Miva 10.01.02 is now available.
Feature List: https://docs.miva.com/miva-10-01-02-feature-list
Customer Impact: https://miva.box.com/s/e45z9hprjj10z7t3tkabgm9u8ce4jj85
Template Changes (Shadows): https://github.com/mivaecommerce/rea...s/milestone/11
Below are release notes:
Bugs Fixed
Feature List: https://docs.miva.com/miva-10-01-02-feature-list
Customer Impact: https://miva.box.com/s/e45z9hprjj10z7t3tkabgm9u8ce4jj85
Template Changes (Shadows): https://github.com/mivaecommerce/rea...s/milestone/11
Below are release notes:
Template Version History
Manage Quotes
Item Level Sales Tax Support
TaxJar Updates
Search Performance Improvements
Copy Product Updates
Pages now support "View on Live Store" from within the Miva Admin |
Sorting records in the Miva admin now supports searching with "Find in List" |
Customer phone number has been added to the customer dashboard |
Template Compile errors will no longer display a "Page XXX Updated" notification |
A notification is now displayed when switching stores in admin |
RMA Email template now correctly displays the variant image if the product being returned has a variant image |
Universal Search in Admin now supports middle click to open up results in new window |
Bug ID | Component | Description |
MM-10970 | Address Validation | Address validation errors should always be able to be bypassed |
MM-10133 | Administrative Interface | MMList: Sort mode should support Find In List |
MM-10163 | Administrative Interface | Changeset View Notes dialog shows SetModified alert if you change the value |
MM-10188 | Administrative Interface | Feature Request: Add "View On Live Store" capabilities to "Pages" |
MM-10227 | Administrative Interface | Legacy template text areas no longer have access to template recall. |
MM-10352 | Administrative Interface | Endicia tracking link is out of date |
MM-10425 | Administrative Interface | Upsale: Misleading warning when attempting to delete (unassign) an upsold product |
MM-10446 | Administrative Interface | The add subscription to an order dialog does not grab the part product SKU for variants. |
MM-10479 | Administrative Interface | Persistent Filters for Batches on Order Processing Screen could be improved |
MM-10480 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing Select State needs Primary & Secondary Buttons |
MM-10613 | Administrative Interface | Show Notification when changing stores |
MM-10616 | Administrative Interface | Product > Images: Row height is fixed |
MM-10629 | Administrative Interface | It is possible for a start date to be set after an end date in Order Processing Date Range |
MM-10653 | Administrative Interface | MMDialog_Skin instances do not trigger MivaDialogRegistry_OnResize |
MM-10656 | Administrative Interface | Recalculate shipping dialog, long shipping method names cause can cause horizontal scroll. |
MM-10700 | Administrative Interface | It is possible to get stuck in a tabbing loop when tabbing through universal search |
MM-10701 | Administrative Interface | After update to mm10, mini-Basket Image Dimensions can not be updated. |
MM-10711 | Administrative Interface | Customer, change password error dialog cuts off the end of long tailed letters. |
MM-10716 | Administrative Interface | Global Navigation: Menu arrows should be consistent |
MM-10724 | Administrative Interface | Tax modules should be shown in alphabetical order |
MM-10746 | Administrative Interface | MMList: Date/Time Custom Fields don't show the "year" selector when no value exists |
MM-10756 | Administrative Interface | All lists that call onerror need to be passing the error_code and error_message parameters |
MM-10765 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing: Adding line item with checkbox attribute stores the checkbox value in data |
MM-10777 | Administrative Interface | Disabled options in MMList dropdowns can be selected by using keys |
MM-10846 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing, capture results are sometimes missing captured amount. |
MM-10926 | Administrative Interface | Custom field structures should accept a :readyonly member to signify to lists whether the field are editable or not |
MM-10958 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing: Adding a product to an order does not auto populate attributes unless a customer is applied to the order |
MM-10961 | Administrative Interface | MIVA logo link does not allow middle/control click to open in new tab |
MM-10965 | Administrative Interface | Shipping cost doesn't recalculate when discount is removed |
MM-10972 | Administrative Interface | Broken links when Universal searching for customer |
MM-11006 | Administrative Interface | Recalculate shipping dialog should default to <select one> when the previously selected method is no longer available. |
MM-11014 | Administrative Interface | AJAX_Call_JSON_FieldList / AJAX_Call_Module_JSON_FieldList do not handle duplicate fields (arrays) |
MM-11033 | Administrative Interface | Universal Search results should allow middle click |
MM-11040 | Administrative Interface | Highlighting Text in the Text Editor and hitting return does not delete the text |
MM-11074 | Administrative Interface | Order processing, subscriptions tab, persistent filter dropdown breaks on refresh if the batchlist columns are not default. |
MM-11075 | Administrative Interface | Update View Ticket link on the Miva admin homepage to support Zendesk |
MM-11112 | Administrative Interface | View All Versions button is not present after scrolling down the versions list |
MM-11117 | Administrative Interface | Change alert not given after editing a legacy text field |
MM-10947 | Copy Product | Copying a product does not auto generate a URI based on the rules configured in URI Management |
MM-10981 | Copy Product | Copy product should not copy orphaned inventory product count records |
MM-10930 | Core JSON | JSON_OrderCharge does not output currency fields with a formatted_ version |
MM-10969 | Core JSON | JSON_APITokenFunction_Insert does not support module codes with certain characters |
MM-10979 | Core JSON | JSON_ShipmentTrackingLinkList_Load_Query fails if passed Store_Code |
MM-8707 | Core JSON | JSON_ShipmentTrackingLinkList_Load_Query |
MM-10708 | Core Runtime | Runtime: Prouct weight, when updated through attribute machine, is not rounded to 2 decimal digits like it is on initial load |
MM-10975 | Core Runtime | Runtime search using the "contains_term" search mechanism should filter out duplicate strings |
MM-10707 | CSSUI cssui_default_fw | cssui_default_fw's Product Display Layout does not properly update displayed weight through Attribute Machine |
MM-10876 | Customers | Customer dashboard name tag inconsistency. |
MM-10962 | Customers | Add Phone Number to the Customer Dashboard |
MM-10618 | Database Layer | Generated product variants can sometimes attempt to create a product with a name that is too long |
MM-10793 | Database Layer | Store_Open should clear store cache when changing stores |
MM-10922 | Digital Downloads | Digital Downloads should use TemplateManager_Render_Page_Cache for screens it renders |
MM-10964 | Digital Downloads | Manage Quotes should use TemplateManager_Render_Page_Cache for screens it directly renders |
MM-10217 | Facets | Large number of facets takes an absurdly long time to load |
MM-10894 | Import/Export Modules | Export_Product/Category/Order_CustomFields does not pass the correct module structure to the API functions |
MM-10950 | JSON API | API Multi-call range responses omit the Reason-Phrase portion of the response status line |
MM-10951 | JSON API | Specifying an X-Miva-API-Timeout value of 0 always processes 0 requests |
MM-10733 | MMBatchList | Changing a batch list column width can accidentally trigger column edit |
MM-10902 | MMBatchList | Find in list counter should be cleared when the search value changes. |
MM-10903 | MMBatchList | Using advanced search after find in list search does not correctly switch the search type. |
MM-11008 | MMBatchList | "Edit Order Custom Field(s)" button remains visible after hiding all order custom fields |
MM-10944 | Module: canvat | Implement item-level sales tax for Canadian vat tax module |
MM-11009 | Module: canvat | Implement TaxModule_Calculate_Order function in canvat |
MM-9664 | Module: cmp-cssui-addressbook | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9662 | Module: cmp-cssui-afae | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9661 | Module: cmp-cssui-attributes | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-10675 | Module: cmp-cssui-custfields | Runtime Validated Address picker does not fill out the StateSelect field correctly |
MM-11096 | Module: cmp-cssui-custfields | Default framework template does not have the updated customer fields stateselect code |
MM-11119 | Module: cmp-cssui-custfields | Customer Create fails in cssui with address validation enabled |
MM-11126 | Module: cmp-cssui-custfields | ACAD/ACED page not sending Customer_XXXValidated in form submit |
MM-9658 | Module: cmp-cssui-datepicker | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9657 | Module: cmp-cssui-hdft | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9656 | Module: cmp-cssui-invc-custfields | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-10963 | Module: cmp-cssui-orderlist | Order History List Layout: Default sorting options are not checked after 10.01.00 upgrade |
MM-9654 | Module: cmp-cssui-sitemap | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-10500 | Module: cmp-mv-attributemachine | Attribute options with a code that is a sting of zeros can overwrite the attribute option default flag. |
MM-10670 | Module: cmp-mv-attributemachine | Attribute Machine fails to find the Purchase Buttons if the button is missing a type |
MM-9641 | Module: cmp-mv-content | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9640 | Module: cmp-mv-imagemachine | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-8088 | Module: cmp-mv-minibask | Mini-Basket Maximum Product Name Length is not reflected in runtime. |
MM-10703 | Module: cmp-mv-shipestimate | Random 1 output at the bottom of the SERT page in admin. |
MM-10424 | Module: cmp-mv-stdreturnfields | Template Based Emails: RMA email does not make use of the product variant image |
MM-10976 | Module: customfields | Search of multitext custom fields where the search string matches many records is still inefficient |
MM-10945 | Module: devat | Implement item-level sales tax for European vat tax module |
MM-10419 | Module: discount_saleprice | View subscriptions permission should not be required to see the sales price tab on a product. |
MM-10693 | Module: discount_saleprice | Rename JSON_ProductSubscriptionTerm_SalePriceList_Load to JSON_ProductSubscriptionTerm_SalePriceList_Load_Qu ery |
MM-9638 | Module: discount_volume | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-10747 | Module: flatrate | Flat Rate Shipping: Method update / delete should be done on ID instead of the Method |
MM-10473 | Module: imagemanagement | Image Management - Check for updated images scheduled task should check for dangling generated images |
MM-10481 | Module: imagemanagement | Image managements browser actions do not log to the admin log |
MM-11064 | Module: marketplaces | Marketplaces: eBay: Unknown Error when adding a Shipping Service |
MM-11072 | Module: mvfedexsoap | FedEx Web Services: Wrong weight value is sent when store is configured to use ounces / grams for its weight unit |
MM-10637 | Module: orderworkflow | Order Workflow: JSON functions should be updated to use JSON_Input_XXX |
MM-11007 | Module: qship | Quantity Based Shipping: Searching does not work on PostgreSQL |
MM-10600 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: Converting a quote to an order should set the order's source to quote with the quote ID |
MM-10605 | Module: quote | Manage quotes: quotes batchlist, csv export hits JS error when exporting the expires column. |
MM-10609 | Module: quote | Manage quotes confirmation information message floods CSSUI Messages with dozens of unique messages |
MM-10610 | Module: quote | Add support for image dimensions |
MM-11073 | Module: srchrplc | Template Search and Replace "Search" operation can time out |
MM-11099 | Module: statetax | TaxModule_Calculate_Order is using g.Basket for state/country |
MM-10952 | Module: taxjar | TaxJar should have an option to disable automatic TaxJar order creation |
MM-10968 | Module: taxjar | TaxJar loads too many categories on every edit product page load |
MM-10923 | Module: templateorderemails | ScheduledTaskModule_Execute_AbandonedBasket has 'Scheudled' typo in name |
MM-8656 | Module: templateorderemails | JSON_TemplateOrderEmailList_Load_Query |
MM-10635 | Module: upgwizard | Upgrade wizard still says mm9 on some screens. |
MM-9633 | Module: upsxml | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-10769 | Provisioning | Provisioning: Order_Add_Item does not update order total and order status |
MM-10770 | Provisioning | Provisioning: Order_Update_Item does not update order status |
MM-10771 | Provisioning | Provisioning: Order_Delete_Item does not update order status |
MM-10772 | Provisioning | Provisioning: Order_Add_Product does not update order total and order status |
MM-10850 | Provisioning | Remove PayPalExpressCheckoutEnabled tag from PRV_Action_Provision_Domain_StoreCreate |
MM-11015 | Provisioning | PRV_Action_Provision_Store_Order_Add_Product evals the Customer_Load_ID call |
MM-11032 | Provisioning | PRV_Action_Provision_Store_Report_Add uses "invalid" return syntax |
MM-9111 | Provisioning | Provisioning code updating templates needs to be rethought for branches |
MM-11104 | Shadows Framework | Update to the latest version of Shadows |
MM-10807 | Shipping/Packaging Rules | Shipping methods are present in the recalculate charges dialog but cannot be applied for an order with a negative total |
MM-10615 | Subscriptions | Add/Edit Subscription Dialog: Long term description causes "Quantity" to wrap onto new line |
MM-10661 | Subscriptions | Typo in Action_CustomerSubscription_Update leads to empty payment card record passed to Subscription_CreateBasket_LowLevel |
MM-10835 | Subscriptions | Required checkbox attributes do not appear as bold when adding a subscription in admin |
MM-10749 | Template Subsystem | Branch Runtime widget does not render fonts in come cases because they use relative paths |
MM-10916 | Template Subsystem | ItemList Module column should use MMBatchList_Column_ModuleList |
MM-10943 | Template Subsystem | TemplateManager_Copy_Branch_ResourceFilename does not properly handle paths containing "./" and "../" |
MM-10980 | Template Subsystem | ItemExtensionList Module column should use MMBatchList_Column_ModuleList |
MM-11005 | Template Subsystem | CSS Resource attributes are not correctly set for combined resources |
MM-11103 | Template Subsystem | JSON_TemplateVersionList_Load_Query uses the wrong filter for the user_id column |
MM-11101 | URI Management | URI, Updating a Screen URI to any other kind of URI does not clear the screen value. |
MM-10928 | Utility Library | Add file_last_error() call to EnsurePathPermissions error messages |
MM-10267 | Wish List | Adding A product from a wishlist to the cart fails if the product has an attribute id of 0 |