Miva 10.01.00 is now available.
Feature List: https://docs.miva.com/miva-10-01-feature-list
Marketing Page: https://www.miva.com/miva-10-01
Customer Impact: miva.box.com/s/r2x7ywaud4ku2p6ppglgey6qflu5j2ok
Below are release notes:
New Features & Improvements
Because this update contains payment module updates, it is designated a Security release and customers have 30 days from release to update.
Feature List: https://docs.miva.com/miva-10-01-feature-list
Marketing Page: https://www.miva.com/miva-10-01
Customer Impact: miva.box.com/s/r2x7ywaud4ku2p6ppglgey6qflu5j2ok
Below are release notes:
New Features & Improvements
Customer Dashboard
Customer & Business Account Order Metrics - See number of orders, average order value and lifetime spend for both customers and business accounts |
Copy Product
Expanded Search Rules
Native Redis Caching
Item Level Sales Tax
TaxJar and AvaTax are now part of core software |
TaxJar Improvements:
AvaTax Improvements:
New Order Workflows Payment Actions – Void, Capture, and Refund |
100+ New JSON API Functions |
Native Template Search & Replace Module - Updated UI and now distributed in the core software |
Order History Sort By Status & Custom Fields |
Admin User IP address restrictions - New setting to restrict admin users by their IP address |
Admin UI Improvements:
PayPal Commerce Platform Bug Fixes
The following payment modules change the location where they store their response data.
UPS Access Keys now support Address Validation access level with a path to request a new key for existing customers |
Braintree has been updated to latest JS Library |
Support for dynamic price updates for non-variant products |
Improved Efficiency for Inventory Sync to Ebay via Scheduled task - Now only changed products are synced |
Support for Chase Paymentech Username/Password Authentication |
Specific Sale Price Display in Batch Lists has been updated to function like it did in v9
Shipping Method Rules are now ignored for subscription orders
New Tax Module API function: TaxModule_Calculate_Order
COD module now has new setting to toggle whether the optional charge it generates is taxable or not |
In Runtime, when editing a subscription, if you change your address the shipping methods are now updated to reflect the new address |
Manage Quotes now supports XML provisioning |
Because this update contains payment module updates, it is designated a Security release and customers have 30 days from release to update.