Need a quote for miva development design.
This is a online Oncologist consultant website. Need few develope design of Miva 9 to meet the three tasks below:
1) Referral doctor registration: Similar as current miva affiliate account, you can do the change based on current Miva affiliate registration.
a) Generate a reference code and a link from my domain
For example (Also, initial credit of 500 points is added to the affiliate account)
b) When our customer do the registration from this link, this code will be the referral doctor's code reflected to customer account. The future commission will be credit to the same affiliate account from any future payment.
If any patient do the new purchase, they can also put this code in the BASK page. It will also reflect to referral doctor account for any future commission from each payment.
Doctor need to register a account for initial credit add on, also get payment credit from each consultation.
When doctor do the registration, only show the name, specialty, and description same as current products display.
Doctor will be able to see any patient case file and attachment which has purchased his service,
Post case review to patient account like miva support.
3) Patient registration:
Almost ok with current miva customer account.
Need more fields to add case history and attachment for digital files.
Linked to doctor account after purchased doctor’s service,
Please let me know if you can do the job.
This is a online Oncologist consultant website. Need few develope design of Miva 9 to meet the three tasks below:
1) Referral doctor registration: Similar as current miva affiliate account, you can do the change based on current Miva affiliate registration.
a) Generate a reference code and a link from my domain
For example (Also, initial credit of 500 points is added to the affiliate account)
b) When our customer do the registration from this link, this code will be the referral doctor's code reflected to customer account. The future commission will be credit to the same affiliate account from any future payment.
If any patient do the new purchase, they can also put this code in the BASK page. It will also reflect to referral doctor account for any future commission from each payment.
Doctor need to register a account for initial credit add on, also get payment credit from each consultation.
When doctor do the registration, only show the name, specialty, and description same as current products display.
Doctor will be able to see any patient case file and attachment which has purchased his service,
Post case review to patient account like miva support.
3) Patient registration:
Almost ok with current miva customer account.
Need more fields to add case history and attachment for digital files.
Linked to doctor account after purchased doctor’s service,
Please let me know if you can do the job.