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Miva 10 is Now Available

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  • Brennan
    Miva 10.00.06 is now available. Below are the release notes:

    Miva Merchant 10.00.06 Release Notes

    Bugs Fixed
    Bug ID Component Description
    MM-10442 Module: paypalcp Processor response fields are not saved/displayed for Authorization + Capture transactions
    MM-10444 Module: discount_addon Add On Price Groups No longer automatically add the Add On Product To Cart when there are Qualifying Product Restrictions
    MM-10447 Subscriptions SQL error when processing a subscription for a variant product with (controlled by master) pricing.
    There are no template changes with this release.

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  • Brennan
    Miva 10.00.05 is now available. Below are the release notes:

    Miva Merchant 10.00.05 Release Notes

    New Features & Improvements
    New Category Manager Menu for visually navigating the Category Tree in Admin. Easily perform actions such as:
    • View/Edit Categories
    • Assign Products to a Category
    • Add New Products to a Category
    • Add Child Category
    • Delete Category
    • View Category hierarchy and current parent category
    New Quick Add Customer Action, including quick account create on invoice which securely links the current order to the newly created account
    API Endpoint URL is now viewable and copyable from the create API token Dialog
    Managed Quotes functions are now available via the JSON API
    Runtime Product List Sorting of Custom Field data on Category/Search pages
    Date last updated, User & Icon, and most recent changeset note has been added to Manage Branches Batch list
    Admin User Interface Improvements:
    • Disable TextEditor from Saving width changes
    • Improve Dialog Save/Restore Positioning
    • Resizing window in fullscreen mode can mis-align page controls
    • Attribute Prompts in Order Item Add/Edit Dialog now have html stripped before displaying
    • Batch list improvements when using Miva admin on a touch device
    Bugs Fixed
    Bug ID Component Description
    MM-10427 Discounting Subsystem Cached price group exclusions for exclusion by higher priority price group are not properly cleared when the exclusion is deleted from the lower priority price group
    MM-10361 Discounting Subsystem Coupon applied even when it should be excluded.
    MM-10385 Facets FacetList_Load_All_LowLevel_With_Query unnecessarily loads/caches product list results when there are no configured facets
    MM-10378 Module: applepay Apple Pay does not force a recalculation of tax values when updating a basket's address
    MM-10376 Module: discount_costmarkup Markup from cost is not applied to attributes when not using variant pricing
    MM-10377 Module: discount_volume Volume Pricing Tiers are not correctly updated when using volume pricing at the variant level
    MM-10408 Module: paypalcp PayPal Commerce Platform: Shipping / Billing street address is not correctly set in certain scenarios
    MM-10379 Module: paypalcp Paypalcp does not force a recalculation of tax values when updating a baskets address.
    MM-10411 Module: quote Notes added by customers to a quote are not public by default.
    MM-10409 Module: quote Manage quotes, new quote button opens the wrong quote if a search has been used on the batchlist.
    MM-10407 Module: quote Quote Custom Fields do not appear in runtime
    MM-10404 Module: quote Incorrect record selection after editing display order around child options
    MM-10400 Module: quote Error when adding a Quote as restricted user
    MM-10398 Module: quote Module: Quotes - unable to delete a record option in Quote Custom Fields
    MM-10395 Module: quote Manage Quotes: Unable to save requester information without linked customer
    MM-10384 Module: quote Manage Quotes: Email send failures should not result in fatal error
    MM-10383 Module: readytheme ReadyTheme: Race condition when inserting, updating, and deleting Navigation Set Items
    MM-10414 Module: templatefeed Template based feed, runtime error when exporting a product assigned to an empty attribute template.
    MM-10420 JSON API OrderItem_Update incorrectly updates item price when a specific sale price is applied
    MM-10430 Module: usps USPS Address Validation does not display the 4 digit section of zip codes
    MM-10435 Patches Feeds with hyphen in the code get their settings reset when upgrading to Miva 10

    Software Change Description Doc:

    Last edited by Brennan; 02-09-21, 09:59 AM.

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  • jpatrickm
    Originally posted by Brennan View Post
    Hey Joe -

    Do any of the feeds codes have dashes/hypens in them? This may still exist when the feed code has a hypen in it.
    Yeah, actually all of them have hyphens in the feed code.

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  • Brennan
    Hey Joe -

    Do any of the feeds codes have dashes/hypens in them? This may still exist when the feed code has a hypen in it.

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  • jpatrickm
    FYI, just ran the Miva 10 update yesterday (2/3/2021) and all feeds were gone. This error still persists.

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  • Brennan
    Bundled with the 10.00.04 release of Miva, is the latest updates to the Shadows Framework. The latest version of Shadows is deployed as part of all Miva 10 releases under User Interface -> Frameworks -> Shadows. The latest version is 2.00.04. Its important to note that this new version does not automatically get applied to your store. It does not change any of your sites templates. If you wish to use the new version of Shadows or see its changes, you would need to create a new template branch and then apply the Shadows Framework to that branch.

    Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 10.27.32 AM.png

    Shadows 2.00.04 Release Notes

    • [SHDWS-45] - Add Support for "Address Description" Field to Checkout
    New Feature
    • [SHDWS-43] - Refresh volume discount table when selected variant is changed
    • [SHDWS-42] - NTFD page is missing Status 404 Not Found header
    • [SHDWS-44] - Product Display ImageMachine - ImageMachine oninitialize throws a console error

    Template Changes for each of these can be found here:
    Last edited by Matt Zimmermann; 12-17-20, 01:21 PM.

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  • Brennan
    Miva 10.00.04 is now available. Below are the release notes:

    Miva Merchant 10.00.04 Release Notes

    New Features & Improvements
    Webhooks now support http basic authentication
    Volume discount table is now automatically refreshed when selected variant is changed
    Support for "Address Description" Field during Checkout
    Weight value is now updated when changing attributes
    New overselling protection for Inventory at Checkout
    IP address is now saved with the Order Payments table
    Additional Logging:
    • Additional data logging for Administrative accounts
    • Log before and after values when changing Administrative user email addresses
    • Log runtime customer actions to the admin activity log
    • Log authorization failures to the admin activity log
    Google Analytics Settings and Templates are now versioned and Branch specific as a Managed Property
    Changeset_Create now save notes in the managed versions so they can be accessed on individual templates
    Deleting a branch now also deletes copies of the CSS and JS files in the Branch folder
    Bugs Fixed
    Bug ID Component Description
    MM-10363 Administrative Interface Order Overlay: Selecting next/previous order via keyboard arrows no longer works
    MM-10364 Administrative Interface Disable authentication dialog has authentication misspelled.
    MM-10346 Administrative Interface JS error when opening an order from the order history dialog.
    MM-10306 Administrative Interface Blank error message returned when creating a branch fails to copy a template.
    MM-10319 Administrative Interface Cannot Add Category from the Edit Product Screen
    MM-10162 Administrative Interface Remove the word Experimental from Combined and Minified JS setting
    MM-10252 Administrative Interface Additional data logging for Administrative accounts
    MM-10253 Administrative Interface Log before and after values when changing Administrative user email addresses
    MM-10261 Administrative Interface Remove mivastats logging
    MM-10297 Administrative Interface Hover on Tags under User Interface has the wrong Alt/Title text
    MM-10343 Administrative Interface Selecting a Variant in the Order Item Add Dialog no longer sets the Variant SKU
    MM-9894 Core Runtime Add Support for "Address Description" Field to Checkout
    MM-10290 Customers Customer credit can no longer be adjusted with a negative value
    MM-10287 Customers Shop As Customer does not correctly pass the tax-exempt flag
    MM-10254 Customers Log runtime customer actions to the admin activity log
    MM-10257 Database Layer Add "ip" column to sNN_OrderPayments
    MM-10233 Discounting Subsystem Specific sale price discount that increases the price of a product can oscillate between discounting and not discounting with certain prices
    MM-7660 Discounting Subsystem Basket subtotal qualifications do not take into account basket-level discounts
    MM-10314 Discounting Subsystem Coupons with 2 or more pice groups assigned do not correctly apply the groups
    MM-10241 Framework Import/Export NTFD page does not get default 404 http header record on store creation or default framework application.
    MM-9344 Inventory Subsystem Overselling protection for Inventory at Checkout
    MM-10259 JSON API Add specific log messages for Provision_Domain and Provision_Store when denying a request due to token characteristics
    MM-10305 MMList MMList: Navigation columns assume column nodes are HTMLElements
    MM-10333 Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay Template compilation validation should return instead of assigning response to null variable
    MM-10296 Module: cmp-mv-attributemachine Attribute machine, swatch images don't load when initial attribute state is set to "do not preload".
    MM-10243 Module: cmp-mv-attributemachine Allow weight to be updated when changing attributes
    MM-10317 Module: devat Devat no longer calculates negative tax values when sending to non-taxes countries.
    MM-10232 Module: discount_costmarkup Discount: Markup from cost does not correctly use variant pricing.
    MM-10017 Module: discount_shipping_product Shipping discount (discounted products only) applies discount differently in DiscountModule_Discount_ShippingMethodList vs DiscountModule_Discount_Shipping
    MM-10344 Module: discount_volume Volume discount is not removed after editing quantity on BASK
    MM-10322 Module: discount_volume Rounding of percentage-based volume discounts differs in runtime and admin
    MM-10244 Module: discount_volume Refresh volume discount table when selected variant is changed
    MM-10183 Module: mvga Google Analytics settings and templates should be branch versioned
    MM-8555 Module: mvga Product List Clicks are not reporting correctly in Enhanced mode
    MM-10367 Module: mvga Google analytics, universal enhanced ecommerce, related product lists clicks never update.
    MM-10345 Module: mvga INVC screen loses relevant data when Google Analytics is installed
    MM-10246 Module: orderworkflow Add support for HTTP Basic Authentication for WebHooks
    MM-10327 Module: paypalcp PayPal Phone number is not being set on PayPal Commerce Platform transactions
    MM-10368 Module: paypalcp Add Miva Partner code to JavaScript SDK tag
    MM-10353 Module: paypalcp PayPal Credit buttons do not show if Credit Card Processing is not enabled
    MM-10045 Module: quote Quote status has not changed upon refreshing when Quote has been sent and item has been Modified
    MM-10308 Module: quote JSON_QuoteCustomFieldList_Load_Query references incorrect database view
    MM-10309 Module: quote QuoteConfiguration_Load references incorrect database view
    MM-9966 Module: readytheme ReadyTheme: Banner Add / Update Provisioning: Description should be a required field
    MM-10320 Module: readytheme ReadyTheme: Load_NavigationSet mvt:item function no longer populates the :navigationtiems structure
    MM-10310 Module: upsdevkit UPS Developer Kit Registration Wizard does not properly pre-populate the Store URL
    MM-10316 Module: reviewbaskets Orders Created in Admin via Review Baskets don't properly track Source and Source ID
    MM-10331 Patches Error when updating a PostgreSQL store to 10.00.04
    MM-10313 Patches Template feed managed template should have their item_ids set properly
    MM-10260 Payment Log authorization failures to the admin activity log
    MM-10234 Price Groups Price groups assigned to a basket via template code get removed after a coupon is applied.
    MM-10324 Provisioning PRV_LogMessage, PRV_LogParseError, and PRV_LogError create a data file based on a global variable
    MM-10315 Subscriptions Edit order, Add subscription dialog does not set the product sku field.
    MM-10307 Subscriptions JSON_BaseSubscription_With_Query outputs "address_addr" twice, both times incorrectly
    MM-10341 Template Subsystem Changeset_Create does not save notes in the managed versions
    MM-10050 Template Subsystem Deleting a branch orphans CSS and JavaScript resource files
    MM-10053 Template Subsystem JSON_PageItem_Update_Assigned_LowLevel returns 1 rather than a JSON response when the assignment state is the same as specified
    MM-10340 Template Subsystem Merging Changesets applies changesets in the wrong order

    Customer Impact

    Important: MM-7660 changes how the basket subtotal qualification works for Price Groups. Prior to 10.00.04 the basket subtotal did not include any order level discounts. As of 10.00.04 any order level discounts are included in the basket subtotal qualification calculation. The result of this is that if merchants set a basket subtotal of $100, the customer must have $100 of product in their cart after any order level discounts applied where before any discounts were excluded from the calculation.

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  • Brennan
    You may be able to look in the mivadata folder then go into the Merchant5/patches folder and look at the timestamp for the 10_00_03 patch to see when it was installed. If it was before 11/6/2020 around 6:00pm they would have this issue. There was a 2 day window where this problem existed.

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  • dreamingdigital
    Brennan how do we know if the customer's 10.0.3 is the fixed up version of 10.0.3 or not?

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  • kayakbabe
    I'm working through the template changes listed here:
    There is "New Code For Address Validation - This code goes at the Customer Component below the h2"

    I want to have the address validation. but long ago we got rid of the h2 and there isn't any part of the template labeled customer component. Where do I insert this new code?

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  • Brennan
    A bug was discovered in 10.00.03 related to template based feeds. The 10.00.03 update has been modified to correct this bug as of 11/6/2020 around 6:00pm PT. If you are installing 10.00.03 after that time, there is nothing you need to do.

    However if you have already installed 10.00.03 prior to the date above and you have template based feeds created, you will need to take the following manual steps to allow them to work correctly.

    For each template based feed:

    1. Change the Mode to the correct mode used by the template (Product, Category, etc)
    2. Switch back to Advanced Mode
    3. The previous template feed should now display
    4. Click Update to Save
    5. Re-run the feed

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  • Brennan
    Miva 10.00.03 is now available. Below are the Release Notes:

    Bugs Fixed
    MM-10048 Template Subsystem When multiple branches exist, assigning, unassigning and then reassigning an item to a page results in invalid template_id values in non-working branch page settings
    MM-10164 Core Runtime Shadows Runtime: losing track of the current quantity in BASK screen
    MM-10179 Module: stdschtasks Pre-Calculate Discount Prices task improperly calculates customer specific discounts and creates a large number of entries in sNN_DiscountSignatureXPriceGroup
    MM-10180 Module: cmp-cssui-custfields Address Validation: Multiple address records being set when choosing a validated address and 'same as xxx' checked
    MM-10186 Administrative Interface SQL error when viewing Business Account: orders tab.
    MM-10187 Attribute Templates Inventory kit builder, batchlist does not display Binary attribute template options correctly.
    MM-10189 Framework Import/Export Frameworks saved while in a non-primary branch cannot be applied.
    MM-10190 Module: orderworkflow Order Workflows - JavaScript Error is preventing Update Button from Saving Changes
    MM-10193 Module: marketplaces Amazon Marketplaces: Order shipment updates fail on Endicia tracking types
    MM-10199 Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist Product List components are not implementing Point + Click settings with framework
    MM-10201 Module: orderworkflow Order work flows, JS error when saving a workflow that does not set any conditions.
    MM-10202 Module: square Square Token Refresh scheduled task causes empty payment credential update notification email to be sent.
    MM-10205 JSON API Order Notes Created via the JSON API are not clickable in v10
    MM-10206 Module: templatefeed Iterator template saves a serialized version of the iterator_template structure as its source
    MM-10207 Module: templatefeed Changing to category or customer mode for templatefeed breaks the item for that page
    MM-10210 Template Subsystem Original page template is blank when creating a store in MM10
    MM-10222 Module: marketplaces Marketplaces: Amazon: Orders fail to import when using PostgreSQL
    MM-10223 Module: readytheme ReadyTheme Function 'Load_Image' no longer works in Miva 10
    MM-10225 Administrative Interface Transactions Batch List Date column is displaying the order date not the Transaction date
    MM-10226 Template Subsystem JSON_ChangesetChangeList_Load_Query needs additonal tie breakers for the default sort
    MM-10228 Patches mm9_placeholder.png is not included in the standalone patch.
    MM-10238 Framework Import/Export Framework export will not export images if they're not in the Images table
    MM-10266 Module: paypalcp Orders are created for declined transactions in some cases
    MM-10293 Module: discount_saleprice Sale Price fails to assign product to price group when adding a sale price from the batch list
    MM-10295 Module: discount_saleprice Sale Price custom field list query causes duplicate records in list when using subscription term discounts
    MM-10304 Module: discount_saleprice Discount sale price should display rounded pricing values
    MM-9599 Shipping Price Groups Should Validate Qualifying Products when a coupon is applied
    MM-9996 Discard Amazon-provided PII data when orders are marked as shipped
    MM-10294 JSON_ProductVariantList_Load_Query should use JSON_AvailableFilter_xxx functions
    MM-10209 Add Warnings When deleting ReadyTheme Components, CSS and JS
    MM-10191 PDF Custom Field Type
    MM-10221 The patch should attempt to re-correlate Category Facet Rule codes
    MM-10211 The patch should attempt to re-correlate Facet Rule codes

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  • dcarver
    How long ago did you update to 10? The PA-DSS email was not triggered because you reset your website statistics. The first email should have been sent about 30 days after you upgraded and it should happen about every week from now on. In addition, the PA-DSS checklist has nothing to do with inventory or anything like that. If you are having issues you can open a support ticket and the support team can take a closer look at everything.

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  • Miss Kate
    I don't believe the PA-DSS checklist email is working properly. I upgraded to Miva10 within hours of being notified it was available. Today is the first time I was emailed a checklist, which, I believe is due to the fact that I reset my website statistics. I do this on the 1st or 2nd of every month. Why do we have to have this when we don't process payments through the website? I got sick & tired of the PA-DSS issues years ago screwing up my inventory by selecting items along with bots misusing my website so I switched to Paypal and Amazon Pay to let them worry about the issues. Even when I reset my statistics at the beginning of October, I never got one of these emails, yet they are supposed to be going out weekly?

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  • Brennan
    kayakbabe We've never had the ability to "hide" navigation tabs, however you an re-sort their order by long clicking on any of them to bring up the sorting screen:

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