I created a new Alternate Display Page template and assigned it to the category but it's not displaying the Category Title Image.
I had made sure that I added it mvt:if
The CTGY and the CTGYSIZE Alternate Display Pages work just fine.
I thought that the body ID might have been a problem, so I tried changing it to id="js-CTGY" from id="js-&mvte:page:code;" - that didn't help either. I have also double checked that page code and even tried changing it to see if that was the issue. There is nothing different in the Page template field of the CTGYALTTHUMB. It is the same as the CTGY template field.
This is extremely baffling. The dev site is behind a password protected directory so it's not readily available for looking at.
I had made sure that I added it mvt:if
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:page:code EQ 'CTGY' OR l.settings:page:code EQ 'CTGYSIZE' OR l.settings:page:code EQ 'CTGYALTTHUMB'"> <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:category_title:image"> <img class="column whole h4 page-title" src="&mvte:category_title:image;" alt="&mvte:category:name;" title="&mvte:category:name;" /> <mvt:else> <h1 class="column whole large-np page-title">&mvt:category:name;</h1> </mvt:if>
I thought that the body ID might have been a problem, so I tried changing it to id="js-CTGY" from id="js-&mvte:page:code;" - that didn't help either. I have also double checked that page code and even tried changing it to see if that was the issue. There is nothing different in the Page template field of the CTGYALTTHUMB. It is the same as the CTGY template field.
This is extremely baffling. The dev site is behind a password protected directory so it's not readily available for looking at.