10.03.00 is Now Available - https://docs.miva.com/miva-10-03-00-feature-list
Bugs Fixed
- JSON API Updates
- Release Notes, Customer Impact & Database Changes
- Marketing Page
- Template Changes (Shadows)
Manage Quotes Improvements
Subscriptions Improvements
Combination Facets Now Supports Variant-Level Data
Checkout Improvements
Request Partial Pages as JSON or HTML
New Affirm Integration
Variant Support in the Pre-Calculate Discount Prices Scheduled Task
Better Handling for Changes to Shipping Method Names
New Last Updated Time for Orders and Customers
Review Baskets Updates
Address Validation Improvements
Feeds Now Support Variant Discounted Prices
New “Price_Changed” event that can tie into to determine if a products price has changed. This is call regardless of if variants are being used or not. |
New batch list columns have been added to both Customer and Order lists for “Billing Name” and “Shipping Name”. These are a concatenation of the customer first and last name which improves batch list search when searching by both first and last name |
New Centralized Handling of Managed Properties that Reference Images. This impacts: Partition Images - Image Management, Category Title/Tree Images, ReadyTheme Images |
Shipping Estimate address fields now include Ship Residential flag as an option |
Full URL path, including domain name is now included as an ondemandcolumn when requesting product data via the JSON API. This is added by adding “url” as an ondemandcolumn in the request. The full JSON API change log can be found here: https://docs.miva.com/json-api/changelog |
Bugs Fixed
Bug ID | Component | Description |
MM-10485 | Administrative Interface | Running Partition Images under Image Management does not correctly update category tree image path |
MM-11337 | Administrative Interface | The User Interface branch copy function incorrectly copies CSS/JS file paths when copying changes from a development branch to production |
MM-10369 | Administrative Interface | Category Title and Tree images do not set image reference count. |
MM-11393 | Administrative Interface | Shipment List create batch does not prevent timeouts |
MM-11413 | Administrative Interface | Order & Shipment Batches fail to load |
MM-11391 | Administrative Interface | Batch Lookup dialog opens when restoring a saved search in Order Processing > Orders |
MM-11390 | Administrative Interface | Batch Lookup dialog opens when restoring a saved search in Order Processing > Shipments |
MM-9443 | Administrative Interface | Order List create batch does not prevent timeouts |
MM-11355 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing: Batch Lookup Dialog: Hitting the ESC key does not retain the selected batch |
MM-11354 | Administrative Interface | Shipments: Batch List: Failing to select a batch from the dialog prevents the dialog from being able to be reopened |
MM-11348 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing: Batch Dialog: Cancel selection should restore the previous selection, not reset to unbatched |
MM-11346 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing: Batch List: Failing to select a batch from the dialog prevents the dialog from being able to be reopened |
MM-11303 | Administrative Interface | Advanced search for product attributes does not allow selecting multiple types |
MM-11296 | Administrative Interface | Alpha field in RGBa input mode of color picker - Unable to enter value with 2 decimal places if starting with leading zero |
MM-11318 | Administrative Interface | Processing loop becomes offset in admin Import/Export |
MM-9444 | Administrative Interface | Order List remove from batch does not prevent timeouts |
MM-10984 | Administrative Interface | Indexes sNN_InventoryProductSettings_1 and sNN_InventoryProductCounts_1 should be Unique for product_id |
MM-11259 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing > Shipments tab: Status filter value <Select One> shows date dropdown |
MM-11258 | Administrative Interface | Order Processing > Orders tab: Order Status value <Select One> shows date dropdown |
MM-11147 | Administrative Interface | X number of failed login attempts message reappears on screen refresh. |
MM-9635 | cmp-include-basket | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9643 | cmp-include-order | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11491 | Core JSON | JSON_Output outputs DOUBLE values in quotes |
MM-11394 | Core JSON | JSON_SubscriptionAndOrderItem_Update does not properly overwrite sum of parts variant option price/weight |
MM-11353 | Core JSON | JSON_Runtime_CalculateCharges should be able to accept an empty string for PaymentMethod |
MM-11254 | Core JSON | OrderCharge_Insert/Update should limit charge descriptions to 100 characters |
MM-11339 | Core Runtime | Runtime: Next Order Date Subscriptions can display the wrong date to the user |
MM-11341 | Core Runtime | Add Multiple Product to Basket: Basket options can be carried over from other items in the basket |
MM-11340 | Core Runtime | Add Product to Basket: Basket options can be carried over from other items in the basket |
MM-11292 | Core Runtime | Inventory at Checkout: Inventory is not removed for Free Orders |
MM-11423 | CSSUI cssui_default_fw | When applying the CSSUI template, the framework is not updated |
MM-11209 | Database Layer | Runtime: Sorting products by Bestsellers does not work as expected in PostgreSQL |
MM-11293 | Digital Downloads | Adding a gift certificate or digital download through JSON_OrderItem_Add always returns a status of 0 |
MM-10676 | Discounting Subsystem | Multiple discount coupons can fail to apply is some cases. |
MM-11127 | Discounting Subsystem | Applying a coupon can temporarily remove a qualified low priority discount from the basket. |
MM-11266 | Feeds | Feed list incorrectly sorts the module column |
MM-11347 | JSON API | Specially crafted XML can allow unathorized provisioning code execution |
MM-11307 | MMList | MMList_Column_Checkbox can cut off Yes / No values by default in certain scenarios |
MM-11109 | MMList | MMList: Inline add errors do not properly set field focus |
MM-11098 | Module: applepay | Applepay Doen't see the fallback shipping method when present. |
MM-11245 | Module: baseunit | Shipping modules can generate a basket charge description over 100 characters |
MM-11334 | Module: baseunit | ShippingModule_Report_Value returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11325 | Module: baseunit | ShippingModule_Description returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11432 | Module: Braintree | Braintree 3d secure does not support Discover |
MM-9663 | Module: cmp-cssui-addressfields | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11208 | Module: cmp-cssui-breadcrumbs | User Interface > Global Settings > Smart Breadcrumbs settings are non-functioning |
MM-9660 | Module: cmp-cssui-custfields | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9659 | Module: cmp-cssui-customercredithistory.mv | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11420 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay: When choosing a MivaPay payment method and proceeding to OPAY, message code is getting triggered immediately |
MM-11397 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay_Guardian incorrectly triggers "hidden behind another element" log when window height is smaller than frame bottom position |
MM-11396 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay_Guardian will trigger "Frame not visible - moved out of viewport" if the height of the window is less than the top offset of the iframe |
MM-9655 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11387 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay_Guardian incorrectly triggers "hidden behind another element" log when scrolled |
MM-11371 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay_Guardian logs "frame not loaded in expected timeframe" error on non-mivapay methods |
MM-11372 | Module: cmp-cssui-mivapay | MivaPay_Guardian incorrectly triggers "hidden behind another element" log in certain circumstances |
MM-9649 | Module: cmp-cssui-orderlist | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9650 | Module: cmp-cssui-paymentcards | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11436 | Module: cmp-cssui-prodlayo | Runtime error when viewing PROD at runtime with no product code. |
MM-8443 | Module: cmp-cssui-prodlayo | Discounted subscriptions do not trigger the predicted discount to appear. |
MM-9651 | Module: cmp-cssui-prodlayo | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9652 | Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9653 | Module: cmp-cssui-searchfield | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-8782 | Module: cmp-cssui-searchfield | Dependency on runtime.js seems to be unnecessary |
MM-11416 | Module: cmp-cssui-subscriptionfields | JSON_SubscriptionShippingMethodList_Load inadvertently updates a subscriptions quantity |
MM-9648 | Module: cmp-cssui-subscriptionfields | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9647 | Module: cmp-cssui-subscriptions | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9646 | Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistfields | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9645 | Module: cmp-cssui-wishlistitems | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-9644 | Module: cmp-cssui-wishlists | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11196 | Module: cmp-mv-attributemachine | Attribute options with a code that is a sting of zeros can overwrite the attribute option default flag (when using inventoried variants) |
MM-9639 | Module: cmp-mv-shipestimate | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11515 | Module: cmp-mv-uslprodfields | Selection is lost when more than the permitted number of upsold products is selected |
MM-11506 | Module: combofacets | Facet subquery can cause product list query to return undesired products/facets |
MM-11136 | Module: combofacets | Using multiple combination facets simultaneously always returns 0 results. |
MM-11333 | Module: flatrate | ShippingModule_Report_Value returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11326 | Module: flatrate | ShippingModule_Description returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11227 | Module: marketplaces | Marketplaces: Amazon: Seller ID and Access Token should be stored encrypted when at rest |
MM-11332 | Module: minunit | ShippingModule_Report_Value returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11327 | Module: minunit | ShippingModule_Description returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11272 | Module: minunit | Module description is incorrect |
MM-11141 | Module: mvga | JavaScript Error on OSEL when using Universal Enhanced Ecommerce tracking |
MM-11294 | Module: orderhistorynotes | Module_Notify_Order_BatchChange does not correctly reset l.note |
MM-11201 | Module: orderworkflow | Orderworkflow fails to resize the conditions drop-downs list |
MM-11145 | Module: orderworkflow | JSON_API_OrderList_Acknowledge does not return list processed errors when an order does not exist |
MM-11415 | Module: paypalcp | When clicking the "Cancel and return to Store" link during PayPal Checkout, the cancel url is not sending the checkout or customer session cookies |
MM-11320 | Module: paypalcp | PayPal Commerce Platform references incorrect module code in logging message |
MM-11097 | Module: paypalcp | PaypalCp Doesn't see the fallback shipping method when present. |
MM-11199 | Module: paypalcp | PayPal Commerce Platform: Race condition can exist between Runtime_PaymentApproved and Runtime_UpdateOrderShipping |
MM-11305 | Module: ptbship | Ceiling column is not searchable in basic search |
MM-11328 | Module: ptbship | ShippingModule_Description returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11282 | Module: ptbship | Method_Add should verify a range ceiling isn't defined more than once |
MM-11417 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: In runtime, quote items added to basket are able to have their quantities updated when they shouldn't be |
MM-11418 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: When the ability to remove quote items is disabled, customer can still remove quote items from basket in runtime |
MM-11365 | Module: quote | Automated test fails due to quote dummy basket modifying inventory |
MM-11216 | Module: quote | Quotes converted to orders in admin don't get taxed |
MM-11322 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: Combined JavaScript causes error to be displayed on Manage Quotes screen |
MM-11206 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: Quote_Convert does not update product inventory |
MM-10372 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes: Basket_Copy_Quote does not honor inventory settings |
MM-11215 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not trigger order fulfillment |
MM-11214 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not increment order stats |
MM-11213 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not update the order total |
MM-11212 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not update the order status |
MM-11211 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not generate digital downloads |
MM-11210 | Module: quote | Converting a quote to an order in Manage Quotes does not generate gift certificates |
MM-11370 | Module: quote | Manage Quotes shipping display as override is not functioning when viewing the quote in runtime |
MM-11290 | Module: readytheme | ReadyTheme should utilize the new TUI image features |
MM-11428 | Module: report_subscription_stats | Subscription is misspelled in variable name |
MM-11181 | Module: reviewbaskets | Converting a basket to an order via Review Baskets does not update product inventory |
MM-11180 | Module: reviewbaskets | Product inventory is not updated when a product is added to / removed from a basket via Review Baskets |
MM-11179 | Module: reviewbaskets | Sub-Total should be output to 2 decimal places |
MM-11175 | Module: reviewbaskets | Deleting baskets from review baskets does not return inventory. |
MM-11203 | Module: statetax | State tax list does not sort properly on PostgreSQL in certain scenarios |
MM-11478 | Module: templatefeed | Template Based Feeds do not correctly sort by part products |
MM-9637 | Module: templatefeed | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11479 | Module: templatefeed | Predict Variant Prices |
MM-11207 | Module: templateorderemails | Successfully is misspelled in the subscription cancelled email template |
MM-9636 | Module: templateorderemails | Template compilation errors will display an alert message, but the page still says updated |
MM-11224 | Module: tokenlist | When viewing the TokenList dialog on INVC, the View Variable on Live Page button does not appear when array element variables are selected |
MM-11342 | Module: upgwizard | Fatal error when the patch list does not contain an eligibility date |
MM-11329 | Module: wtbship | ShippingModule_Description returns method code instead of method name |
MM-11306 | Module: wtbship | Ceiling column is not searchable in basic search |
MM-11351 | Price Groups | Persistent price groups with no discount total are not transferred from basket to order |
MM-8418 | Reporting Subsystem | Reports, specific date range, duplicate months displayed when browser and server time zones are out of sync. |
MM-11517 | Reporting Subsystem | Reports don't properly display x-axis values in certain situations |
MM-11468 | Reporting Subsystem | Reports Last 180 days only creates a report for the last 179 |
MM-11453 | Scheduled Tasks | Clientside URLs generated in scheduled tasks have invalid SRI attributes when JavaScript is minified |
MM-11495 | Module: quote | Quote History List (QUOH) is missing the item assignment for global_minibasket |
MM-11497 | Module: quote | Images missing main image type show as broken images on QUOT |
MM-11496 | Module: quote | On the QUOT page the login links and mini-basket do not work |
MM-11421 | Shipping/Packaging Rules | Subscription Shipping Rules: Invalid Shipping Method Handling setting to Use Lowest Price Available is broken |
MM-11473 | Subscriptions | Subscription is misspelled in multiple locations |
MM-11419 | Subscriptions | Subscription processing, Processing errors on free orders that do not have a shipping method selected. |
MM-11068 | Subscriptions | Subscription Price Group Discounts are not taken into account when determining which shipping methods to show when editing a subscription |
MM-11261 | Subscriptions | Order Processing: Subscriptions: Next Day filter does not include the entire next day |
MM-11411 | Template Subsystem | TUI Image References fails to properly increment an image refcount when merging from a non-head property |
MM-11408 | Template Subsystem | TUI Image references are not removed when an image is deleted |
MM-11406 | Template Subsystem | TUI Image References fails to properly increment on property creation with existing branches |
MM-11405 | Template Subsystem | TUI Image References fails to properly increment on Branch_Copy and Branch_Create |
MM-11512 | Upsale | Continue button is not disabled when selecting multiple upsold products and one or more are out of stock |