: Legacy category export needs to export categories with parents first.:
20954: Module: mvcanadapost: CanadaPost: IE10 manifest is named json.mvc:
22110: Module: cmp-cssui-basket: Having both add to wish lists and coupon line items active for the BASK page causes formatting errors:
22204: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay/Amazon/Etsy: The log console should show order numbers for any order related actions when possible:
22346: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Amazon: a couple places where s.callreturnheaders are attempting to be accessed outside of the MvCALL block:
22347: Discounting Subsystem: Shipping discount restriction should take into account other discount modules:
22711: Template Subsystem: Pages marked as "UI" pages should not allow their page codes to be updated through inline editing:
22743: Module: templateorderemails: After an expiration email is sent for a Payment Card, it will never, ever be sent again:
22764: Module: cmp-mv-paymentfields: Runtime error when referencing the payment item when g.PaymentMethod is not set:
22766: Module: mvga: Module fails to send the "remove from cart" event to Google Analytics:
22771: Module: cmp-mv-paymentmethod: Add to the LSK:
22793: Framework Import/Export: Framework Export: Blank "url()" tags cause export errors from CSS files:
22800: Module: discount_volume: Discount volume component, does not display pricing table correctly when using “apply pricing table progressively”:
22801: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Saving a search w/ exact date parameters then immediately loading the search returns incorrect dates:
22842: Discounting Subsystem: Discounted subscriptions button is visible for legacy price groups.:
22855: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces - Google Shopping: Function JSON_Marketplaces_GoogleShoppingProduct_InsertAndU pdate_All has timeout issues:
22870: Module: stdschtasks: Standard Scheduled Tasks: Add module description:
22896: Module: cmp-mv-paymentmethod: Module has duplicated doxgen comments and code from cmp-mv-paymentfields that it should not have:
22907: Module: shipimport: Shipment import, column fields and values do not get validated when mutually assigning fields:
22918: Module: cmp-cssui-orderlist: ORHL should allow order lookup with the primary zip code, when zip+4 was used in the order:
22923: Administrative Interface: Categories: Child Categories tab should not be displayed when adding a category:
22924: Module: customfields: Attempting to add a custom field value on the Add Category screen causes a fatal error:
22925: Core Runtime: ImageMachine.js produces 404 errors with attempt to load image at url basehref/undefined:
22931: Administrative Interface: Header overlaps the vertical scroll bar in Chrome:
22932: Module: customfields: Custom fields uses a case insensitive comparison when updating value_long:
22933: MMBatchList: Any list with ( ( 3 * number of visible rows ) + 1 ) number of records will not load/select the last record in the list when doing select all:
22934: Administrative Interface: All MMBatchList based sort operations are broken in certain conditions:
22935: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Add the ability to link existing listings to existing Miva products:
22947: Administrative Interface: JavaScript_SetVariables functions are outputting incorrect script tag attribute:
23016: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces eBay - Should add ability to send UPC values for variations:
23017: Module: templateorderemails: Abandoned Basket should support multiple emails:
23018: Module: templateorderemails: Abandoned Basket keep basket alive default value should be updated:
23029: Template Subsystem: Pages that contain source references formatted in certain ways cause issues with Framework Export:
23040: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces Google Shopping: Product settings should have an checkbox that allows the upload/update all to ignore this product:
23049: Module: prodexp: Product Export: Export Fields table section should always be shown, regardless if any custom fields exist:
23131: Administrative Interface: MMBatchList Dialogs should show a confirmation alert before closing the dialog if there are elements being changed (add mode, edit mode, etc):
23139: Administrative Interface: Order overlay list should not accept (ctrl+a) to select all items in the list:
23140: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Order Import should clear the orderitem variable to avoid group_id being the same for 2 different lines in an order:
23187: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces - Google Shopping should batch insert and delete instead of one at a time:
23221: Payment: Paypalpro, PPAL_OPAY gets displayed on OPAY after field errors when it should not.:
23226: Administrative Interface: ui.js: ValidateCode: Currently not possible to save a product whose code is "___" / "---":
23230: Module: templatefeed: Cannot access Advanced Mode for Template Based Feed item after recalling Header/Iterator/Footer Template:
23283: Discounting Subsystem: Discounting options should have a setting to prevent recalculation on canceled items.:
23296: MMBatchList: onDeleteList does not remove successfully deleted records from the list if one or more records fail being deleted:
23342: Administrative Interface: Add an IEEE754 normalize function to JS:
23345: MMBatchList: MMBatchList_Column_ModuleList does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23347: Administrative Interface: ProductImageList_Column_Type does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23348: Administrative Interface: Product_VariantList_Column_MultiSelectAttribute does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23349: Price Groups: BasePriceGroupList_Column_Type does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23350: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTaskList_Column_Operation does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23351: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTaskLogList_Column_Task does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23352: Administrative Interface: StateTaxState_Column_State does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23353: Module: customfields: CustomFieldList_Column_Group does not restore the advanced filter correctly:
23355: Administrative Interface: Edit Encryption Key: Orders Tab: Orders that have multiple order payments returns the incorrect number of records:
23358: Module: marketplaces: Check Box not focused (highlighted) when selecting a policy on eBay:
23363: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay: Add Shipping Policy: Title input field is not focused:
23393: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Defines CSS for the incorrect style class intended for the "Delete This Basket" button:
23394: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets: Basket ID value is inserted into the incorrect node in the overlay list:
23397: Administrative Interface: Order List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23398: Administrative Interface: Shipment List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23399: Subscriptions: Subscription List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_Type / Filter_Change_DateRange:
23400: Module: reviewbaskets: Review Baskets List: Remove invalid onchange handler Filter_Change_DateRange:
23401: Module: readytheme: ReadyTheme: Edit Product Listing: Advanced Mode: An image type named Full-Sized or Thumbnail cannot be selected under Product Images:
23402: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Etsy: Advanced Search does not work for Has Variation for Listings tab:
23480: Administrative Interface: Any UI Exceptions being thrown for successful actions should be changed:
23481: Administrative Interface: Component modules with feature not_fields should not regenerate templates if the templates have been modified by the merchant:
23538: Administrative Interface: Orders: Saving a search w/ exact date parameters then immediately loading the search returns incorrect dates:
23548: Core Runtime: Add support for CSRF token to runtime customer actions:
23567: Database Layer: Runtime_PriceGroupList_Load_Product is obsolete, unused and does not properly handle dt_start/dt_end:
23577: Payment: Payment Method Rules: When no payment methods exist the Edit Priorities and Filter By Payment Module buttons do nothing:
23578: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping Method Rules: Edit Priorities and Filter By Shipping Module buttons do nothing when no shipping methods exist:
23582: Administrative Interface: Invalid response error when viewing manage orders with limited permissions.:
23583: Administrative Interface: The Lookup button for products on the order item dialog should be hidden if the user does not possess the product view privilege:
23588: Administrative Interface: Shipment Overlay List: Re-creating a shipment fails to select the newly created shipment record:
23589: Subscriptions: JS Error when Adding Mandatory Subscription Product to Basket from Wishlist:
23607: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Google Shopping: Only expose the custom fields when a google shopping account is present:
23616: Provisioning: PaymentMethodRules_Update should validate the module passed has the payment feature:
23617: Provisioning: ShippingMethodRules_Update should validate the module passed has the shipping feature:
23620: Scheduled Tasks: ScheduledTask_RecycleRecommended does not honor the "Recycle Scheduled Task Process" setting:
23621: Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks are not resumed unless there are other enabled tasks waiting to be executed:
23633: Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks should have a run selected task button.:
23634: Administrative Interface: Subscription authorization failures do not get recorded in the Authorization Failures batchlist:
23655: Module: marketplaces: Marketplace: Google shopping does not correctly handle products with non-inventoried attributes.:
23665: Module: cmp-mv-stdorderfields: formatted_subtotal_comprehensive should be made available in the Order component:
23668: Subscriptions: Canceled subscriptions prevent customers from deleting saved cards.:
23678: Module: mvfedexsoap: Some methods do no not exclude P.O. Boxes by default:
23681: URI Management: Legacy SEO Settings do not generate secure URLs for products or categories:
23749: Module: applepay: applepay.css: svn:keywords property is not set:
23756: Patches: Unused column account_id gets created on the sNN_Orders table when updating from mm9.0003 to mm9.0004:
23757: Patches: Database errors When updating from mm9.0004 to mm9.0005:
23758: Patches: Database errors When updating from mm9.0005 to mm9.00053:
23761: Patches: Indexs created incorrectly when updating from mm9.0003 to mm9.0004:
23764: Patches: PR8U7 patch sets the sNN_Customers.password column to varchar(100) instead of varchar(254):
23765: Patches: Index CFM_OrderFields_3 does not get created when updating to PR8U9:
23770: Module: applepay: Checkout with Apple Pay returns an error if Store_Code is a hidden field in the products add to basket form:
23771: Module: applepay: Redirected to store selection screen after completing ApplePay transaction.:
23776: Inventory Subsystem: Simultaneous checkouts can cause inventory to go negative when using inventory at checkout.:
23777: Administrative Interface: Price, Cost, and Weight columns are visible for main attributes which have options:
23778: Module: readytheme: NavigationSet_Update should not require the Code tag:
23779: Module: cmp-mv-minibask: Add Canonical URL using param :link to items:
23785: Administrative Interface: Confirmation Dialog sets the incorrect callbacks for the onEnter, onEsc when calling Modal_Show:
23786: Payment: Incorrect error message when payment card type prefix range has mismatched lengths:
23879: Module: marketplaces: Etsy Listing Quantity not corralating with Miva Listing Inventory:
24053: Price Groups: Action_ApplyCouponToBasket should add a call to FailedLoginDelay when an invalid coupon is attempted to be applied:
24071: Module: cmp-mv-stdreturnfields: Incorrect spelling for Image Dimensions on Standard Fields:
24116: Administrative Interface: Font includes should contain the version token to prevent caching issues:
24117: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Google Shopping: Product Settings with multiple copies of the same image cannot be deselected:
24122: Module: applepay: Issues with multiple Apple Pay buttons on the same page:
24123: Administrative Interface: Add "Unsupported Browser" warning to login screen:
24125: Module: authnet: Apple Pay transactions should be differentiated from normal credit card transactions:
24126: Module: applepay: Apple Pay buttons should be hidden if a merchant is blacklisted after installing the module:
24127: Module: applepay: Provide some sort of token when redirecting to INVC during an Apple Pay transaction:
24138: Module: templateorderemails: Toe_order_contents, Group discount line items recombines split order items:
24139: MMBatchList: Alt+F / Ctrl+F when focused on an MMBatchList search box brings up the browser's built-in find feature:
24152: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: Etsy: Product Settings with multiple copies of the same image cannot be deselected:
24153: Setup Script: should have an engine check for 5.28, not 5.23:
24154: Patches: sNN_MP_EtsyItemImages.image_id has an incorrect correlation:
24155: Module: marketplaces: Marketplaces: eBay Shopping: Product Settings: Duplicate images should not be shown:
24156: URI Management: URI Management: URL Prefix should allow an HTTPS prefix value:
24157: Payment: COD is showing as a valid payment method to be linked to Payment Card Types:
24160: MMBatchList: Hitting the ESC key while in inline add mode in a dialog exits inline add AND closes the dialog:
24164: Module: mvga: Runtime Error when attempting to process subscription w/ Google Analytics classic:
24170: Subscriptions: Shipping Method reads 'Unkown' for Live Rate Shipping, Subscription Batchlist under Orders tab.:
24226: Module: chasepaytech: Tonga Pa'anga should use an apostrophe instead of an UTF-8 character:
24229: Module: report_subscription_product_stats: SubscriptionProductStats_ReportData_Load_Product is missing ERROROUTPUTLEVEL:
24239: Module: authnet: Refunds can trigger fraud filters if configured in the Authorize.Net backend:
24240: Payment: When MivaPay is enabled, the software should validate that URL settings will not cause errors during checkout:
24254: MMBatchList: When exporting the Order batch list to CSV the date column does not include the timestamp:
24258: Core Runtime: Incorrect handling of screen code when it is not the last parameter in the URL:
24263: Administrative Interface: Parent Category lookup does not function when inline editing the Categories batch list:
24273: Core JSON: JSON_Search_Filter / its variants have never passed the data variable to the specified callback function:
24277: Module: cmp-cssui-addressbook: A confirmation dialog should appear when deleting an address book record:
24283: Discounting Subsystem: Coupon Max Use (per shopper) does not work correctly for non-customer shoppers:
24354: Administrative Interface: Clicking update on Domain settings will insert URI rules into the htaccess file.:
24391: Payment: Mivapay should not save credit card data during checkout if the order is declined:
24421: Module: paypalpro: PayPal Payment details displays incorrect transaction mode when the order is encrypted:
24432: Administrative Interface: Action_Domain_Update always reloads the top frame:
24608: Uninstall Script: remove.mvc never triggers Module_Uninstall:
24611: Discounting Subsystem: Add-on-product price group exclusions do not work correctly after basket update.:
24648: Provisioning: Provisioning, LinkedPaymentMethod, does not work correctly for Authnet methods:
24684: SEO Settings: Legacy SEO links generates incorrect htaccess file rules:
24748: Subscriptions: ProductSubscriptionTerm_Generate_Description generates incorrect grammar for the "term" variable:
24773: Database Layer: GeneratedImage_FindOrInsert_Image_Dimensions unnecessarily creates lockfiles and prevents parallelization of requests:
24775: Subscriptions: Orders created from processed subscriptions do not pull inventory.:
24779: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Runtime Next page button do not work on the CTGY page.:
24784: URI Management: adding /Category/ to category URIs causes category referrer to be incorrect when viewing products at runtime.:
24791: Administrative Interface: should be using absolute paths for all MvDO files:
24797: Module: mvga: MVGA_Load_OrderItems does not handle attribute options correctly:
24798: Discounting Subsystem: Recalculating discounts gets confused when negative basket charges are present.:
24808: Wish Lists: Updating Customer settings blanks out def_wshlst field in the database.:
25073: Setup Script: Setup does not report errors when setup completes unsuccessfully:
25093: Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder: cmp-cssui-vieworder, order:groups does not account for item status:
25167: Module: braintree: Braintree, doing a partial refund on an unsettled transaction causes a full void.:
25198: Module: applepay: ApplePay allows checkout with empty basket
25283: Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Product list, sort by and items per page do not display when only 1 item is displayed on a page.