10.06.00 Resources (Release Date: 2/28/2023)Video Walkthrough

New Features & Improvements
Updated Square Payments Integration
  • Miva's Square integration has been updated to the most current Payment APIs, removing the previously used SqPaymentForm
  • Implements new User Interface for Credit Card collection during checkout
  • Existing Merchants using Square can find additional upgrade details here
UPS - Added Support for UPS Small Business Rating Contracts & Custom Account Rates
  • New setting under Account Type for "Other - Use Account Rates"
New User Preference to Show/Hide Inactive Products from Universal Search in Admin
  • Allows individual Admin users to determine if they wish for non-active products (which are often times inventory variants) from showing in admin Universal Search
  • When disabled, only active products will show in the global search results, removing noise from the search results in admin
  • Other Settings include the Ability to Show/Hide
    • Affiliate Results
    • Attribute Templates
    • Category Results
    • Customer Results
    • Page Results
    • Product Results
    • Framework Results
    • Order Results
    • Upsale Results
TaxJar Updates
  • Previously, negative line items in an order such as a "Discount Adjustment" will cause the transaction to fail to be created in TaxJar
  • The TaxJar integration has been updated to never send a negative line item and instead add the negative line item to the "Discount" amount in TaxJar
  • This change impacts any order line item that may be negative, which includes the Discount Adjustment which Miva adds to normalize order totals if an order is modified post sale and the order involves a discount
Redis Cache Key- "gclid" is now a default to be excluded from cache key
  • The "gclid" which is appended the URL in Google Adwords links, is now registered as default parameter to ignore when Redis Caching is enabled
  • Ignoring this parameter allows Redis to serve the cached version of the page even though that parameter is different with each request
  • For upgraded stores, this new cache entry is added as part of the Upgrade Process
JSON API - New Functions
Newly Available API Functions:
Endicia - Support for Insurance - ParcelGaurd
  • Starting January 25, 2023 Endicia is removing support for its previous package insurance and replacing it with its new insurance provides, ParcelGaurd
PayPal Commerce Platform
  • When using PayPal Express Checkout, shipping discounts are now correctly applied to the Shipping Method when the order is created
Shadows New Features & Improvements
PageBuilder Component Updates
  • Text Banner - Button Link now links correctly
  • Image Across - Images are now clickable, if a link is defined
  • Image Across - New Background Color Property under Advanced to give more control over stlying for mobile/desktop
Schema Validation Errors - Both JSON+LD and microdata were being used in the page templates causing validation errors. Microdata has been removed in favor of JSON+LD, which resolves the schema validation errors
PageBuilder CSS Isolation- Previously it was possible for CSS used in PageBuilder components to conflict with non-PageBuilder CSS. The following changes have been made in Shadows to address and fix this to prevent it from happening:
  • Header tags (h1, h2, etc) have been scoped with within an .mmx-wrapper class to prevent conflict
  • Most Stylesheet initialization has been moved from host document to into the “template” tag. mmx-base/styles.css remain in the host document so css variables can be shared among components
  • Typography classes have been moved from mmx-base/styles.css into mmx-text/styles.css
  • CSS variables in mmx-base/styles.css have been prefixed with "mmx-"
Branch Isolation Improvements - Updates to the Shadows Framework so that CSS and JS are deployed in a "branch aware" manner. This prevents CSS/JS on one branch from overwriting another unintentionally when the Shadows Framework is applied
Miva Merchant Bugs Fixed
Bug ID Component Description
MM-11675 Administrative Interface Incorrect behavior when adding a customer with bad Login in admin
MM-11999 Administrative Interface Cannot check Residential box while generating a label
MM-12070 Administrative Interface Label generation dialog, Edit address dialog, ‘undefined’ displayed for Provence codes outside US
MM-12352 Administrative Interface MMTextEditor Preferences action buttons have broken styling
MM-12396 Administrative Interface JS error when viewing branch preview in private browsing window
MM-12551 Administrative Interface billing.miva.com links should be updated to my.miva.com
MM-12049 Core JSON Product image picker allows an image type to be assigned more than once
MM-12417 Core JSON Add ondemandcolumns subscriptionsettings and subscriptionterms to ProductList_Load_Query
MM-12525 Core JSON Unable to specify branch in prv_json
MM-12446 CSSUI cssui_default_fw Register "gclid" as a URL parameter to ignore for cache key
MM-12635 Discounting Subsystem Attribute price discounts are multiplied when updating basket item quantities
MM-12513 JSON API JSON CSS and JS Resources are not being outputted after successful insertion
MM-12514 JSON API CSSResourceList_Load_Query,JavaScriptResourceList_ Load_Query, and PageList_Load_Query should be whitelisted
MM-12553 JSON API Function CopyPageRulesList_Load_Query Should Be API Whitelisted
MM-12572 JSON API API Whitelist Product Copy Functions
MM-12573 JSON API API Whitelist CopyPageRules Insert/Update/Delete
MM-12576 JSON API CopyPageRules_Insert Should return the created object
MM-12577 JSON API CopyProductRules_Insert should return the created object
MM-12585 JSON API API Whitelist Missing PageCopy Functions
MM-12077 MMBatchList Field errors do not wrap on the category assign list dialog.
MM-12536 Module: cmp-cssui-vieworder The cmp-cssui-vieworder module needs to generate a URL to each product in an order
MM-12147 Module: orderworkflow Call to alert dialog CSS instead of HTML in Element_OWFQueue_AddDialog_HTML
MM-12603 Module: orderworkflow Attempting to move a singular Condition list item causes the screen to regress
MM-12566 Module: paypalcp PayPal Commerce Platform does not properly handle shipping discounts when using Express Checkout
MM-12533 Module: productdata Feeds with long names fail to be created in certain scenarios
MM-12534 Module: productdata Product data fields with long names fail to be created in certain scenarios
MM-12520 Module: readytheme Theme components, navigation sets, comma added to name field when switching tabs.
MM-12385 Module: square Square has retired their SqPaymentForm API
MM-12465 Module: square Update Square referral links and Oauth links with correct tracking parameters
MM-12620 Module: square Square - Make payment data and functions consistent with payment api usage and drop location transaction support
MM-12632 Module: square Square logo asset should be replaced with transparent version
MM-12637 Module: square Prefix square payment card container with square_
MM-12253 Module: taxjar Negative Line Items in order will cause transactions to fail in TaxJar
MM-12087 Module: templatefeed Feeds with long names fail to be created in certain scenarios
MM-12586 Module: upsxml H.S. Tariff Code limited to 8 characters
MM-12470 Page Builder Page Builder Page Preview Does Not Scroll To Previous Location
MM-12448 Template Subsystem Inline editing a JS / CSS resource template warns of modifications on close even when no modifications have been made
MM-12038 Universal Search Feature Request: User preference to show/hide inactive products in the universal search
MM-11609 Upgrade Subsystem Control_Add_Steps_Module_Update_PrePost_Steps does not deploy the new file if the module cannot be loaded
MM-12463 Upgrade Subsystem Incorrect MvDO path in upg_include.mv
Shadows Bugs Fixed
Bug ID Description
SHDWS-98 Duplicate Recalculate Button for shipping estimates
SHDWS-227 Image Across Scroll Snap Is Not Reliable On Resize
SHDWS-228 Flex Components Product Carousel & Category Carousel do not have "Slide Controls" properties
SHDWS-240 Image Across Carousel has no way to link the image itself
SHDWS-242 Text Banner Link on Button does not work
SHDWS-244 control.xml MinimumMivaScriptVersion Should Be 5.37
SHDWS-245 MMX CSS Resources Override Some Existing Store Styles
SHDWS-246 ReadyTheme Icons are not loading for Stores with an ID other than 1
SHDWS-247 JS console error thrown if Product Carousel's category does not exist
SHDWS-248 Image Machine close up image doesn’t work when there are spaces in the file name
SHDWS-249 shadows, BASK, product has been removed from your cart. “Undo” button does not handle attribute templates.
SHDWS-251 Register "gclid" as a URL parameter to ignore for cache key
SHDWS-254 Order item link should only be generated if product is found
SHDWS-255 Basket item link should only be generated if product is found
SHDWS-258 Image Across Slotted Content Is Adding Extra Margin
SHDWS-259 CSS and JavaScript resource paths are not branch-aware
SHDWS-264 MMX_ProductCarousel Doesn't Load Individual Products with Numeric Product Codes
SHDWS-265 Text Area Has Incorrect Flex Default for Advanced: Desktop: Width Property
SHDWS-267 Increment Flex Components Modified in 10.06.00
SHDWS-268 JavaScript Minification Causes Syntax Error with Some Flex Components
SHDWS-271 MMX Button Link Styles Should Appear Different for Medium & Small
SHDWS-273 Image Across: Content Theme: Dark Always is Illegible on Mobile & Tablet Devices
SHDWS-274 Video Component - default heading tag is h1 in Heading Text's Text Settings
SHDWS-275 Video Component - fix button style and button size properties
SHDWS-277 Video Component: Vimeo Videos: Ability to Loop Is Tied to Controls
SHDWS-279 Heros with Wide Content Can Create No-Wrap/Overflow Issues
SHDWS-280 Paragraph Extra-Small body style - body text font color appears blue in preview
SHDWS-281 Flex Responsive images do not work with filenames that have spaces
SHDWS-282 Change the Shadows version to 10.06.00
SHDWS-287 Set default styling for the new Square UI
SHDWS-288 OPAY mvt-select JavaScript Error When Missing Payment Fields
SHDWS-292 JavasScript error appears on OPAY screen in runtime when paying with Square
SHDWS-293 DevTools console warning when viewing the Mod10 payment fields in shadows
Updated Validation

Customers that have modified any of the following page builder components, which includes the instance template, initialization template, or JS / CSS resources will be blocked from update:
  • mmx-base
  • mmx-button
  • mmx-category-carousel
  • mmx-featured-product
  • mmx-hero
  • mmx-hero-slider
  • mmx-image-across
  • mmx-image-and-text
  • mmx-product-carousel
  • mmx-text
  • mmx-text-area
  • mmx-text-banner
  • mmx-text-editor
  • mmx-video

Learn More about how to update if you have made changes to the existing components